Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Boat of Three and Eight Maidens in Emptiness

The mystic poems of the Charyapada are a collection of esoteric verse by the Mahasiddhas of tantric Buddhism, dating to 8th-12th century eastern India. This series of poetry from the masters of yore is laden with insight on the interplay of the microcosm, the macrocosm, and the great void beyond. Poems of the genre are grasped and tasted in a heart of primal symbolic awareness; read not the surface tale, taste the flow underneath!

With the heart of the mystery in the mid-stream that reveals the nature of the opposites, the tantric tradition employs rich imagery of the male-female interplay to reveal the principles of the sun, the moon, and the central pillar of fire as energetic and ontological beacons in the ocean of existence. Here's a fresh translation of the 13th poem by Kanhapada, a beautiful gloss on the enlightened human situation.

It's not the eight maidens in this painting; yet the ocean and the means are the same.

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ti-śaraṇa nābī ki'a aṭha-kumārī | ni'a deha karuṇā-śūṇame herī || 1
tarittā bhava-jaladhi jima kari mā'a suinā | majha beṇī taraṅgama muni'ā || 2
pañca tathāgata ki'a keḏuāla | bāha'a kā'a kāhni la mā'ājāla || 3
gandha parasa rasa ja̮isoɱ ta̮isoɱ | niṁda bihune suinā ja̮iso || 4
ci'a-kaṇṇahāra śūṇata-māṅge | calila kāhna mahā-suha-sāṅge || 5

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"In a three-refuge boat I captured eight maidens;
In my body, I behold compassion and emptiness.
Crossing the ocean of being as a phantom dream;
The mid-stream led me to understand the waves...
Deploying the five Tathagatas as the oars;
Kanha rows the outer form in a wire-net of magic.
Smelling, touching, tasting, as they are;
Like a dream without sleeping!
Awareness as helmsman in the blessed void;
Kanha sojourns in union's highest bliss..."

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In Siddha Kanhapada's song, a three-refuge boat is the vehicle for the journey. We have three perennial refuges (in general and Buddhist terms): [-] Negative (Dharma: Unifying Awareness), [±] Middle (Sangha: Mirror Awareness) and [+] Positive (Buddha: Specifying Awareness). Compassion (Karuna) and Wisdom (Prajna), or Compassion (Karuna) and Emptiness (Sunya), create the two flanks of [±] transparent yoga-balance. Three refuges give shelter to eight phenomenal maidens: [---] Earth, [--+] Mountain, [-+-] Stream, [-++] Wind, [+--] Thunder, [+-+] Fire, [++-] Lake and [+++] Heaven — the fundamental building blocks of the luminous eightfold path of human resolution.

The bipolar waves of the phantom dream are only witnessed in the ☯ Middle-Golden-Stream. Five Tathagatas ("thus-gone-ones") are the oars for the five pure lights, the five faculties, the four cardinals with a center — the sacred pentad of primal awareness. Here are the five Dhyani-Buddhas: 1) Buddha Mahāvairocana ["super-luminous-sphere"]: Tathatā-jñāna, "Awareness of Suchness", 2) Buddha Akṣobhya ["non-disturbable"]: Ādarśa-jñāna, "Mirrorlike Awareness"; 3) Buddha Amitāyus ["immeasurable-lifecycle"]: Pratyavekṣaṇa-jñāna, "Investigative Awareness"; 4) Buddha Ratnasambhava ["jewel-potential"]: Samatā-jñāna, "Unifying Awareness"; and 5) Buddha Amoghasiddhi ["successful-accomplishment"]: Kṛty-anuṣṭhāna-jñāna = "Accomplishing Awareness".

The ocean of existence is likened to a wire-net of phantasmagoria. The objects of the senses and the sense-faculties are exactly what they are. When left in their own nature without craving or projection, the shackles of bondage unravel, severing the steel-ropes of the material anchor with the sword of transcombinatory awareness. For the remainder of the journey, now in a state of transparent seedlessness, the phenomenal world transforms into a waking dream that holds no sway over the conscious dreamer. In effect, the world is beheld from behind a primal mirror; touched, but not touched; smelled, but not smelled; and tasted, but not tasted.

Luminosity of primal awareness is the helmsman of the boat of the body in the blessed void; and the object-streams shape the countless waves of the ocean. A journey to the highest bliss of union is fulfilled when above and below are joined in the middle without friction, reconciling and uniting the inner with the outer, reaching the pinnacle of conscious equilibrium, and ultimately, unbinding the thread of patternation altogether. That is the fullness of the bliss of union in the blessed void.

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You can download a translation of Charyapada at the SySpir Central ArcHive in PDF format (98 KB) — archived from an expired website. Translator unknown. It's a fair rendering, albeit missing a good deal of nuance; as can only be expected in working through an archaic mixture of Bangla, Oriya and Assamese! Art base: "Jesus walks on water" by Ivan Aivazovsky (1888).

Monday, July 11, 2011

Wisdom Flow: The Matrix of Orientation

Wisdom Flow is a systematic tool for exploring and understanding archetypal states and patterns of balance in I) your mind, II) the nature, III) the humanity, and IV) the universe. Contemplation of conscious archetypes unlocks the mysteries of the matrix of fragmented awareness.

Here's a dimensional orientation to the base pattern of polarities that permeates our awareness, our environment, our society and our universe. Enter the conscious stream; cross the seven seas; establish the path of balance; and resolve the matrix with luminosity!

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Wisdom Flow — Matrix of Orientation / Conscious Archetypes — Master the Maze of Awareness! —

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Enter the matrix of archetypal awareness. Open the ancient shrine and spin the wheel of wisdom. Explore the four cardinal influences and the eight principal states of awareness. Discover a path of ascension to the celestial crown of lucid awareness. Here are the fifteen fields of natural balance. Introspection, Foresight, Big Picture and Causality — four pillars of Wisdom Flow in the Matrix of Orientation and Conscious Archetypes.

≡ Earth — Supporting Stillness, Receptive Awareness. [---] Minus-minus-minus. Body: Static. Heart: Static. Intellect: Static. Root Chakra. Existence, neutrality, ignorance and birth. Awareness is established in the supporting fabric of the Earth.

≡ Mountain — Orienting Fortitude, Emergent Awareness. [--+] Minus-minus-plus. Body: Static. Heart: Static. Intellect: Dynamic. Third Eye. Education, emergence, insight and orientation. Awareness is established in the emergent vision of the Mountain.

≡ Stream — Flowing Immersion, Emotional Awareness. [-+-] Minus-plus-minus. Body: Static. Heart: Dynamic. Intellect: Static. Heart Chakra. Experience, expression, enjoyment and childhood. Awareness is established in the flowing experience of the Stream.

≡ Wind — Detached Expansion, Expansive Awareness. [-++] Minus-plus-plus. Body: Static. Heart: Dynamic. Intellect: Dynamic. Throat Chakra. Exploration, communication, expansion and adolescence. Awareness is established in the expanding quest of the Wind.

≡ Thunder — Shaking Reaction, Acquiring Awareness. [+--] Plus-minus-minus. Body: Dynamic. Heart: Static. Intellect: Static. Sacral Chakra. Challenge, dedication, obsession and maturity. Awareness is established in the acquiring force of the Thunder.

≡ Fire — Grasping Analysis, Analytical Awareness. [+-+] Plus-minus-plus. Body: Dynamic. Heart: Static. Intellect: Dynamic. Solar Plexus. Investigation, persistence, clarification and midlife. Awareness is established in the clarifying analysis of the Fire.

≡ Lake — Profound Wisdom, Integrating Awareness. [++-] Plus-plus-minus. Body: Dynamic. Heart: Dynamic. Intellect: Static. Well of Soul. Contemplation, integration, maturation and retirement. Awareness is established in the subconscious matrix of the Lake.

≡ Heaven — Perfected Vision, Lucid Awareness. [+++] Plus-plus-plus. Body: Dynamic. Heart: Dynamic. Intellect: Dynamic. Crown Chakra. Culmination, fulfillment, illumination and ascension. The full spectrum of the seven stars is accessible at the lotus crown. Awareness is established in the triune luminosity of Heaven.

Ascension to the balanced peak of the bipolar Axis Mundi. And a journey down the ancient rabbit hole. Lucid awareness is like a brilliant sea of celestial crystals. These are the eight conscious archetypes of the phenomenal world.

≡ Introspection — Embryonic Self, Grounding Awareness. Receptive roots of the Earth; Emergent vision of the Mountain. [--] Minus-minus. Awareness is established in the extant equanimity of Introspection. Enter the enigmatic midnight and the tranquil winter in the inner self. Introspection is a gateway for the root patterns of the matrix of awareness.

≡ Foresight — Observing Self, Reflecting Awareness. Immersing experience of the Stream; Liberating expansion of the Wind. [-+] Minus-plus. Awareness is established in the empathic evolution of Foresight. Observe the reflective dawn and the promising spring in the dimensional self. Foresight is a gateway for balancing and extending the matrix of awareness.

≡ Causality — Interactive Self, Catalytic Awareness. Shaking trials of the Thunder; Grasping analysis of the Fire. [+-] Plus-minus. Awareness is established in the compassionate influence of Causality. Master the transforming dusk and the forces of autumn in the interactive self. Causality is a gateway for gaining control of the conflicted matrix of awareness.

≡ Big Picture — Universal Self, Symmetric Awareness. Profound integration of the Lake; Perfected vision of the Heaven. [++] Plus-plus. Awareness is established in the benevolent resolution of Big Picture. Ascend in the luminous midday and the fullness of summer in the universal overself. Big Picture is a gateway for systematic resolution in the holistic matrix of awareness.

≡ Balance — Transparent Self, Mirror Awareness, Connection. [-] Static: Root Logos, Matrix of Patterns, Sacred Word. [±] Balance: Complementarity, Union of Love, Holy Spirit. [+] Dynamic: Prime Energy, Source Consciousness, Luminous God. [∞] Nondual: Unbinding, Infinity, Resolution, Final Peace.

Use the matrix and grasp the heart of existence. Balance your awareness and discover the natural beauty of divine wisdom! Amen, Om.

For more visions and new dimensions — visit www.SySpir.Com and Halfsatori.Com!

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YouTube ≡ Vimeo ≡ Download: SySpir File Area ≡ More: Mystic Shrine

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Audio credit: The X-Structure — "Days of Night": "Wildheart", "Live By Your Word"