Here the ☯ Wisdom Matrix has become extremely simple for you. This is the ☯ Tao of Simplicity and Balance. It doesn't become much simpler than this. If the following seems awfully complicated, it's likely that your brain has disconnected from its own natural root. Please reboot and return to the roots of nature to reflect on the essences and contrasts of life. You would find those ☻~☯~☺ basic smilies in the fabric and cycles of living nature again!
We all know of ☯ Nature's Flow across our ☺ Specifying Days and ☻ Unifying Nights, witnessed in the twin lights of ☺ Enlivening Sun and ☻ Soothing Moon. There rests our center of awareness and today's basic starting point, in here: ◄ ≡ ☺ Sun ≡ ☯ Balance ≡ ☻ Moon ≡ ► and ◄ ≡ ☻ Below ≡ ☯ Middle ≡ ☺ Above ≡ ► they are reflected in countless combinations and variations in our lives.
These two ☻|☺ basic principles combine as the "double-smilies" of the ☻☻|☻☺|☺☻|☺☺ four seasons, four cardinal directions, four brain-lobes and four arch-influences. Then, there are the eight stations of ☻☻☻|☻☻☺|☻☺☻|☻☺☺|☺☻☻|☺☻☺|☺☺☻|☺☺☺ the natural human life-cycle, noted here as "triple-smilies". This is the path of conscious evolution at the foundation of countless natural, spiritual, human and universal models of holistic reconciliation.
Let's not make it too complicated, though. There's really only one essential thing to understand and to keep in mind at all times. It is the ◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ► natural and balanced center of all things. This simple principle is the ∞ timeless ☯ Middle-Way and the ∞ key of ☯ Mirror Zen. It is experienced as a mindful and joyful liberated presence in the reflective heart of reality. A mirror is like this:
This is how you and your brains are naturally connected with the universe. This is an attempt to return to the very basic patterns of your awareness. If you fail to ☺ observe, ☻ understand and ☯ mindfully experience the basic patterns of your conscious mind, it follows that the rest of your mind-stream will become a pot of confusing and conflicted porridge. It's better to keep it ☻ true, ☺ clear and ☯ mindfully ☯ balanced!
The true problems of the world emerge from a foul fountain of cravings and fears. We are fundamentally self-centered, seeking to ☻ take more than we "must" ☺ give. Without ☯ balance in the middle, the whole of humanity suffers from the manipulation of those who pursue lust and greed, orbiting their "my precious" ego-stations. Insatiable greed and pitless selfishness are the decomposing and morbid root of our collective inequality and suffering!
This natural ☯ "Balance of Mirror Mind" principle for naturally ☻ peaceful and ☺ joyful awareness is condensed into a lovely little "heart-string" of symbols, seen quite everywhere, that reads as follows...
This simply means that all opposites necessarily orbit a "loving" and reflecting middle-axis of balance. Then, all pairs and opposites should be selflessly united and reconciled in a ☯ Middle-Way of Balance. Here's ◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ► one side above; and again ◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ► another side below. When you're in the true ☯ middle, there is a vast space of ∞ ♥ ∞ equal love between every natural and universal pair. All is harmonized in the ☯ middle!
The ☯ Middle-Way of ☯ Balance and ☯ Equality is illustrated in the following examples; and there are many many more... In fact, if you become ☯ mindful and open your ☻|☺ two eyes in unison, not much more will remain to be seen! Everything is connected by a common root of ☯ Balance. When you're faithful to the ☯ Golden Median in all things, ☯ Equality and ☯ Selfless ∞ ♥ ∞ Love are your true companions in ☺ life and ☻ death alike!
Instead of hovering in ☻ memories past and ☺ future dreams, seek to be ☯ Present ☯ Today and ☯ Now. There you can focus on the nature, beauty and illuminating essence of wisdom in the passing moments of your experience. When you quit hovering about like a hungry ghost, the simple experience of the ☯ Present instant becomes quite charming in its own right, uprooting the unnatural cravings that consume and clutter your troubled mind.
Find your place in the ☯ Middle of the ☯ Center of ☯ Here. Here alone will anything be ever experienced. Whatever may be ☺ ahead or ☻ before you is meaningless without a ☯ mindful center. Always be ☯ Present ☯ Today and ☯ Now in the ☯ Middle of the ☯ Center of ☯ Here! You will surely develop a better attention span and more ☯ mindfulness for the ☯ wisdom that hides both within and right before your ☻|☺ two natural eyes.
☺ Beginning and ☻ End are only meaningful with a sustaining ☯ Middle that has a duration. ☺ Dynamic and ☻ Static are nothing without a united ☯ Quantum Potential. ☺ Creation and ☻ Destruction are non-existent without a ☯ Continuum of Sustenance. Living ☯ mindfully in the ☯ middle of the ☺|☻ basic potentials of each moment, yours is a ☯ Q-Continuum of harmonic existence in full freedom from self-inflicted friction and grief!
A lack of ☯ Balance between ☺ Giving and ☻ Taking is a fairly obvious problem. Neither ☻ Truth nor ☺ Kindness are worthy without a ☯ Healing balance. ☻ Law and ☺ Grace are both worthless in absence of ☯ Reconciliation. Again, ☻ Taking should be ☻ Truthful and ☻ Lawful, and ☺ Giving should be ☺ Kind and ☺ Gracious. That's a simple and obvious ethical median for ☯ Balance and ☯ Healing ☯ Reconciliation. ☯ Embrace it!
Every ☻ true ☻ question is connected with a ☺ brilliant ☺ answer, because ☯ Reality comes in integral pairs of balance. Neither ☻ Darkness nor ☺ Light alone have the power to give you a ☯ Vision of ☯ Reality! This ☯ Middle-Way is a ☯ Dance of ☯ Living Wisdom between the extremes of the ☻ Shadows of Death and the ☺ Brilliance of Life. The natural flow of the ☯ Tao-Way awakens your infinite ∞ ♥ ∞ heart of ☯ reconciliation!
In the purified middle-point of ☻ Seen (darkness) and ☺ Sight (light), there is a translucent ☯ Seer-Witness of liberated awareness in "self-realization". There too is the universal ☯ Mirror of Awareness that reconciles ☻ matter and ☺ spirit. When all things are ☯ mirrored in all things, awareness whirls in cosmic dance with the ☺|☻ Alpha-Omega ☯ Omni-Axis of ☯ Median Bliss... and there unravels the metaphysical mind of perennial mysteries!
Since human beings are rarely satisfied with two basic options, things combine and become quite a bit more complicated. When the ☻ dark and ☺ light smilies combine around the ☯ middle, and where more is required due to ☻ material desire, there follow the double-smilies ☺☺|☺☻|☻☺|☻☻ as four possible combinations, and again the triple-smilies as ☺☺☺|☺☺☻|☺☻☺|☺☻☻|☻☺☺|☻☺☻|☻☻☺|☻☻☻ eight possible combinations.
These patterns are the essence of the Wisdom Matrix, written here in ☻|☺ black-and white smilies. We start at the peak of ☯ Balance and the matrix grows in sets of one, two and three basic combinations. You can write the pattern in both directions; it is mirrored in all ways, because it is one-rooted, symmetric and balanced. Here is the self-evident |☯| Tree of Life, providing fruits and options for every sentient being...
╔═══► ∞☯∞ ► ☻|☺
╠══► ☻☻|☻☺|☺☻|☺☺
╚═► ☻☻☻|☻☻☺|☻☺☻|☻☺☺|☺☻☻|☺☻☺|☺☺☻|☺☺☺
That's a total of 15 basic symbols of awareness to grasp and experience. It's 16 if you count the (∞) infinite space where our smilies of ☺ light and ☻ shadow are floating. We're now at "base-16" of existential balance, sounding all sophisticated with the basic bits of our being. I will write about the double and triple smilies later — but it's all pointless without a ◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ► central heart of understanding.
☯ So much for here and today. I am hoping that all of today's writing has been clear and simple enough. I'd be grateful for your feedback on this text on the ☯ Middle-Way of ☯ Balance and ☯ Mindfulness — it will be valuable and much appreciated! If something is unclear, please ask a ☯ mindful ☻ question, and I will ☺ clarify in the ☯ simplest available terms. Thank you for your ☻ true and ☺ kind ☯ reflections!
Need more ☯? Please see Ananda Madhya Wisdom Matrix and...
╔═► 11-11: Day of Balance ~ 11-11 FB Page ~ 11-11-11 Event ~ Website
╠══► Living Hobo Wisdom ~ Rock Bottom 4x Balance Median
╚═══► A Holistic System Definition ~ Spirituality and Wisdom Grid
...and for those of you who thought this was way too simple and obvious, please move straight on to the ☺☺☺ Sahasrara Celestial Lifecycle Harvester. It's likely that your natural mind is simply waiting for a ☺☺☻:☻☻☺ regenesis impulse for rewiring a lifetime's worth of congested patterns under ☺ Sun and ☻ Moon in ☯ Balance...
We all know of ☯ Nature's Flow across our ☺ Specifying Days and ☻ Unifying Nights, witnessed in the twin lights of ☺ Enlivening Sun and ☻ Soothing Moon. There rests our center of awareness and today's basic starting point, in here: ◄ ≡ ☺ Sun ≡ ☯ Balance ≡ ☻ Moon ≡ ► and ◄ ≡ ☻ Below ≡ ☯ Middle ≡ ☺ Above ≡ ► they are reflected in countless combinations and variations in our lives.
These two ☻|☺ basic principles combine as the "double-smilies" of the ☻☻|☻☺|☺☻|☺☺ four seasons, four cardinal directions, four brain-lobes and four arch-influences. Then, there are the eight stations of ☻☻☻|☻☻☺|☻☺☻|☻☺☺|☺☻☻|☺☻☺|☺☺☻|☺☺☺ the natural human life-cycle, noted here as "triple-smilies". This is the path of conscious evolution at the foundation of countless natural, spiritual, human and universal models of holistic reconciliation.
Let's not make it too complicated, though. There's really only one essential thing to understand and to keep in mind at all times. It is the ◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ► natural and balanced center of all things. This simple principle is the ∞ timeless ☯ Middle-Way and the ∞ key of ☯ Mirror Zen. It is experienced as a mindful and joyful liberated presence in the reflective heart of reality. A mirror is like this:
OUTER CENTER OF BALANCE: ◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ►
MIDDLE-WORLD OF BALANCE: ◄ ∞ ♥ ∞ ♥ ∞ ♥ ∞ ►
INNER CENTER OF BALANCE: ◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ►
This is how you and your brains are naturally connected with the universe. This is an attempt to return to the very basic patterns of your awareness. If you fail to ☺ observe, ☻ understand and ☯ mindfully experience the basic patterns of your conscious mind, it follows that the rest of your mind-stream will become a pot of confusing and conflicted porridge. It's better to keep it ☻ true, ☺ clear and ☯ mindfully ☯ balanced!
The true problems of the world emerge from a foul fountain of cravings and fears. We are fundamentally self-centered, seeking to ☻ take more than we "must" ☺ give. Without ☯ balance in the middle, the whole of humanity suffers from the manipulation of those who pursue lust and greed, orbiting their "my precious" ego-stations. Insatiable greed and pitless selfishness are the decomposing and morbid root of our collective inequality and suffering!
This natural ☯ "Balance of Mirror Mind" principle for naturally ☻ peaceful and ☺ joyful awareness is condensed into a lovely little "heart-string" of symbols, seen quite everywhere, that reads as follows...
◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ► ∞ ♥ ∞ ◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ►
This simply means that all opposites necessarily orbit a "loving" and reflecting middle-axis of balance. Then, all pairs and opposites should be selflessly united and reconciled in a ☯ Middle-Way of Balance. Here's ◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ► one side above; and again ◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ► another side below. When you're in the true ☯ middle, there is a vast space of ∞ ♥ ∞ equal love between every natural and universal pair. All is harmonized in the ☯ middle!
◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ► ∞ ♥ ∞ ◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ►
The ☯ Middle-Way of ☯ Balance and ☯ Equality is illustrated in the following examples; and there are many many more... In fact, if you become ☯ mindful and open your ☻|☺ two eyes in unison, not much more will remain to be seen! Everything is connected by a common root of ☯ Balance. When you're faithful to the ☯ Golden Median in all things, ☯ Equality and ☯ Selfless ∞ ♥ ∞ Love are your true companions in ☺ life and ☻ death alike!
◄ ≡ ☻ Past ≡ ☯ Present ≡ ☺ Future ≡ ►
◄ ≡ ☻ Yesterday ≡ ☯ Today ≡ ☺ Tomorrow ≡ ►
◄ ≡ ☻ Before ≡ ☯ Now ≡ ☺ After ≡ ►
Instead of hovering in ☻ memories past and ☺ future dreams, seek to be ☯ Present ☯ Today and ☯ Now. There you can focus on the nature, beauty and illuminating essence of wisdom in the passing moments of your experience. When you quit hovering about like a hungry ghost, the simple experience of the ☯ Present instant becomes quite charming in its own right, uprooting the unnatural cravings that consume and clutter your troubled mind.
◄ ≡ ☻ Below ≡ ☯ Middle ≡ ☺ Above ≡ ►
◄ ≡ ☻ Left ≡ ☯ Center ≡ ☺ Right ≡ ►
◄ ≡ ☻ Where ≡ ☯ Here ≡ ☺ There ≡ ►
Find your place in the ☯ Middle of the ☯ Center of ☯ Here. Here alone will anything be ever experienced. Whatever may be ☺ ahead or ☻ before you is meaningless without a ☯ mindful center. Always be ☯ Present ☯ Today and ☯ Now in the ☯ Middle of the ☯ Center of ☯ Here! You will surely develop a better attention span and more ☯ mindfulness for the ☯ wisdom that hides both within and right before your ☻|☺ two natural eyes.
◄ ≡ ☺ Beginning ≡ ☯ Middle ≡ ☻ End ≡ ►
◄ ≡ ☺ Dynamic ≡ ☯ Quantum ≡ ☻ Static ≡ ►
◄ ≡ ☺ Creation ≡ ☯ Continuum ≡ ☻ Destruction ≡ ►
☺ Beginning and ☻ End are only meaningful with a sustaining ☯ Middle that has a duration. ☺ Dynamic and ☻ Static are nothing without a united ☯ Quantum Potential. ☺ Creation and ☻ Destruction are non-existent without a ☯ Continuum of Sustenance. Living ☯ mindfully in the ☯ middle of the ☺|☻ basic potentials of each moment, yours is a ☯ Q-Continuum of harmonic existence in full freedom from self-inflicted friction and grief!
◄ ≡ ☻ Taking ≡ ☯ Balance ≡ ☺ Giving ≡ ►
◄ ≡ ☻ Truth ≡ ☯ Healing ≡ ☺ Kindness ≡ ►
◄ ≡ ☻ Law ≡ ☯ Reconciliation ≡ ☺ Grace ≡ ►
A lack of ☯ Balance between ☺ Giving and ☻ Taking is a fairly obvious problem. Neither ☻ Truth nor ☺ Kindness are worthy without a ☯ Healing balance. ☻ Law and ☺ Grace are both worthless in absence of ☯ Reconciliation. Again, ☻ Taking should be ☻ Truthful and ☻ Lawful, and ☺ Giving should be ☺ Kind and ☺ Gracious. That's a simple and obvious ethical median for ☯ Balance and ☯ Healing ☯ Reconciliation. ☯ Embrace it!
◄ ≡ ☻ Question ≡ ☯ Reality ≡ ☺ Answer ≡ ►
◄ ≡ ☻ Darkness ≡ ☯ Vision ≡ ☺ Light ≡ ►
◄ ≡ ☻ Death ≡ ☯ Living ≡ ☺ Birth ≡ ►
Every ☻ true ☻ question is connected with a ☺ brilliant ☺ answer, because ☯ Reality comes in integral pairs of balance. Neither ☻ Darkness nor ☺ Light alone have the power to give you a ☯ Vision of ☯ Reality! This ☯ Middle-Way is a ☯ Dance of ☯ Living Wisdom between the extremes of the ☻ Shadows of Death and the ☺ Brilliance of Life. The natural flow of the ☯ Tao-Way awakens your infinite ∞ ♥ ∞ heart of ☯ reconciliation!
◄ ≡ ☻ Seen ≡ ☯ Seer ≡ ☺ Sight ≡ ►
◄ ≡ ☻ Matter ≡ ☯ Awareness ≡ ☺ Spirit ≡ ►
◄ ≡ ☻ Truth ≡ ☯ Omni-Axis ≡ ☺ Light ≡ ►
In the purified middle-point of ☻ Seen (darkness) and ☺ Sight (light), there is a translucent ☯ Seer-Witness of liberated awareness in "self-realization". There too is the universal ☯ Mirror of Awareness that reconciles ☻ matter and ☺ spirit. When all things are ☯ mirrored in all things, awareness whirls in cosmic dance with the ☺|☻ Alpha-Omega ☯ Omni-Axis of ☯ Median Bliss... and there unravels the metaphysical mind of perennial mysteries!
Since human beings are rarely satisfied with two basic options, things combine and become quite a bit more complicated. When the ☻ dark and ☺ light smilies combine around the ☯ middle, and where more is required due to ☻ material desire, there follow the double-smilies ☺☺|☺☻|☻☺|☻☻ as four possible combinations, and again the triple-smilies as ☺☺☺|☺☺☻|☺☻☺|☺☻☻|☻☺☺|☻☺☻|☻☻☺|☻☻☻ eight possible combinations.
These patterns are the essence of the Wisdom Matrix, written here in ☻|☺ black-and white smilies. We start at the peak of ☯ Balance and the matrix grows in sets of one, two and three basic combinations. You can write the pattern in both directions; it is mirrored in all ways, because it is one-rooted, symmetric and balanced. Here is the self-evident |☯| Tree of Life, providing fruits and options for every sentient being...
╔═══► ∞☯∞ ► ☻|☺
╠══► ☻☻|☻☺|☺☻|☺☺
╚═► ☻☻☻|☻☻☺|☻☺☻|☻☺☺|☺☻☻|☺☻☺|☺☺☻|☺☺☺
That's a total of 15 basic symbols of awareness to grasp and experience. It's 16 if you count the (∞) infinite space where our smilies of ☺ light and ☻ shadow are floating. We're now at "base-16" of existential balance, sounding all sophisticated with the basic bits of our being. I will write about the double and triple smilies later — but it's all pointless without a ◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ► central heart of understanding.
☯ So much for here and today. I am hoping that all of today's writing has been clear and simple enough. I'd be grateful for your feedback on this text on the ☯ Middle-Way of ☯ Balance and ☯ Mindfulness — it will be valuable and much appreciated! If something is unclear, please ask a ☯ mindful ☻ question, and I will ☺ clarify in the ☯ simplest available terms. Thank you for your ☻ true and ☺ kind ☯ reflections!
◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ► ∞ ♥ ∞ ◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ►
Need more ☯? Please see Ananda Madhya Wisdom Matrix and...
╔═► 11-11: Day of Balance ~ 11-11 FB Page ~ 11-11-11 Event ~ Website
╠══► Living Hobo Wisdom ~ Rock Bottom 4x Balance Median
╚═══► A Holistic System Definition ~ Spirituality and Wisdom Grid
◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ► ∞ ♥ ∞ ◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ►
...and for those of you who thought this was way too simple and obvious, please move straight on to the ☺☺☺ Sahasrara Celestial Lifecycle Harvester. It's likely that your natural mind is simply waiting for a ☺☺☻:☻☻☺ regenesis impulse for rewiring a lifetime's worth of congested patterns under ☺ Sun and ☻ Moon in ☯ Balance...
Be sure to wear a gold-striped silver foil hat before watching the Tao-Tao blast above...
☯ Please also see the ∞♥∞ Fairy Princess Butterfly ∞♥∞ illustrations on the Tao of Mindful Flight...
◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ► ∞ ♥ ∞ ◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ►
☯ Syndicated Overview of Wisdom Matrix ☯
The essential "☻ Law and ☺ Prophets in ☯ Balance"; as well as "☻ Truth, ☯ Love and ☺ Simplicity"; as well as "☻ Truth, ☯ Way and ☺ Life"; as well as "☻ Self and ☺ God in ☯ Union", for all of humanity is this:
☻☻ 1) Always ☺ give all things selflessly to ☯ All; Equanimity! Uriel.
☻☺ 2) Always be a natural sight of ☺ giving to ☯ All; Sympathy! Raphael.
☺☻ 3) Always make arrangements for ☺ giving to ☯ All; Compassion! Michael.
☺☺ 4) Always be revelation for ☺ giving to ☯ All; Benevolence! Gabriel.
This is the equation of four Immeasurable Virtues (Buddhism: "Brahmavihara"); four Yogic Absorptions (Hinduism: "Samadhi"); four Arch-Angels (Abrahamic: "Dynamis"); and four Brain-Lobes (☻☻ Occipital, ☻☺ Parietal, ☺☻ Frontal, ☺☺ Temporal). Following these four elemental ☻|☺ Static-Dynamic pairs leads to a ☯ Mind-Median that is the ☯ Middle-Way between the ☺|☻ natural extremes.
This ☯ Median-Yoga of ☯ Equal-Love leads to conscious coalescence and ∞☯∞ Natural Unbinding, removing the inner friction born from:
1) Composite darkness of ☻☻ Embryonic Self ("Asmita-Samadhi") and Root Patterns ("Para-Shabda"); extended as
2) Sense-awakening in ☻☺ Blissful Self ("Ananda-Samadhi") and Mind-Seen Concepts ("Pasyanti-Shabda); effected as
3) Interactive fields in ☺☻ Considering Self ("Vicara-Samadhi") and Mind-Said Words ("Madhyama-Shabda"); and fulfilled as
4) Holistic domain in ☺☺ Universal Self ("Vitarka-Samadhi") and Clear-Said-Words ("Vaikhari-Shabda"); that is the revelation.
◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ► ∞ ♥ ∞ ◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ►
When these four fields are reconciled, the rest of the pyramid of inner and outer peace and kindness will fall into a straight balance by natural order. This is the base pattern pyramid of balance:
╔═══► ∞☯∞ -> ☺|☻
1) First the [4x] existential roots and the central nexus of being,
╠══► ☺☺|☺☻|☻☺|☻☻
2) Then the [4x] unifying samadhi-states of withdrawing awareness,
╚═► ☻☻☻|☻☻☺|☻☺☻|☻☺☺||☺☻☻|☺☻☺|☺☺☻|☺☺☺
3) And finally the [8x] phenomenal stations of ascending awareness.
◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ► ∞ ♥ ∞ ◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ►
☯ Middle-Way is the reason why sages, seers and prophets the world over have embedded primal symbols of reflective balance in all places. All we need to do is open our eyes to the ☯ Golden Median in the midst of all. In that, there is abandonment of preference for ☺ one and ☻ other in a %☺%☻% conflict-calculation. Clinging to the ☻ "costly fruit of knowledge" without embracing the ☺ "free fruit of life" is the cause of the (☯═►☻═►☻☻) "Fall from Eden" that leads to the ☻☻ composite-suffering of the ☻☻ embryonic self.
When the ☯ Middle-Way is established as the ☯ All-Axis-Mundi of ☯ Unified Awareness, inner and outer conflicts are naturally resolved. Then ☻ darkness and ☺ light meet their ☯ balance; ☻ peace and ☺ happiness meet their ☯ balance; ☻ law and ☺ grace meet their ☯ balance; and ☻ human and ☺ divine meet their ☯ balance. The perceptual residue that remains after the ∞ infinite ∞ unbinding is the ☯ "Face of God" with the harmonic eyes of ☺ Warming Sun and ☻ Soothing Moon. No complaints there! Few real takers though...
☯ Syndicated Overview of Wisdom Matrix ☯
It is like this... Said Iam Thatiam Once for All!
╠══════► ∞ ♥ ∞ [ONE-LOVE]
╠═════► ∞ ☯ ∞ — ☺|☻ ═► [Quantum-Bipolar-Bliss]
╠════► ☺☺|☺☻|☻☺|☻☻ ═► [Solar-Lunar-Binary]
╠═══► ☺☺☺|☺☺☻|☺☻☺|☺☻☻ [Solar-Ternary]
╠══► ☻☺☺|☻☺☻|☻☻☺|☻☻☻ ═► [Lunar-Ternary]
╠═ ◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ► ═╣ [ Mirror World = Above & Outside ]
╠═══ ∞ ♥ ∞ ☯ ∞ ♥ ∞ ═══╣ ALL-AS-ONE: LOVE-AXIS!
╠═ ◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ► ═╣ [ Mirror Brain = Below & Inside ]
╠══► ☺☻☻|☺☻☺|☺☺☻|☺☺☺ ═► [Solar-Ternary]
╠═══► ☻☻☻|☻☻☺|☻☺☻|☻☺☺ [Lunar-Ternary]
╠════► ☻☻|☻☺|☺☻|☺☺ ═► [Lunar-Solar-Binary]
╠═════► ∞ ☯ ∞ — ☻|☺ ═► [Bipolar-Quantum-Bliss]
╠══════► ∞ ♥ ∞ [ONE-LOVE]
@@@ IN-YOUR-TUBES: Wisdom Matrix ≡ Sahasrara Celestial Lifecycle Harvester
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