Friday, August 8, 2008

Synergetic Angel Symposium

the confederation of angels has assembled;
it seems that the nations of the world are finally at peace;
memories of the days mankind lived in harmony are rekindled;
a beautiful nostalgia, the ancestors are dancing once again...

the spacious assembly hall is full;
chairman gabriel is giving his well-prepared speech;
rumor has it that god helped him sketch the outline;
sentient beings applaud the deeply illuminated speech.

lobbying is over, the time for action is at hand;
it has been resolved that flowers be planted everywhere;
a task-force is in place for re-establishing mountain streams;
and a crew has been dispatched to clean the stratosphere.

a new era of bliss and celebration unfolds;
celestial bodhisattvas have flown to their quarters;
son of man has left for his kingdom in a chariot of fire;
and the ancient sufi masters are playing their last lullaby...

the pestilence of worlds is gone;
mankind has finally been cured of its obsessive cravings;
lust, hatred and delusion are now bizarre tales the grandfathers tell;
harmony prevails, there is now a foundation for universal peace.


Anonymous said...

Wow..... you have gone from one impracticable, impossible, ill-conceived fantasy (siddha-pranali) to another pipe-dream based upon the salvation of mankind by a "confederation of angels".

Let me know when this confederation of angels has solved the energy crisis, cured petroleum dependence and shut down all the nuclear reactors in the world.

Man, that must be some good hash you've been smoking.
You are even hallucinating off of it.

Why can't you just be a practical person?
Why must you spend your whole life jumping around from one hopeless fantasy after another?

Mr. Ananda ∴ μ α ω λ said...

Suppose its, like, very bad and evil to have dreams and visions of a future? And suppose you can take the ode beyond face value as an exploration of the preconditions of peace in the human psyche? Oi, but that would be scarily profound, and I absolutely don't do any thinking when I write this stuff.

Mr. Ananda ∴ μ α ω λ said...

Then, here is the Islamic model of conscious cosmology, as best as I understand it from the sparse sources that I've had at my disposal, and with no Islamic scholars or holy men to conveniently consult with. You may want to also have a look at and for what I currently have here in terms of "all things created in pairs as male and female", etc. on the quantum-binary origination of phenomena.

Please let me know if you see any mistakes in the following, and do share at your convenience whatever more you may have in the way of insight on the seven heavens, the path of the angels, etc. — I would be very obliged if you could refer me to sources I can read and/or consult without the unnecessary hassle that often accompanies engagement with (fragmented) religious communities.

Descending Matrix Sequence »

— Unary Tier | Causal Level —

∞ = ∞ ∫ ≈ Void (Celestial Emptiness; —> Conscious Resolution)
½ = ☯ ± ≈ Allah (One Quantum Axis —> Median Prophet)
1 = ⚊ + ≈ Sun (Positive Energy —> Enthused Patriarchs)
0 = ⚋ - ≈ Moon (Negative Pattern —> Uncreated Holy Law)

— Binary Tier | General Level —

11 = ⚌ ++ ≈ [Air] Jibraaiyl (Revelation —> Direction)
10 = ⚍ +- ≈ [Fire] Israafiyl (Caution —> Regeneration)

01 = ⚎ -+ ≈ [Water] Mikaaiyl (Nourishment —> Rewarding)
00 = ⚏ -- ≈ [Earth] Azraayil (Death —> Underworld)

— Ternary Tier | Particular Level —

111 = ☰ +++ ≈ [Heaven] Hazafa-Mu'aqqibat (Upholders of the Living Current)
110 = ☱ ++- ≈ [Lake] Kiraman Katibin (Recorders of Human Life-cycles)
101 = ☲ +-+ ≈ [Flames] Munkar-and-Nakir (Analyzing the Morbid Elements)
100 = ☳ +-- ≈ [Thunder] Zabaniah (Tormenting the Unchaste Mismatchers)

011 = ☴ -++ ≈ [Wind] Darda'il (Journeying the World in Search of Holy)
010 = ☵ -+- ≈ [Stream] Ridwan (Keepers of the Realm of Paradise)
001 = ☶ --+ ≈ [Peak] Angels of Order (Orienting and Dispelling Corruption)
000 = ☷ --- ≈ [Ground] Maalik (Material Governnment of the Morbid Domain)

Mr. Ananda ∴ μ α ω λ said...

On the note of Yeshua "Ben Adama" ("Son of Man") and the "Son of God" narrative woven around Jesus. There are several levels of "divine current" or "angelic layers" in the primal space. What we have in the Christian tradition is a naive and exclusivist over-simplification. What we have in the Western Esoteric traditions is a conglomerate inclusivist over-simplification. There is no one perspective on the "Christ" that one could nail as "that alone it is"; and when the boundary between humanity and divinity is further blurred and convoluted in simplistic aggregations, the resultant weave is more likely to confuse than to lead forward on a straight path of conscious evolution and ascension. (Vide

It's also noteworthy that while in Islam Jesus or Isa is "diminuted" back into the line of the prophets; the second coming of Isa in luminosity is also foretold in the Hadiths; he will fill Mekka with luminosity from "behind the Mahdi" ("Competent One"; or "Mehdi", "Of the Moon"), who has filled the world with equity and brought justice back to the Umma; or the united community of believers.

Descending Matrix Sequence »

— Unary Tier | Causal Level —

∞ = ∞ ∫ ≈ Void (Non-Issue; —> Problem Dissolution)
½ = ☯ ± ≈ YHWH = All-Unity-God (Quantum —> Potentive Mediator)
1 = ⚊ + ≈ Pneuma = Living Spirit = "Father Sun" (Positive —> Dynamic Initiator)
0 = ⚋ - ≈ Logos = Pattern of Truth = "Son of Moon" (Negative —> Static Receptor)

— Binary Tier | General Level —

11 = ⚌ ++ ≈ Gabriel: "Coming in Mid-Summer Clouds" (Oversight —> Revealing)
10 = ⚍ +- ≈ Michael: "Wrath of Autumn's Sword" (Comparison —> Challenging)

01 = ⚎ -+ ≈ Raphael: "Spring of Living Waters" (Evolution —> Nourishing)
00 = ⚏ -- ≈ Uriel: "Thieves of Winter's Night" (Introspection —> Absorbing)

— Ternary Tier | Particular Level —

111 = ☰ +++ ≈ "Son of Man" (Realizing —> Fulfilling)
110 = ☱ ++- ≈ "Martyrs of Ephesus" (Maturing —> Culminating)
101 = ☲ +-+ ≈ "Double-Edged Sword" (Reasoning —> Analyzing)
100 = ☳ +-- ≈ "Base of Blazing Bronze" (Condensing —> Acquiring)

011 = ☴ -++ ≈ "Faithful True Witness" (Expressing —> Expanding)
010 = ☵ -+- ≈ "Key of David" (Sensing —> Immersing)
001 = ☶ --+ ≈ "Opener of Door" (Emerging —> Inquiring)
000 = ☷ --- ≈ "Born of Human" (Existing —> Receiving)

Mr. Ananda ∴ μ α ω λ said...

With regards to Western Esoteric traditions; the "Solar Christ" in a "super-human" archetype; and the "source wares" for all this; of course everything is connected — through one channel or another. Now, the pressing question is — through what exact channel did each of these revelations come from, and what is the context and intended objective of each of the said channels. Without understanding this in meticulous detail, there is no end to quarrels, ever, except at Harmageddon's fields. That is why I like to understand (and contemplate and experience) all these symbols in nitty-gritty detail, whatever the religion. Then I can perhaps mediate at least one or two *unnecessary* quarrels among the narrow-minded.

I find that when you collect all the perspectives and experiences together at once, and boil them in the midnight of Allah on the dark side of the Moon, they begin to make a lot more sense, when you see the same base pattern emerging from the immanent fabric of your own biological and psychological being. I like to see all these in as much depth as is possible; and mostly the "impossible" that I meet is on the lips of people, but not in the actual available fabric of conscious existence. Here are some old contemplations that may help shed some light on the angle from which I approach Islam (and the essential heart of all "true faiths" and systems of conscious coalescence). Moon Spheres of Occultation and Reflection »

Mr. Ananda ∴ μ α ω λ said...

Oh — and here is the generic matrix that you can contrast with the above. Similar existential ontologies and "basic compasses" exist in Buddhist and Hindu traditions — for the same exact purpose of polarizing and refining the minds of the human civilization. Please see the "Buddhist Wisdom model at for the Bo-Dharmic introspective system tree.

Descending Matrix Sequence »

— Unary Tier | Causal Level —

∞ = ∞ ∫ ≈ Void (Non-Issue; —> Problem Dissolution)
½ = ☯ ± ≈ Balance (Quantum —> Potentive Mediator)
1 = ⚊ + ≈ Expression (Positive —> Dynamic Initiator)
0 = ⚋ - ≈ Impression (Negative —> Static Receptor)

— Binary Tier | General Level —

11 = ⚌ ++ ≈ Exposition (Oversight —> Directing)
10 = ⚍ +- ≈ Comparison (Interaction —> Exchanging)

01 = ⚎ -+ ≈ Reflection (Foresight —> Observing)
00 = ⚏ -- ≈ Situation (Introspection —> Absorbing)

— Ternary Tier | Particular Level —

000 = ☷ --- ≈ Base-Facts (Existing —> Receiving)
001 = ☶ --+ ≈ Orientation (Emerging —> Inquiring)
010 = ☵ -+- ≈ Experience (Sensing —> Immersing)
011 = ☴ -++ ≈ Expansion (Expressing —> Theorizing)

100 = ☳ +-- ≈ Base-Claims (Condensing —> Acquiring)
101 = ☲ +-+ ≈ Transformation (Reasoning —> Analyzing)
110 = ☱ ++- ≈ Integration (Maturing —> Culminating)
111 = ☰ +++ ≈ Clarity (Realizing —> Fulfilling)

Mr. Ananda ∴ μ α ω λ said...

Here is an Axis Mundi mandala from the fifth book of the Bhagavata-purana. It reflects the same basic polarization of awareness in a natural environment; some look at nature, others look at the stars; some look at society, others look at the base self. All are compatible vectors in a single equation of human civilization, when understood in layers and taken as general models and processed illustrated via symbolic sets and parables.

————) ∞ Tribhuvana Sumeru-Mandala ∞ (————

∞ = Void ("Moksa; Nirvana; Sunya; Kaivalya") — Resolution; Absolution

½ = Union ("Madhya-Rita; Yoga; Yajna; Samapatti") — Quantum; Potential
1 = Sun ("Surya; Prajnana; Bodhi; Drashta") — Specifying; Light; Awareness
0 = Moon ("Soma; Samadhi; Dharma; Vritti") — Unifying; Darkness; Patterns

½ = Mt. Sumeru [4x] —> ("Samanya-Dharma" — "General Balance")

11 = Mt. Kumuda ("Lily-Lotus") — Air ("Vayu") — Summer; Vitarka
10 = Mt. Suparsva ("Good-flank") — Fire ("Agni") — Autumn; Vicara
01 = Mt. Mandara ("Slow-churning") — Water ("Jala") — Spring; Ananda
00 = Mt. Merumandara ("Base-churning") — Earth ("Prithivi") — Winter; Asmita

½ - Mt. Sumeru [8x] —> ("Visesa-Dharma" — "Particular Balance")

111 = Mt. Trisringa ("Three-Horned") — Sahasrara-Wheel — Heaven
110 = Mt. Makara ("Sea-Monster") — Brahmagarta-Wheel — Lake
101 = Mt. Jathara ("Firm-Abdomen") — Manipura-Wheel — Flames
100 = Mt. Devakuta ("Gods' Fortress") — Svadhisthana-Wheel — Thunder
011 = Mt. Pavana ("Purifying-Wind") — Visuddha-Wheel — Wind
010 = Mt. Pariyatra ("Round-journey") — Anahata-Wheel — Stream
001 = Mt. Kailasa ("Crystal-Peak") — Ajna-Wheel — Peak
000 = Mt. Kalavira ("Dark-Strength") — Muladhara-Wheel — Ground

Mr. Ananda ∴ μ α ω λ said...

Here's yet another general-reference matrix you can contemplate in parallel with the above. This one looks at the base aspects of human psychology; or the "origins of awareness". You can see it in a neater layout (both trees and mandalas; along with dozens of other symbol-sets) in the "General Human Self matrix at

————) ∞ General Cognitive Reference (————

╓────── [∞] — Unmanifest Undefined: Void of Awareness

╔═╦══☺ [1] — Dynamic Expression: Specifying Awareness
╠═╬════☯ [½] — Potential Undefined: Paradox of Awareness
╠═╩══☻ [0] — Static Impression: Unifying Awareness

║──╚═╦══☺☺ [11] — Oversight: Universal Self
║────╠════☺☺☺ [111] — Fulfillment: Clarified Awareness
║────╚════☺☺☻ [110] — Reconciling: Integrating Awareness

║──╚═╦══☺☻ [10] — Interaction: Comparing Self
║────╠════☺☻☺ [101] — Reasoning: Analytical Awareness
║────╚════☺☻☻ [100] — Challenging: Logical Awareness

║──╚═╦══☻☺ [01] — Foresight: Observing Self
║────╠════☻☺☺ [011] — Expression: Expansive Awareness
║────╚════☻☺☻ [010] — Experience: Emotive Awareness

║──╚═╦══☻☻ [00] — Introspection: Embryonic Self
║────╠════☻☻☺ [001] — Orientation: Emergent Awareness
╚════╚════☻☻☻ [000] — Foundation: Receptive Awareness

————————) ∞ (————————

Mr. Ananda ∴ μ α ω λ said...

As you may know, I was once a long-time (monotheistic-devotional) Hindu practitioner, both "layman" and ascetic, in the "Gaudiya" tradition of "Prema Prayojana" or "Pure-Love Pinnacle" set into motion by Sri Chaitanya in the 1500's of Bengal; overtly hybridizing elements from Vedanta and Pancaratra from the "astika" or orthodox sources; and covertly hybridizing elements of tantric Buddhism and Islamic mysticism into the same weave.

The table below is a description of the "emotive-psychological-devotional" evolution of the "sadhaka" or practitioner in eight segments; and of the "siddha" or the love-fulfilled in four and one phases of culmination; where the Ra-Dha-Sun and Krs-Na-Moon meet and mix in the unified axis of primal love. ('rAdhA-kRSNa-praNaya-vikRti hlAdinI-zaktir asmAt; ekAtmAnAv api bhuvi purA deha-bhedau gatau-tau; etc. — Bliss-suspended Ekatmya = Unity of Tawheed; complementary polarities must fuse in the end, ever and ever again! Without the Allah-Q-Axis, there is neither spin nor dance in the pastures — the Sun and Moon will have no recourse but the One-Love ultimatum.).

————————) ∞ (————————

[∞] = Nothing = Anya-Abhilasa-Sunya = Void of Self-Volition; Unraveling of Duality [Unmanifest Undefined; Absolution]

[+] = Positive = Rā-Dhā = Bright Essence; Outward, Giving, Known, Sun [Specifying Awareness; Seen Expression]
[±] = Quantum = Madhurya-Rasa = Embracing Essence; Median, Loving, United [Potentive Undefined; Golden Mirror]
[-] = Negative = Kṛṣ-Ṇa = Dark Attractor; Inward, Receiving, Unknown, Moon [Unifying Awareness; Heard Impression]

————————) ∞ (————————

[++] = Oversight = Vatsalya-Rasa = Guardian Essence; Caretaker Relation [Universal Self]
[+-] = Interaction = Sakhya-Rasa = Fraternal Essence; Descending Relation [Comparing Self]
[-+] = Foresight = Dasya-Rasa = Serving Essence; Elevating Relation [Observing Self]
[--] = Introspection = Santa-Rasa = Tranquil Essence; Equanimous Relation [Embryonic Self]

————————) ∞ (————————

[+++] = Heaven = Bhava = Becoming of Fullness; Unified Experience [Fulfilled Awareness]
[++-] = Lake = Asakti = Collecting of Essences; Depth of Attachment [Integrating Awareness]
[+-+] = Flames = Ruci = Grasping of Attraction; Flames of Engagement [Analytical Awareness]
[+--] = Thunder = Nistha = Battle of Fortitude; Claims and Challenges [Acquiring Awareness]

[-++] = Wind = Anartha-nivritti = Vanishing of Faults; Winds of Detachment [Expanding Awareness]
[-+-] = Stream = Bhajana-kriya = Acts of Cultivation; Stream of Contemplation [Emotive Awareness]
[--+] = Peak = Sadhu-sanga = Company of Saints; Visionary Role Models [Orienting Awareness]
[---] = Ground = Sraddha = Established Faith; Tranquil Foundation [Receptive Awareness]

————————) ∞ (————————

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