The Half-Satori journey has reached its natural conclusion. This process journal will stay online for a record on the process of sorting out slices of the universe into a coalescing weave of awareness. One day I'll be a comedian. Or a heavy metal artist. Let's see which way the world turns after the Mayan '12 illusions are through with. The tables are turning in the mirror, the backstage is full of inversions. Meanwhile, I'm playing the sama-data-matrix game for creating a symmetric open-source insight commons. What a grand journey to nowhere!
Conscious evolution is a process of refinement from the grosser to the subtler. Whoever lets go of particular attachment and moves towards the general commonality of life, he/she can easily learn simpler and more efficient methods of natural and systematic communication. From speaking in sutra-compressed algorithmic phrases to exploring basal sounds and the origins of semantic and cognitive patternation; from understanding natural symbols and signals to using any binary-capable "device" for transmitting communication. The more subtle the mind becomes, the more insight it will be able to absorb from less content. We're simply too wordy and complicated for our own good. We need a process of semantic dissolution to dissolve the knots.
It's hardly surprising that the content in this process journal may not communicate much for those unfamiliar with the classic and ancient sources of systematized knowledge I've explored for the greater part of my short life — or for those without background in open introspective contemplation for that matter. These writings come from a phase where I was into in-depth practice of Hindu and Buddhist methods of meditation, parsing through their nature-based ontologies, and attempting to abstract the whole lot into more general terms. What you read here is probably a bit easier to absorb than classic Buddhist suttas or Hindu cosmology, for example. It isn't exactly "hands-on particular" in terms of modern applicability though. Some conscious effort required.
The archived writings in the Half-Satori journal— whatever of it may make sense — have been based on following a self-evident binary pattern of coalescence and paired unification that appears in countless permutations and vectors of interdependent generation in both the natural and the social world. Here's that same old basic pattern again — certainly not my invention — in three levels of bipolar composites (unary, binary, ternary):
Our choice of dual pairings for algorithmic balance is immaterial — the basic levels and junctions of the pattern equate as independent of its semantic variables. I've collected some sets of symbols at for an illustration of how such patterns can be modeled in practical environments. If you see there a matrix that talks to you, please let me know and toss in some reflections using the comment-feature. If you're on Facebook, please join the "Branches of the World Tree" discussion group to exchange perspectives.
— While I've used a number of "spiritual" frameworks, so-called, over the years to complement my understanding of the basic patterns that underlie our conscious processes, more recently I've worked towards turning it into something concrete — in any scenario whatever, to ensure it's abstract and subtle enough. If the so-called "transcendent" fails to become "immanent" in the here-and-now, in whichever context, it becomes altogether irrelevant for anything but advancing one's subjective sense of enthused living experience.
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— Leaders and followers are obsolete. Masters and disciples are obsolete. Gurus and laghus are obsolete. Humans and non-humans are obsolete. Only the absolute is non-obsolete. What is that absolute? That unified state, in which the ego-self does not interfere in the paired dancing and interdependent flux of nature. Thence onward, it's blips and blops dancing together in the axial hall of mirrors; who cares for the little self when the world is a pattern just the same as the self in itself, reflected above as below in the mirror of the mind.
— It's best to act as a transparent co-median. Who cares for another fat-hat tripper on a high seat. For that matter, who cares for another tip-hat groveler at the bottom of the floor either. Natural complementarity ascends the low and descends the high; leveling the field into a plateau of seamless exchange between interdependent peers. — That is a healthy way forward; not a recycling of the old dualistic paradigm that merely enforces separation, where coalescence should unfold at this junction of our civilization. Those who care for religions, however, can follow Swami Blogannatha 2.0 who's been watching the internets for some time now via the Anonymous Matrix of integration. Homma-Humma-Hum — Legions!! <— Maybe better not go there after all.
Now here's something patently scary to establish a grave concluding point to all these ramblings. Better let the whole lot of this crazy-complicated world rest in the lap of Alpha and Omega in the potentive Quantum Axis in the median of awareness and patterns; happiness and distress; spirit and matter; light and darkness; above and below; outside and inside; living and dead; or butter and bread; or perhaps nirvana nevermind instead. Better to resolve that perennial tangle of conflicted interests in the fragmented mirror of awareness; and then let all phenomena rest and flow in their interdependent nature; in freedom from a concrete and fixated self that asserts itself over others.
Two friendly pigeons were longing for their love;
One of them sought high, the other one sought low;
Two friendly pigeons were dreaming of their life;
One of them for husband, the other one for wife;
Two friendly pigeons were nesting in their tree;
One of them would hear, the other one would see;
Two friendly pigeons were flying in the wind;
One of them flew forth, the other one behind;
Two friendly pigeons were planning for an egg;
One of them would borrow, the other one would beg;
Two friendly pigeons were protecting their nest;
One of them would watch, the other one would rest;
Two friendly pigeons soon matured their chick;
One of them would groom, the other one would pick;
Three friendly pigeons then danced amid their nest;
All of them were different, united each was best!

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Conscious evolution is a process of refinement from the grosser to the subtler. Whoever lets go of particular attachment and moves towards the general commonality of life, he/she can easily learn simpler and more efficient methods of natural and systematic communication. From speaking in sutra-compressed algorithmic phrases to exploring basal sounds and the origins of semantic and cognitive patternation; from understanding natural symbols and signals to using any binary-capable "device" for transmitting communication. The more subtle the mind becomes, the more insight it will be able to absorb from less content. We're simply too wordy and complicated for our own good. We need a process of semantic dissolution to dissolve the knots.
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It's hardly surprising that the content in this process journal may not communicate much for those unfamiliar with the classic and ancient sources of systematized knowledge I've explored for the greater part of my short life — or for those without background in open introspective contemplation for that matter. These writings come from a phase where I was into in-depth practice of Hindu and Buddhist methods of meditation, parsing through their nature-based ontologies, and attempting to abstract the whole lot into more general terms. What you read here is probably a bit easier to absorb than classic Buddhist suttas or Hindu cosmology, for example. It isn't exactly "hands-on particular" in terms of modern applicability though. Some conscious effort required.
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The archived writings in the Half-Satori journal— whatever of it may make sense — have been based on following a self-evident binary pattern of coalescence and paired unification that appears in countless permutations and vectors of interdependent generation in both the natural and the social world. Here's that same old basic pattern again — certainly not my invention — in three levels of bipolar composites (unary, binary, ternary):
∞ 000 001 010 011 ⋅ 100 101 110 111 ⋅ 00 01 10 11 ⋅ 0 1 ½ ∞ EOL.
Our choice of dual pairings for algorithmic balance is immaterial — the basic levels and junctions of the pattern equate as independent of its semantic variables. I've collected some sets of symbols at for an illustration of how such patterns can be modeled in practical environments. If you see there a matrix that talks to you, please let me know and toss in some reflections using the comment-feature. If you're on Facebook, please join the "
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— Leaders and followers are obsolete. Masters and disciples are obsolete. Gurus and laghus are obsolete. Humans and non-humans are obsolete. Only the absolute is non-obsolete. What is that absolute? That unified state, in which the ego-self does not interfere in the paired dancing and interdependent flux of nature. Thence onward, it's blips and blops dancing together in the axial hall of mirrors; who cares for the little self when the world is a pattern just the same as the self in itself, reflected above as below in the mirror of the mind.
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— It's best to act as a transparent co-median. Who cares for another fat-hat tripper on a high seat. For that matter, who cares for another tip-hat groveler at the bottom of the floor either. Natural complementarity ascends the low and descends the high; leveling the field into a plateau of seamless exchange between interdependent peers. — That is a healthy way forward; not a recycling of the old dualistic paradigm that merely enforces separation, where coalescence should unfold at this junction of our civilization. Those who care for religions, however, can follow Swami Blogannatha 2.0 who's been watching the internets for some time now via the Anonymous Matrix of integration. Homma-Humma-Hum — Legions!!
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Now here's something patently scary to establish a grave concluding point to all these ramblings. Better let the whole lot of this crazy-complicated world rest in the lap of Alpha and Omega in the potentive Quantum Axis in the median of awareness and patterns; happiness and distress; spirit and matter; light and darkness; above and below; outside and inside; living and dead; or butter and bread; or perhaps nirvana nevermind instead. Better to resolve that perennial tangle of conflicted interests in the fragmented mirror of awareness; and then let all phenomena rest and flow in their interdependent nature; in freedom from a concrete and fixated self that asserts itself over others.
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= 2x:4x:8x — Triune Levels: Short Ascending Coalescence =
0~00~000 | 0~00~001 | 0~01~010 | 0~01~011 |
1~10~100 | 1~10~101 | 1~11~110 | 1~11~111 |
0~00~000 | 0~00~001 | 0~01~010 | 0~01~011 |
1~10~100 | 1~10~101 | 1~11~110 | 1~11~111 |
☻~☻☻~☻☻☻ | ☻~☻☻~☻☻☺ | ☻~☻☺~☻☺☻ | ☻~☻☺~☻☺☺ |
☺~☺☻~☺☻☻ | ☺~☺☻~☺☻☺ | ☺~☺☺~☺☺☻ | ☺~☺☺~☺☺☺ |
☺~☺☻~☺☻☻ | ☺~☺☻~☺☻☺ | ☺~☺☺~☺☺☻ | ☺~☺☺~☺☺☺ |
= 2x:4x:8x — Triune Levels: Short Descending Coalescence =
1~11~111 | 1~11~110 | 1~10~101 | 1~10~100 |
0~01~011 | 0~01~010 | 0~00~001 | 0~00~000 |
1~11~111 | 1~11~110 | 1~10~101 | 1~10~100 |
0~01~011 | 0~01~010 | 0~00~001 | 0~00~000 |
☺~☺☺~☺☺☺ | ☺~☺☺~☺☺☻ | ☺~☺☻~☺☻☺ | ☺~☺☻~☺☻☻ |
☻~☻☺~☻☺☺ | ☻~☻☺~☻☺☻ | ☻~☻☻~☻☻☺ | ☻~☻☻~☻☻☻ |
☻~☻☺~☻☺☺ | ☻~☻☺~☻☺☻ | ☻~☻☻~☻☻☺ | ☻~☻☻~☻☻☻ |
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If you venture deep enough into the darkness, you will enter the grave. In that pitch-black grave, there's an impenetrable black sarcophagus oozing with sparks of translucent crystal-blue essence. That is the dynamic cognition-essence; and the other is the static pattern-essence. When these two implode and boil into a non-differentiating weave of complementary and seamless unison, the seer and the seen become translucent in the mirror of the non-self-continuum.
For all those asking about "spiritual things" so-called; the path of dissolution (nivritti-nirvana) is the path that I best understand. This is where I came from; and this is where I will return. Anything that is "I" is destined to perish in the battle of the ancient powers of awareness. I have nothing here that I care to offer as a bridge of bondage for people who are unwilling to let go of the ever-subjective, ever-biasing, ever-projecting, ever-dependent self. I've been there and done that, and really it's not my thing.
It is best when each individual follows their own straight and natural process(es), experienced as immanent both self and its shared environment, in basal and immediately accessible terms. Face the raw and uncertain self in the cave of your deepest and morbid'est fears. Find their root; terminate their root; liberate the natural flow. Real rock-bottom and sacrifice of self-interest makes the spirit healthy again; then maybe some "spiritual life" and automagical Moo-cows roaming in a hive-land of interlinked quantum awareness sometime afterwards. Now, let's enter that inner cave...
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— "In the midnight of the Dark New Moon, mystified by the unseen and the unknown, the twelve seers of wisdom wished for a journey to the Cave of the Underworld. It became a true inner quest to uncover the experience of the bare self, the plain nature of suffering, the equanimity that rests in such abiding, and the wisdom that is locked therein. This, they reasoned among themselves, would reveal the root of the unseen shackles that enforce the bondage of this world. Then, prepared with the physical, emotional and rational requisites for such an undertaking, free of fear they aimed on the path of smoke into deep darkness..."
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vidyāṁ cāvidyāṁ ca yas tad vedobhayaṁ saha |
avidyayā mṛtyuṁ tīrtvā vidyayāmṛtam aśnute || Isopanisad 11
avidyayā mṛtyuṁ tīrtvā vidyayāmṛtam aśnute || Isopanisad 11
"Knowledge and ignorance, who understands the two together;
via nescience he transcends death — via knowledge he revels in ambrosia."
via nescience he transcends death — via knowledge he revels in ambrosia."
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— "Mahā-parinibbāna-sutta, the Buddha's final series of teachings, in outlining his systematic path of sentient resolution, features a noteworthy set of "eight liberations"
("aṭṭha vimokkhā"). This ladder for the wholesome resolution of
conditioned awareness presents us with a sequential experience of
emancipation and enlightenment — first in understanding and reconciling forms; then in understanding space and awareness; then in understanding non-space and non-awareness; then in attaining the resolution of individuated awareness."
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Two friendly pigeons were longing for their love;
One of them sought high, the other one sought low;
Two friendly pigeons were dreaming of their life;
One of them for husband, the other one for wife;
Two friendly pigeons were nesting in their tree;
One of them would hear, the other one would see;
Two friendly pigeons were flying in the wind;
One of them flew forth, the other one behind;
Two friendly pigeons were planning for an egg;
One of them would borrow, the other one would beg;
Two friendly pigeons were protecting their nest;
One of them would watch, the other one would rest;
Two friendly pigeons soon matured their chick;
One of them would groom, the other one would pick;
Three friendly pigeons then danced amid their nest;
All of them were different, united each was best!
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Wherever you move in the system or outside the system
— never forget that a life of humor is embedded in the process!
Wherever you move in the system or outside the system
— never forget that a life of humor is embedded in the process!
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~ ... You didn't think this would end without ontology charts now, did you!! ~
~ You didn't think this would end without the Pyramids of Giza now, did you!! ~
— Friendly fellows are running on the air;
— Time is running still, level'd highest hill;
— Pattern watchers are sitting in the cave;
— Fabric is dissolved, problems are resolved...
~ ... You didn't think this would end without ontology charts now, did you!! ~
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~ You didn't think this would end without the Pyramids of Giza now, did you!! ~
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•— Friendly fellows are running on the air;
— Time is running still, level'd highest hill;
— Pattern watchers are sitting in the cave;
— Fabric is dissolved, problems are resolved...
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