Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Song of Libra: Eight Calls for Healing Aquarius

Golden wheel in heart; Sun and Moon in primal trance; 
two and not apart;
   Light's and shadow's part; spin the fields of cosmic dance;
canvas for our art...

≡ Lunar ≡

[---] Moonlit blue lagoon; gazing at the upper scales; 
balance from the moon;
   Drop the silver spoon; hear the sea of mortal wails; 
pestilent tycoon!

[--+] Greed is good he says; ego as the driving force; 
towards swift decay;
   Predator must pray; nature's wheel knows no remorse; 
prey shall rule today;

[-+-] In the nature's wheel; cycles flow and turn again; 
below humans kneel;
   Switch the broken reel; will you make a gain from pain; 
have you hearts of steel?

[-++] Scorning black or white; sun or moon would be undone; 
twisted human plight;
   Seek a greater height; heart and intellect as one;
balancing in sight!

≡ Solar ≡

[+--] When you give and take; never mind the twisted snake; 
consider the stake;
   Balance is the brake; give in first and then partake; 
excess makes it quake!

[+-+] Speak the lucid word; fear has roots in ignorance; 
seek the true accord;
   Seize the fabric's chord; maps are drawn in cognizance; 
all is on record!

[++-] Lake of inner light; profound clarity within; 
helps you through the night;
   Roots of inner sight; strings of tranquil mandolin; 
soothe you when it's bright;

[+++] Aquarian tune; triune fields in balanced pitch; 
phoenix from cocoon;
   Dragon breaking swoon; ascending from human ditch; 
past the seventh rune!

1 comment:

Mr. Ananda ∴ μ α ω λ said...

Continued in ◄≡ Metatron Equation ☯ Symmetric Seeds of Balance ≡►...

+Watch the falcon soar ☯ -Hear the breath of sky;
∞Unified, undefiled ☯ ±Balance helps you fly!

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