Monday, April 13, 2009

He built a shrine at Radha-kunda...

Someone was kind enough to remember me with a composite photo of myself and what appears to be a shrine I once inhabited. This is actually the toilet bathroom combo of the house I never really lived in. My actual shrine, rented on the roof of the Manipuri temple (where the below photo of me was taken), was a bit under five square meters in size and came with a 30x30 cm window.

For contrast's sake, let's include a recent shot of where I live at these days. Many have wondered whether I ended up living in the stump of an old tree or something. Who would have guessed just how on the mark their guesses were! Actually I do live in the stump of an old tree. (Solar power and wireless net.) Below you can see me emerging for the hollow of the tree to greet the mid-day sun.

I also have a mantra I chant when I stand at the treetop greeting the heavens, an atma-dhyana or self-contemplation of sorts. The pronunciation and the full merit can only really be obtained by native speakers of a Finno-Ugrean language, even if there are a few foreign masters of vowel harmony and agglutinative morphology too. I may prepare a chanting guide with a recording in the future if there's sufficient interest among the readers.

Korpikuusen kannon alla on Mörri-Möykyn kolo.
Siellä on koti ja siellä on peti ja peikolla pehmoinen olo.
Tiu tau tiu tau tili tali tittan sirkat soittaa salolla,
Pikkuiset peikot ne piilossa pysyy kirkkaalla päivän valolla.
Syksyn tullen sieniä kasvaa karhunkankahalla,
Mörri-Möykky se sateessa istuu kärpässienen alla.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Dangers of Incoherent Internet Usage

Internet forums and blog comments tend to fill with the obscurest possible attempts at verbal communication. Many posts are so indescribably incoherent that they are rarely intelligible even to the architect of the verbal potpourri himself. It's all fun and games they say, yet few understand the very real dangers writing on the internet in an incoherent state of mind can cause to innocent readers.

Be a responsible internet person — consider the potential psychological and physiological injuries your readers may sustain when exposed to your writings. The following flowchart presents a basic five-point-program to help overcome the urge to post in heightened states of incoherence. If you are an incoherent addict, print it out and and study it whenever you feel the urge to post your productions to a website.

Exercise particular attention when posting to a site you are addicted to, as addictions tend to lower the threshold for emotional and irrational responses. A special word of caution is in place for addicts posting under anonymous aliases on sites they've sworn to never participate at again. While self-control and peer support may help some get over their budding addiction, advanced cases of focused iOCD are best left in the hands of trained professionals.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Gaudiya Repercussions Status

Edit 2009/04/10: The site is now back online.

I've been contacted concerning the ongoing downtime at Gaudiya Repercussions. The issue appears to be with the services of the hosting provider itself, beyond anything I (as consultant admin) can do until a company response is received.

Currently all HTTP and FTP access is offline. That notwithstanding, we now have a current site MySQL backup secured. Whatever happened and happens to the site with what seems like the hosting disaster we had been half fearing and half expecting, no texts will be lost. This might also be a major network issue, but most likely the server's gone totally defunct.

Watch this space and the comments feed for more information as the issue resolves.

Edit 2009/04/09: There seems to also be a software vulnerability in InvisionBoard that allows registered users to abuse the forum system by flooding it with spam comments. A certain comments table we have was filled up with tens of thousands of entries (76,963 to be precise) in 125.1 megabytes... (Turns out this was an unrelated older issue that had gone unnoticed. The database garbage has now been removed as well.)

Edit 2009/04/10: The site is now back online. Turns out the issue was caused by vandalism, as reported here. While any proper hosting datacenter does have redundant connectivity over several independent pipes, in this case a grand total of ten bundles with hundreds of fiber-optic cables were cut down at four separate protected locations, taking down telecom and internet access from some 50,000 subscribers, affecting our server as well.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Star Wars: Cult Derelicts (DP)

Dissociated Press
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Hollywood, USA

The tragicomic saga of Ananda Skywalker, Finnish philosopher and Hare Krishna derelict, recently recognized as the prodigal son of a former cult leader, has finally reached the big screen. Written and directed by George Lucas, the narration is transplanted from the original alien environment into a familiar science fiction universe.

Screenshot with Wader and Skywalker from last week's Cult Derelicts teaser.

Matching expectations from fans worldwide, the long-waited Hollywood rendering of the saga explores the love-hate relationship of young Padawan and Dark Wader in substantial detail. While the juicy revelations do explain a great deal of Wader's obsessive-compulsive disorder towards Skywalker, rumors abound even the director doesn't know what exactly is going on in Wader's head.

Distributed by Warner Bros, the flick is scheduled for global release on April 15th. While heavily criticized by critics, fans have been going nuts with trailers and sneak peeks at SWcultDerelicts.Com. Looks like another box office rattler from George Lucas in the coming, whatever the critics' opinion!

Friday, April 3, 2009

On Choosing Friends and Mythologies

This old article has been revised and extended, also republished under Metaphysical Relativism: Choosing Friends and Mythologies. If you want to comment, please post under the new entry.

Life turns on a new leaf and broader perspectives become available to everyone of us every once in a while. When it's time to evolve and you've grown mature to move on, there's little point in clinging to old and outdated modes of thinking just to uphold facades or maintain outer tranquility. The journey onward continues — but if you subscribed to a system of beliefs, there may be an aftermath to deal with!

The greater part of what's ahead illustrates the fascinating realities of many true/pure believers, the more fundamentalist segment of religious adherents. I personally favor increased recognition of an inherent sense of subjectivity and relativity in all of human thought and activity. It would certainly help in healing many religious wounds and schisms, and we might avert a war or two as well if people were just a little bit less hell-bent on enforcing their absolute views on others and defending in kind.

There's a unifying pattern somewhere in the whirlpool. Finders keepers.

Narrow Horizons and Lost Potentials

One of the darker sides of religion is seen in many adherents' tendency to accept and reject friends and relationships on the basis of their chosen mythos, or the overlay of beliefs and ethical codes. Particularly smaller or tighter religious/spiritual denominations and groups tend to encourage or even enforce a segregation of believers from non-believers, protecting the believers from the perceived dangers of evil and heretical thoughts and mundane company. This leads to mental and/or social isolation from the surrounding world.

Clinging exclusively to people who subscribe to similar metaphysical beliefs is unfortunately a poor means of connecting to the rich and diverse potentials of the human world. When your available range of contacts and possibilities becomes confined within a single frame of reference, you'll be a monoglot in an increasingly globalizing world, and if you happen to subscribe to a smaller group of fringe believers, you're further stuck with an obscure tribal language. Expand your horizons!

The narrower you draw the spectrum of your human connections, the smaller shrinks your window of being nourished by interaction and exchange. On the other hand, should you choose to expand the range of your connections beyond the identifications and defenses of any particular system of belief — the specifics of which are hardly essential in the grand scheme of existence! — you would maximize your interactive potential and evolutionary prospects in life.

Some patterns remain constant across the history of religious fundamentalism.

The Religious Repercussion  What Went Wrong?

Beliefs and mythologies rarely follow a straight-forward logical formula you could easily understand; because it doesn't really have to make sense or be true, as long as you believe in it and receive an extended sense of comfort or convenience. People can get highly emotional and irrational in promoting and defending their cherished beliefs — especially when their existential framework is under perceived threat by contradicting views.

As we've seen the world around, it's not that hard to even accidentally make someone feel that their faith is being blasphemed or persecuted, leading to indignation, uproar, and unpleasant repercussions. If I wrote an article called "My Overly Holy And Medium Moot Existential Dilemma", and then someone got on my case for forgetting the PBUH because the initials added up to someone's revered name (PBUH) — would that make any sense whatsoever? I think not, yet such are the times we live in — everyone is connected, and increased exposure leads to increased opportunities for conflict.

Were religions truly meant to bring so much anger, hatred, and narrow-mindedness into the world? Someone must have lost track of the actual point somewhere down the history lane — unless the bugs were stamped as features and thrown in at last minute by the busy sky systems designer, who just needed to meet his markets soon. If god really exists, one really hopes it was the humans who screwed up their part of the deal, because clearly something isn't quite right with the picture we see.

Crossing through a number of religious communities over the years, I have witnessed on countless occasions how temporary, frail and superficial relationships based on religious sentiment and communality can ultimately be, when perspectives evolve and situations change. Shared religious beliefs can create an awfully narrow and fragile platform for leading an actually fulfilled life, depriving you from access to the greater part of your real inner potentials, along with the potentials of the larger human world and an abundance of lessons to learn.

What color of  glasses do you wear when praying or evaluating others in the eyes of god?

Subjective Faith — Subjective God

On a necessary note of clarification over my sometimes pointed critique on the darker sides of religion and belief — I do not mean to criticize any one system of belief over the others. I am simply against endorsing any given view as the final and ultimate word in metaphysics, including my personal views that are explicitly tentative and subject to improvement and evolution. This reservation naturally reflects on my outlook on the greater part of religious beliefs and associated organizations and congregations, who all too often would have us believe in them as the sole emissaries of the greatest and tallest truth.

Every belief is formed and conceived of in the subjective and limited individual human mind, and religious experience itself is a highly subjective sensation. If a belief works in favor of your subjective world, then may you be happy and prosper with it — but please don't try to force-paint the same sign across everyone's sky. You wouldn't like to see vandals doodling their graffiti on your garage door, so please remember to keep your He-Man and the Masters of the Universe graffiti off others' mental environments too. That is, unless you know you're welcome to decorate and are clearly received in kind. In either case, be sure to keep yourself and your message in a broader context!

God created us all into his own image, and we all seem to look and think a wee bit different. Let's aim for a bit of extra space and dimension up there in the sky as well. Your god sounds an awful lot like you, so he's probably not the same god who created me in his image. Will the real god please stand up and announce himself? It's been a long time coming, and at least a a basic corrigenda and updating for the popular range of holy books would be in order.

The Real God™ — a truly ultimate entity in every respect, excelling in total immanence and transcendence, experienced as absolute in fullness, nothingness and beginningless flux, the supreme blueprint and mastermind of chaos and logos, pervasive as undivided cognitive existential joy — frankly doesn't give a rat's ass about people raving on about any one of the countless conflicting beliefs of theirs. That is, if such an entity exists to begin with — which is something best left up to each individual to sort out for themselves.

A pet future utopia of mine is a world where the humanity at large has evolved to a point where metaphysical relativism is so widely taken as a self-evident axiom that the mere concept of religious friction is an unintelligible oxymoron. Utopia pending, humanity still has a great many cognitive bridges to cross in learning to relate to each other a bit more constructively. We all dig peace on earth, goodwill among men, and all the rest of the good stuff that religious advocates promise in their leaflets. We don't really need that hell and brimstones stuff in capital letters on the flip side of your leaflet, thank you very much!

» Continued: On Ideological Fundamentalism

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wisdom of Sir Aleister Frogley

For those of you wondering what's going on in the darkest recesses of my mind, and where the bogeymen inside my head are running. Aside yesterday's Judeo-Christian Demiurge of April's Fools fame, Sir Aleister Frogley has been a great inspiration, even if my attention therewards has been infrequent at best. There's something profound in his extraordinary lunacy that tickles my fascination. That, and the fact that my first guru emerged from the Crowley gene pool.

The wisdom eye of the shaman is the base of the World Tree. The disembodied mystic ascends in trance beyond the finite human world to obtain the insights and powers of the higher planes.


“Falsehood is invariably the child of fear in one form or another.”

“Modern morality and manners suppress all natural instincts, keep people ignorant of the facts of nature and make them fighting drunk on bogey tales.”

 “The conscience of the world is so guilty that it always assumes that people who investigate heresies must be heretics; just as if a doctor who studies leprosy must be a leper. Indeed, it is only recently that science has been allowed to study anything without reproach.”

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Confessions of a Sinner

Some readers may remember from the years past that I have periodically come up with open letters that sum up a past period, often flavored with a distinct aroma of regret over my attitudes and actions. This is one of those times again, so please bear with me and read on.

It isn't without regret or remorse that I note how I've come to see the basic errors of my ways, both in the guise of a Vaishnava and among Oriental religions in general. It stands to reason there is a God, and only one supreme God. If the destination is one, how can there be many different ways? I used to think it was a load of bunk, sure. But was I right?

 It's only when you realize you're a sinner and in a hopeless position that things start becoming clear. No amount of exotic spirituality is going to make up for your sins when the day of judgment comes — we are all guilty. It's up to us to not be deceived by religions propagated by prophets misguided by Satan himself.

Whether it's the cult of the black god Krishna, whose name is etymologically rooted in darkness and evil, or atheistic nihilism promoting reincarnation and other such false doctrines, such as Buddhism, they lead to nothing but moral deprivation. Worshiping an evil god and promoting humanity to god's position are equally sinful, and lead to the same unpleasant ultimate destination. When push comes to shove, only two fundamentals, the forces of good and evil, are at work in the world.

The grim reaper is coming for each and every one of us in due course. The choice is yours — where do you want to go? You can choose to accept the salvation offered through the atonement of Lord Jesus Christ and enter into the Joy of the Lord, or you can reject the opportunity as I once did. Truly, one sometimes feels as if God had spilled his pearls before the swine, sacrifice as he did his only Son to save a world of disbelievers.