While the buzz of the day is focused on inbound crystal energy and transmutation of human nature, I've unfolded the Celestial Mandala of Crystal Maitreya for the systematic cultivation of luminosity, ascending to the crown of awareness. The Sanskrit word "Maitreya" means "Benevolent", and the word "Buddha" means "Awakened-One". Much like the Sun and Moon in our sky, such concepts are universal and unbound by the particulars of faith and culture. The carrying intention is to illustrate the dance of the universals of awareness, independent of narrow and superstitious belief.
If you can count to 16 and grasp the binary principle (ON/OFF = 1/0), you can contemplate on the celestial appearances of Crystal Maitreya in a cardinal wheel of sixteen permutations over A) Primal Reality, B) Causal Worlds, and C) Phenomenal Worlds. This is the stuff of legends; and these are the spheres of archetypal awareness explored by sages and saints since the days of the Sun and Moon over Earth under Heaven. The patterns of nature are the source and the unifier of beliefs; therefore, seek to uncover natural and straight human truths in this elementary mandala.
Whatever your particular religious or scientific symbols may be, we all live in a world shaped (or created) by an interplay of [+] Prime Energy / Awareness and [-] Root Matrix / Patterns. When active and luminous [+] Dynamis (Yang) meets supporting and [-] Neutralis (Yin) in a self-sustaining [±] Balance Intermix in the 2^1 = [2x] Primal Reality, the multiplying 2^2 = [4x] Causal Worlds and 2^3 = [8x] Phenomenal Worlds come into being. These domains of awareness are a repository of patterns revealing the foundational unity in mysticism, spirituality and religion.
The path leading away from chaos and conflict is a path of sharing and universalization. Conflicts are a particular world of languages, while awakening is the universal stuff of experience. When pure awareness shines on the canvas of prime patterns, the world transforms from a fragmented and unpredictable field of anarchy into a symmetric display of complementary patterns. As all composites in the world follow the same elementary laws of physics, and as inner awareness and the phenomenal world are inherently married, the wisdom embedded in patterns is versatile and universal.
I've given 16 illustrative names to the 16 archetypes, a play of characters with three anagram series on three levels. The peak of the physical and phenomenal realm is "Maitreya Sananda". Again, "Maitreya" means "Benevolent", and "Sananda" means "with Son". These are the three layers of descending luminosity — A) Primal Reality: [+] Maitreya, "Benevolent"; B) Causal Worlds: [++] Maitreya Buddha, "Benevolent Enlightenment"; and C) Phenomenal Worlds: [+++] Maitreya Sananda, "Son of Benevolent".
Then, in order of derivative emergence — [+] Maitreya is Benevolence, [++] Maitreya Buddha is the Awakening of Benevolence, and [+++] Maitreya Sananda is the Beloved Child of Benevolence. Maitreya — "Pure Awareness", "Luminous Energy", "God Is Balance", "Conscious Spirit": Harmonize your parallel perspectives; seek the unifying pattern in the echoes of the shadow; and immerse yourself in the luminous wisdom of primal energy!
Here is the primal world of pure energy and symmetric patterns; their interplay in a luminous wheel of reflections; and the undivided resolution following their embrace in silence. These are the original seeds and root spheres of universal being, experienced as the primal domains of luminous wisdom and ominous tranquility; their primal dance in unity; and their final sphere of absolution. When contemplating, make these spheres the entirety of your unified awareness.
A4. ∞ [∞] ○: Zero-One | "I Metaray" = Undimension Paradox | Beyond: Non-Localized | Invisible
= Nondual Awareness | Final Unbecoming | Total Resolution | Never | Nonduality
= Primal Void | Transcendence | Emptiness | Wuji | Nirvana | Advaya | Ajata
—► "Before Sun and Moon"
A3. ☯ [±] ½: Balance | "A Timeray" = Rainbow Dance | Middle: Axis Mundi | Translucent | Rainbow Diamond
= Mirror Awareness | Cosmic Union | Quantum Flow | Golden Wheel | Always | Ether
= Motion of God | Holy Spirit | Perfect Love | Taiji | Ananda | Yoga
—► "Dancing Sun and Moon"
A2. ☺ [+] 1: Dynamis | "Maitreya" = Luminous Consciousness | Above: Sun | Luminous | Synthetic Gold
= Specifying Awareness | Source Cognition | Prime Energy | Dynamic Force | Future | Fire
= Will of God | Benevolent Father (Pneuma-Adonai-Elohim) | Loving Companion | Yang | Cit | Isvara
—► "Primal Sun"
A1. ☻ [-] 0: Neutralis | "Matriyae" = Matrix of Patterns | Below: Moon | Reflective | Liquid Silver
= Unifying Awareness | Base Pattern | Root Substance | Movable Objects | Past | Water
= Word of God (Logos-Law-Prophets) | Redeeming Son | Beloved Consort | Yin | Sat | Dharma
—► "Primal Moon"
Here is the causal world of quaternary influences and orientations; four fundamental forces governing the attitudes and objects of the phenomenal world; four cardinal beacons on the path of ascending awareness. These are the subtle spheres of composite existence, experienced as the cardinal domains of introverted, observant, interactive and universalized orientation. When contemplating, make these spheres your extrovert and introvert hemispheres, the principal fields of emotion and intellect, and observe their interplay and resolution.
B4. ☺☺ [++] 11: Big Picture | "Maitreya Buddha" = Enlightened Benefactor | North | White-Yellow
= Perfection | Symmetric Awareness | Systemic Relations | Universal Overself | Summer | Midday
= Benevolence | Strong Force | Air | Greater Yang | Gabriel | Pratipada-Marga | Jnani | Savitarka
—► "Sun Outward, Sun Inward"
B3. ☺☻ [+-] 10: Causality | "Mahdi Tabudyear" = Competent Transformer | West | Blue
= Operation | Catalytic Awareness | Reactive Connections | Operative Self | Autumn | Dusk
= Compassion | Electromagnetism | Fire | Lesser Yin | Michael | Duhkha-Nirodha | Jijnasu | Savicara
—► "Sun Outward, Moon Inward"
B2. ☻☺ [-+] 01: Foresight | "Debi Dhaturayam" = Natural Visionary | East | Green
= Observation | Evolving Awareness | Cyclic Recurrence | Observing Self | Spring | Dawn
= Sympathy | Weak Force | Water | Lesser Yang | Raphael | Duhkha-Udaya | Artharthi | Sananda
—► "Moon Outward, Sun Inward"
B1. ☻☻ [--] 00: Introspection | "Buramide Dhyata" = Ancient Contemplator | South | Red
= Existence | Grounding Awareness | Subjective Evolution | Inner Self | Winter | Midnight
= Equanimity | Gravity | Earth | Greater Yin | Uriel | Duhkha | Arti | Sasmita
—► "Moon Outward, Moon Inward"
Here is the phenomenal world of principal states and transitions; eight archetypal situations of the triune human Body-Heart-Intellect; an eightfold path of the twenty-four elders from the darkness of nescient birth to the luminous crown of ascension. These are the manifesting energetic spheres of existence, reflected as the journey of the embodied human self. When contemplating, make these spheres and states of consciousness one with your Body, Heart and Mind, and reflect on the course of your experience across the refined archetypes of embodied awareness.
C8. ☺☺☺ [+++] 111: Heaven | "Maitreya Sananda" = Victorious Visionary | North | Crystal
= Perfection | Lucid Awareness | Vision & Power | Finale | Master | Ascender | Luminosity
= Samadhi | Drishti | Sahasrara | Khristos | Caelestis | Drashta | Bhava | Vismaya-Adbhuta
—► "Sun in Body, Sun in Emotion, Sun in Intellect"
C7. ☺☺☻ [++-] 110: Lake | "Amnesia Datayarn" = Hypnotic Integrator | North-West | Gradient
= Integration | Subconscious Awareness | Depth & Profundity | Retirement | Philosopher | Contemplation | Wisdom
= Dhyana | Sankalpa | Brahmarandhra | Ephesus | Humanitas | Muni | Asakti | Hasya-Hasya
—► "Sun in Body, Sun in Emotion, Moon in Intellect"
C6. ☺☻☺ [+-+] 101: Fire | "Amanita Ardensay" = Analytic Sublimator | West | Yellow
= Analysis | Analytical Awareness | Grasping & Illuminating | Middle-Age | Scientist | Ascetic | Knowledge
= Dharana | Vac | Manipura | Smyrna | Caritas | Pandita | Ruci | Krodha-Raudra
—► "Sun in Body, Moon in Emotion, Sun in Intellect"
C5. ☺☻☻ [+--] 100: Thunder | "Adama Syriantean" = Sovereign of Domains | South-West | Orange
= Opposition | Achieving Awareness | Shaking & Reacting | Maturity | Preacher | Magician | Dominion
= Pratyahara | Karmanta | Svadhisthana | Pergamum | Castitas | Naisthika | Nistha | Jugupsa-Bibhatsa
—► "Sun in Body, Moon in Emotion, Moon in Intellect"
C4. ☻☺☺ [-++] 011: Wind | "Mediast Narayana" = Heart-Mind Mediator | North-East | Turquoise
= Expansion | Expansive Awareness | Expansive & Detached | Adolescence | Psychologist | Explainer | Reconciliation
= Pranayama | Ajiva | Visuddha | Thyatira | Patientia | Sadhaka | Anartha-Nivritti | Rati-Sringara
—► "Moon in Body, Sun in Emotion, Sun in Intellect"
C3. ☻☺☻ [-+-] 010: Stream | "Andaman Easyrita" = Healer of Hearts | East | Green
= Immersion | Emotional Awareness | Flowing & Abysmal | Childhood | Healer | Balancer | Fulfillment
= Asana | Smriti | Anahata | Laodicea | Temperantia | Bhakta | Bhajana-Kriya | Soka-Karunya
—► "Moon in Body, Sun in Emotion, Moon in Intellect"
C2. ☻☻☺ [--+] 001: Mountain | "Admire Santayana" = Teacher of Saints | South-East | Violet
= Establishment | Emergent Awareness | Mastery & Fortitude | Infancy | Adept | Prodigy | Orientation
= Niyama | Vyayama | Ajna | Philadelphia | Industria | Sishya | Sadhu-Sanga | Utsaha-Vira
—► "Moon in Body, Moon in Emotion, Sun in Intellect"
C1. ☻☻☻ [---] 000: Earth | "Amen Dainyastara" = Abode of Stillness | South | Red
= Reception | Receptive Awareness | Receptivity & Stillness | Birth | Incognito | Peacemaker | Tranquility
= Yama | Samadhi | Muladhara | Sardis | Humilitas | Ajnani | Sraddha | Bhaya-Bhayanaka
—► "Moon in Body, Moon in Emotion, Moon in Intellect"
The straight eightfold path of ascension, from the receptive Dust of Earth to the luminous Light of Heaven, is a cognitive lifecycle that passes through the cardinal and ordinal stations of human awareness, cultivating the Intellect, Heart and Body from the dawn of awakening to the illuminating fields of infinite balance. The three worlds — Primal, Causal and Phenomenal — move in parallel from East to West and South to North (on the flowchart). Here are the locations of the sixteen stations for conscious exploration:
[8x] Phenomenal World: 1. South -► 2. South-East -► 3. East -► 4. North-East |-► 5. South-West -► 6. West -► 7. North-West -► 8. North
[4x] Causal World: 1. South -► 2. East |-► 3. West -► 4. North
[4x] Primal Reality: 1. Below -► 2. Above |-► 3. Middle -► 4. Beyond
This series encodes the basic pattern for cultivating a celestial rainbow body at the inner Himalayas. Symmetric contemplation of balanced archetypes hastens the process of conscious integration, increasing the saturation of celestial rays of awareness that equalize, rejuvenate, transform and crystallize the patterns of the mind. To resolve the anxiety of the human situation, turn your neural network into a harmonic spectrum of crystal streams. Optimized awareness by means of meditative neuroplasticity — a process tested by time and proven throughout the history!
Contemplate on these archetypes by means of receptive internalization; reflect on the practical matrix of systematic balance; and awaken the luminous spirit of enlightenment in your thoughts. Then construct the Crystal Mandala in your heart and enter; embark on the epic journey of Seven Heavens and behold the Kingdom of God within; and fulfill your dormant human potential by unveiling the pinnacle of conscious luminosity! This is the heart of the Crystal Maitreya; and the essence of the spiritual quest I've come to know and experience over the years. Bodhisvaha!
If you can count to 16 and grasp the binary principle (ON/OFF = 1/0), you can contemplate on the celestial appearances of Crystal Maitreya in a cardinal wheel of sixteen permutations over A) Primal Reality, B) Causal Worlds, and C) Phenomenal Worlds. This is the stuff of legends; and these are the spheres of archetypal awareness explored by sages and saints since the days of the Sun and Moon over Earth under Heaven. The patterns of nature are the source and the unifier of beliefs; therefore, seek to uncover natural and straight human truths in this elementary mandala.
Whatever your particular religious or scientific symbols may be, we all live in a world shaped (or created) by an interplay of [+] Prime Energy / Awareness and [-] Root Matrix / Patterns. When active and luminous [+] Dynamis (Yang) meets supporting and [-] Neutralis (Yin) in a self-sustaining [±] Balance Intermix in the 2^1 = [2x] Primal Reality, the multiplying 2^2 = [4x] Causal Worlds and 2^3 = [8x] Phenomenal Worlds come into being. These domains of awareness are a repository of patterns revealing the foundational unity in mysticism, spirituality and religion.
The path leading away from chaos and conflict is a path of sharing and universalization. Conflicts are a particular world of languages, while awakening is the universal stuff of experience. When pure awareness shines on the canvas of prime patterns, the world transforms from a fragmented and unpredictable field of anarchy into a symmetric display of complementary patterns. As all composites in the world follow the same elementary laws of physics, and as inner awareness and the phenomenal world are inherently married, the wisdom embedded in patterns is versatile and universal.
◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ►
I've given 16 illustrative names to the 16 archetypes, a play of characters with three anagram series on three levels. The peak of the physical and phenomenal realm is "Maitreya Sananda". Again, "Maitreya" means "Benevolent", and "Sananda" means "with Son". These are the three layers of descending luminosity — A) Primal Reality: [+] Maitreya, "Benevolent"; B) Causal Worlds: [++] Maitreya Buddha, "Benevolent Enlightenment"; and C) Phenomenal Worlds: [+++] Maitreya Sananda, "Son of Benevolent".
Then, in order of derivative emergence — [+] Maitreya is Benevolence, [++] Maitreya Buddha is the Awakening of Benevolence, and [+++] Maitreya Sananda is the Beloved Child of Benevolence. Maitreya — "Pure Awareness", "Luminous Energy", "God Is Balance", "Conscious Spirit": Harmonize your parallel perspectives; seek the unifying pattern in the echoes of the shadow; and immerse yourself in the luminous wisdom of primal energy!
◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ►
≡ Intellect [Sphere of Awareness]: Primal Reality — 4x Maitreya ≡
Here is the primal world of pure energy and symmetric patterns; their interplay in a luminous wheel of reflections; and the undivided resolution following their embrace in silence. These are the original seeds and root spheres of universal being, experienced as the primal domains of luminous wisdom and ominous tranquility; their primal dance in unity; and their final sphere of absolution. When contemplating, make these spheres the entirety of your unified awareness.
A4. ∞ [∞] ○: Zero-One | "I Metaray" = Undimension Paradox | Beyond: Non-Localized | Invisible
= Nondual Awareness | Final Unbecoming | Total Resolution | Never | Nonduality
= Primal Void | Transcendence | Emptiness | Wuji | Nirvana | Advaya | Ajata
—► "Before Sun and Moon"
A3. ☯ [±] ½: Balance | "A Timeray" = Rainbow Dance | Middle: Axis Mundi | Translucent | Rainbow Diamond
= Mirror Awareness | Cosmic Union | Quantum Flow | Golden Wheel | Always | Ether
= Motion of God | Holy Spirit | Perfect Love | Taiji | Ananda | Yoga
—► "Dancing Sun and Moon"
A2. ☺ [+] 1: Dynamis | "Maitreya" = Luminous Consciousness | Above: Sun | Luminous | Synthetic Gold
= Specifying Awareness | Source Cognition | Prime Energy | Dynamic Force | Future | Fire
= Will of God | Benevolent Father (Pneuma-Adonai-Elohim) | Loving Companion | Yang | Cit | Isvara
—► "Primal Sun"
A1. ☻ [-] 0: Neutralis | "Matriyae" = Matrix of Patterns | Below: Moon | Reflective | Liquid Silver
= Unifying Awareness | Base Pattern | Root Substance | Movable Objects | Past | Water
= Word of God (Logos-Law-Prophets) | Redeeming Son | Beloved Consort | Yin | Sat | Dharma
—► "Primal Moon"
◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ►
≡ Heart [Sphere of Experience]: Causal Worlds — 4x Maitreya Buddha ≡
Here is the causal world of quaternary influences and orientations; four fundamental forces governing the attitudes and objects of the phenomenal world; four cardinal beacons on the path of ascending awareness. These are the subtle spheres of composite existence, experienced as the cardinal domains of introverted, observant, interactive and universalized orientation. When contemplating, make these spheres your extrovert and introvert hemispheres, the principal fields of emotion and intellect, and observe their interplay and resolution.
B4. ☺☺ [++] 11: Big Picture | "Maitreya Buddha" = Enlightened Benefactor | North | White-Yellow
= Perfection | Symmetric Awareness | Systemic Relations | Universal Overself | Summer | Midday
= Benevolence | Strong Force | Air | Greater Yang | Gabriel | Pratipada-Marga | Jnani | Savitarka
—► "Sun Outward, Sun Inward"
B3. ☺☻ [+-] 10: Causality | "Mahdi Tabudyear" = Competent Transformer | West | Blue
= Operation | Catalytic Awareness | Reactive Connections | Operative Self | Autumn | Dusk
= Compassion | Electromagnetism | Fire | Lesser Yin | Michael | Duhkha-Nirodha | Jijnasu | Savicara
—► "Sun Outward, Moon Inward"
B2. ☻☺ [-+] 01: Foresight | "Debi Dhaturayam" = Natural Visionary | East | Green
= Observation | Evolving Awareness | Cyclic Recurrence | Observing Self | Spring | Dawn
= Sympathy | Weak Force | Water | Lesser Yang | Raphael | Duhkha-Udaya | Artharthi | Sananda
—► "Moon Outward, Sun Inward"
B1. ☻☻ [--] 00: Introspection | "Buramide Dhyata" = Ancient Contemplator | South | Red
= Existence | Grounding Awareness | Subjective Evolution | Inner Self | Winter | Midnight
= Equanimity | Gravity | Earth | Greater Yin | Uriel | Duhkha | Arti | Sasmita
—► "Moon Outward, Moon Inward"
◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ►
≡ Body [Sphere of Manifestation]: Phenomenal Worlds — 8x Maitreya Sananda ≡
Here is the phenomenal world of principal states and transitions; eight archetypal situations of the triune human Body-Heart-Intellect; an eightfold path of the twenty-four elders from the darkness of nescient birth to the luminous crown of ascension. These are the manifesting energetic spheres of existence, reflected as the journey of the embodied human self. When contemplating, make these spheres and states of consciousness one with your Body, Heart and Mind, and reflect on the course of your experience across the refined archetypes of embodied awareness.
C8. ☺☺☺ [+++] 111: Heaven | "Maitreya Sananda" = Victorious Visionary | North | Crystal
= Perfection | Lucid Awareness | Vision & Power | Finale | Master | Ascender | Luminosity
= Samadhi | Drishti | Sahasrara | Khristos | Caelestis | Drashta | Bhava | Vismaya-Adbhuta
—► "Sun in Body, Sun in Emotion, Sun in Intellect"
C7. ☺☺☻ [++-] 110: Lake | "Amnesia Datayarn" = Hypnotic Integrator | North-West | Gradient
= Integration | Subconscious Awareness | Depth & Profundity | Retirement | Philosopher | Contemplation | Wisdom
= Dhyana | Sankalpa | Brahmarandhra | Ephesus | Humanitas | Muni | Asakti | Hasya-Hasya
—► "Sun in Body, Sun in Emotion, Moon in Intellect"
C6. ☺☻☺ [+-+] 101: Fire | "Amanita Ardensay" = Analytic Sublimator | West | Yellow
= Analysis | Analytical Awareness | Grasping & Illuminating | Middle-Age | Scientist | Ascetic | Knowledge
= Dharana | Vac | Manipura | Smyrna | Caritas | Pandita | Ruci | Krodha-Raudra
—► "Sun in Body, Moon in Emotion, Sun in Intellect"
C5. ☺☻☻ [+--] 100: Thunder | "Adama Syriantean" = Sovereign of Domains | South-West | Orange
= Opposition | Achieving Awareness | Shaking & Reacting | Maturity | Preacher | Magician | Dominion
= Pratyahara | Karmanta | Svadhisthana | Pergamum | Castitas | Naisthika | Nistha | Jugupsa-Bibhatsa
—► "Sun in Body, Moon in Emotion, Moon in Intellect"
C4. ☻☺☺ [-++] 011: Wind | "Mediast Narayana" = Heart-Mind Mediator | North-East | Turquoise
= Expansion | Expansive Awareness | Expansive & Detached | Adolescence | Psychologist | Explainer | Reconciliation
= Pranayama | Ajiva | Visuddha | Thyatira | Patientia | Sadhaka | Anartha-Nivritti | Rati-Sringara
—► "Moon in Body, Sun in Emotion, Sun in Intellect"
C3. ☻☺☻ [-+-] 010: Stream | "Andaman Easyrita" = Healer of Hearts | East | Green
= Immersion | Emotional Awareness | Flowing & Abysmal | Childhood | Healer | Balancer | Fulfillment
= Asana | Smriti | Anahata | Laodicea | Temperantia | Bhakta | Bhajana-Kriya | Soka-Karunya
—► "Moon in Body, Sun in Emotion, Moon in Intellect"
C2. ☻☻☺ [--+] 001: Mountain | "Admire Santayana" = Teacher of Saints | South-East | Violet
= Establishment | Emergent Awareness | Mastery & Fortitude | Infancy | Adept | Prodigy | Orientation
= Niyama | Vyayama | Ajna | Philadelphia | Industria | Sishya | Sadhu-Sanga | Utsaha-Vira
—► "Moon in Body, Moon in Emotion, Sun in Intellect"
C1. ☻☻☻ [---] 000: Earth | "Amen Dainyastara" = Abode of Stillness | South | Red
= Reception | Receptive Awareness | Receptivity & Stillness | Birth | Incognito | Peacemaker | Tranquility
= Yama | Samadhi | Muladhara | Sardis | Humilitas | Ajnani | Sraddha | Bhaya-Bhayanaka
—► "Moon in Body, Moon in Emotion, Moon in Intellect"
◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ►
The straight eightfold path of ascension, from the receptive Dust of Earth to the luminous Light of Heaven, is a cognitive lifecycle that passes through the cardinal and ordinal stations of human awareness, cultivating the Intellect, Heart and Body from the dawn of awakening to the illuminating fields of infinite balance. The three worlds — Primal, Causal and Phenomenal — move in parallel from East to West and South to North (on the flowchart). Here are the locations of the sixteen stations for conscious exploration:
[8x] Phenomenal World: 1. South -► 2. South-East -► 3. East -► 4. North-East |-► 5. South-West -► 6. West -► 7. North-West -► 8. North
[4x] Causal World: 1. South -► 2. East |-► 3. West -► 4. North
[4x] Primal Reality: 1. Below -► 2. Above |-► 3. Middle -► 4. Beyond
This series encodes the basic pattern for cultivating a celestial rainbow body at the inner Himalayas. Symmetric contemplation of balanced archetypes hastens the process of conscious integration, increasing the saturation of celestial rays of awareness that equalize, rejuvenate, transform and crystallize the patterns of the mind. To resolve the anxiety of the human situation, turn your neural network into a harmonic spectrum of crystal streams. Optimized awareness by means of meditative neuroplasticity — a process tested by time and proven throughout the history!
![]() |
A sample implementation of the systemic Wisdom Flow mandala for archetypal contemplation. |
Contemplate on these archetypes by means of receptive internalization; reflect on the practical matrix of systematic balance; and awaken the luminous spirit of enlightenment in your thoughts. Then construct the Crystal Mandala in your heart and enter; embark on the epic journey of Seven Heavens and behold the Kingdom of God within; and fulfill your dormant human potential by unveiling the pinnacle of conscious luminosity! This is the heart of the Crystal Maitreya; and the essence of the spiritual quest I've come to know and experience over the years. Bodhisvaha!
For all of you Antdults who struggle with the prime pattern: the ANTs of Crystal Maitreya have emerged from the Antscient Hive of Antiochia in the ☻☻ Under-Earth to help you out !! If you can't follow the celestial phenomena of the Sun and Moon in binary and triune combinations above, see if you can follow the Psychic Polarity Ants below !!
◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ►
" We are the VectorAnts !! We're looking for bright children to help us out !! We have lots of ☻ dark and ☺ light little bundles in the Antscient Hive of Antiochia. However, most of our grown-up Antdults so dull that they're entirely unable to follow a labyranth that's almost too simple to be explained ?? Children of the HumAnts: please collaborate towards a natural order of awareness !!"}>.
...☺☺☺´ <{
" We ANTs of Antiochia are now antswering questions from humants who explore our mysterious maze !! Our antscient trail reaches 120,000,000 years into the history and we've dug through most composites under ☺ Sun and ☻ Moon to perfect our tunnelant infrastructure. This is the Multiphasic MessiAnt of the 7x firmamants of LunAnts and DynAnts speaking: Our triune ANT Hive is open for visitors !! "}>.
◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ►
The Hive is Live at Psychic Polarity Ants | PsyAnts.Com !!
Also see Friendly Maitreya Hobo Wisdom in a real life hands-on ethical application: Living Hobo Wisdom: Rock Bottom 4x Balance Median. It's not just Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds here; there's more to the cosmic story here! Here's the rock-bottom:
◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ► ∞ ♥ ∞ ◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ►
External World: ◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ► — This is great, please don't screw it up.
Entropic Mind: ◄!¤$!☻!9?☯!!€6!£☺¤?► — The heart of the problem lurks here.
Natural Brain: ◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ► — This is great, please dig in and clean up.
◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ► ∞ ♥ ∞ ◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ►
And here's the base quad for Maitreya-MiddleWay-Mashing religious stuff together in a big cosmic blender of balanced wisdom and whatnot:
☯:☺☺ Planetary Balance: Big Picture / Universal Self. ∞ ♥ ∞ Keep in ☯ Balance!
☯:☺☻ Social Balance: Causality / Interacting Self. ∞ ♥ ∞ Keep in ☯ Balance!
☯:☻☺ Natural Balance: Foresight / Observing Self. ∞ ♥ ∞ Keep in ☯ Balance!
☯:☻☻ Individual Balance: Introspection / Embryonic Self. ∞ ♥ ∞ Keep in ☯ Balance!
◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ► ∞ ♥ ∞ ◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ►
There's a starting point for those of you who are enthusiastic about finding a way of reconciling different religions. (Written with Maitreya hat on. Please don't mind if you're not a believer in anything, just try and focus on the ☯ point that's at the ☯ heart of this ramble.) Don't mash the religions all together at once, please — first see where they're coming from, and more importantly why!
☯:☺☺ Planetary Balance | Universal Self. ► This is the "All-One-Axis-Throne", the root median hub of the universe. It was established in |☯| Islam as the ∞☯∞ Axis Mundi by ☯ MahaMadhya in ☯ Makka (near ☯ Medina) for a unifying |☯| All-One-Median of the interconnecting world.
☯:☺☻ Social Balance | Interacting Self. ► This is the "All-One-Human-Sphere", the root median hub of humanity. It was established in |☯| Christianity as the exemplary ∞☯∞ Self-Sacrifice of the ╬ Median-Cross by the ☯ Reconciling [✡✡✡] Son of Man of the ☯ Ikthys Twin Command.
☯:☻☺ Natural Balance | Observing Self. ► This is the "All-One-Natural-Sphere", the root median hub of our natural planet and environments. It was established in ∞☯∞ Vedanta by ☯ reflection on the ☯ integral and immanent nature of the ☯ Universal Spirit in the phenomenal world.
☯:☻☻ Individual Balance | Embryonic Self. ► This is the "All-One-Inner-Sphere", the root median hub of the liberating mind. It was established in ∞☯∞ Buddhism by ☯ mindfulness on the ☯ Middle-Way of ☯ meditation and ☯ mental resolution to systematically effect an end to all suffering.
Here's the full text again: Living Hobo Wisdom: Rock Bottom 4x Balance Median
Dearants Markus Antanta,
Our Beloved Lord AnANTa Deva values your service, even if the humANTs are not ready to yet. Since I am but an ANTiquated old fellow who has never mastered any technology more complicated than a shovel, I am far from being able to fully appreciate the techno-jargon language that describes the stunning icons, mandalas/thangkas and yantras that you have created. However, the pictures without the words/captions still 'speak' to me. Like any really Sacred Art, these are the Form/Rupa of Spirit/Logos/Nama. The Non-duality of Sacred Art is that Nama reveals Rupa, and Rupa reveals Nama. This is the way that the ancients read their first Sacred, Revealed Pictographs. Pictorial puns revealed the phonetic value of the hieroglyph. There was no difference between the Nama, Rupa and Person of the Transcendent, Mediating Emmanuel and Immanent Lord! Thus the ICON MURTI NAME-FORM/NAMA-RUPA YANTRA MANDALA, or SYMBOL, the INCARNATION THEOPHANY or PRASADAM Real Presense of the Lord truly was the Trinity Trikaya Vishnos tu Trini Rupani of Godhead present to us, within the realm of our senses!!!
When you have captured the Heart of God, by emptying Your Heart for Him, He will deign to dwell in the WORD-FORMS NAMA-RUPAS that You have made for Him! He desires for us to make such fitting dwelling places for Him. Only will He inhabit the True, the Good and the Beautiful. Much that is true is not good or beautiful. Much that appears beautiful is not true or good. But whatever is really Good is True and in someway Beautiful. When someone or something is filled with God's Truth, Goodness and Beauty, they/it becomes a special dwelling place of Godhead, a place from where He communicates His Truth Goodness and Beauty into the world.
The devotees of the Lord who gave us Sacred Art remained anonymous in most of the ancient Bhakti Traditions. At most, the various schools of different masters were known. It was rare to know that name of a specific artist.
Today we are blessed to have the opportunity to know you, and other Icon writers, as your Sacred Art, like the icons of the 'West' and the yantras, mandalas and thangkas of the East 'speak' to us, revealing Mysteries through the media of VIDEO/VIDYA "what is SEEN"! VEDA, or VIDYA is what is known or can be known by SEEING or by direct experience/ REVELATION. Sanskrit VEDA VIDYA / VIDEO is cognate with the Biblical Hebrew word for God's Revealed Knowledge, YEDA/YADA! This Divinely REVEALED KNOWLEDGE is the IDEA of the Heliopolitan ELI-YAHU / HELIOS worshiping Greeks, like the Orphics, Pythagoreans, Asclepiadae, Socrates, Plato and the Platonists. The Greek word IDEA meaning model, pattern, notion, is from idein to SEE! See weid- in Indo-European roots.
Oida (Biblical Yeda, Sanskrit Veda) is Greek Knowledge. Idea is Revelation, what is Seen or directly experienced.
Thank You for sharing your vision and knowledge with us through your Sacred Art. Please consider sharing this Sacred Art through the Art website that I mentioned before, or another like it. Your offerings are not getting seen by many people here. Try creating a Group for your offerings on the FineArtAmerica website. It is possible that just seeing these meditation mandalas, yantras, thangkas and icons will have a desireable effect, even if their viewers are not initially trained in meditation or, on thangka etc. contemplation.
Divine peace and Love to You!
Bhakti Ananda / Brother David
Late Latin from Greek: model, pattern, notion, from idein to see
[Middle English, from Latin, from Greek; see weid- in Indo-European roots.]
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