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A true badass Breakfast Baba needs to know when it's time to play some jazz and to kick some ass! Trolls and stalkers,
be aware of the massive kung-fu power of the Breakfast Babas! Grrroarrrrrhhhh... Of the Iron Zion Lion school. Bruce Lee would have been proud of us.Now available: Breakfast Babas Go Action Jaction in desktop size!
... iam pridem, ex quo suffragia nulli uendimus, effudit curas; nam qui dabat olim imperium, fasces, legiones, omnia, nunc se continet atque duas tantum res anxius optat, panem et circenses. ...
— Juvenal, Satire 10.77-81
Hey, Action Jackson, you Buddhist fellas are supposed to non-violent and peaceful.
What is all this talk about kickin' ass?
Need I say seven or eleven times that I'm not a straight Buddhist or Anyothersuchist? And I'm not a gay X-ist either.
hey look, there is a victorian purple mansion missing in the background
Yea, and while we're on the topic of Jacksons, I'd like to note that I wholly support Shiva's theory of Michael Jackson being Krishna's avatar for delivering the world of poor to mediocre pop music.
yeahshoda maah be dolly parton, you free spirit you...too much free time on your hands eh, work is good too, you know...
You know, there are 24 hours in a day, featuring both work and free time... The bulk of my blog is produced on free time. If you're interested on the work-side of affairs, you can keep tabs on for a glimpse of what's going on.
And in case anyone is interested...
I am currently actively connected with three local NGOs engaged in humanitarian, environmental etc. issues, doing a bunch of practical stuff and having frequent consultant meetings, overviewing and revising ongoing and envisioned projects.
One of them will feature a network of similar NGOs, a hub to ensure an even spread of support and volunteer help across the landscape. A part of the deal is obviously the creation of new connections — something that seems to be happening on an almost daily basis of its own accord.
Oh yea, and I'm back to finishing up as much of the pending GGM work as possible, too. Someone should write Jagat and inform him of potentially malicious atheist code I may be inserting to compromise the integrity of Vaishnava scriptures on a global scale.
I do sympathize with you if in fact you are burned out on your experience in the Hare Krishna movement.
But, in fact you went outside the Hare Krishna movement and took up with numerous oddball sadhus in Vrindavan and explored situations that the leaders of the Hare Krishna movement warned against.
So, your burnout is as much your own fault as the fault of the "Vaishnavas" that you refer to.
It's always a cop-out to blame others or the environment for our failings.
In that regard, I would advise you to maybe look within and see if you can't take a little of the blame yourself for your failure to succeed in Vaishnavism.
Don't be a whiner.
Nobody likes a whiner.
Take some responsibility for your own failure.
Buddhism isn't about whining about others or the environment.
It's all good bro, even the Hare Krishna part.
So you're actually saying that I would be better off, had I stuck with the Hare Krishnas? Perhaps found another one of them tripping and falling gurus, or perhaps gone ritvik? You'll pardon a gentle chuckle at the thought. You do realize it's quite humorous.
Ananda said...
So you're actually saying that I would be better off, had I stuck with the Hare Krishnas? Perhaps found another one of them tripping and falling gurus, or perhaps gone ritvik? You'll pardon a gentle chuckle at the thought. You do realize it's quite humorous.
(end quote)
No,I am not say that.
Why would I say that?
I rejected all that before you were even born.
I am saying that you don't need one of them ISKCON gurus or a cult to accept and pursue the principles of Gaudiya Vaishnavism.
Obviously, you have always been very insecure and running from one guru to another looking for the one that can touch you on the forehead and give your instant bliss.
Such gurus don't exist Grasshopper.
Perfection has to be cultivated within. It does not come from some magic guru who makes it all very easy.
There are many "uninitiated" devotees who are just chanting the Maha-mantra and experiencing transcendental bliss.
One does not need some gimmick guru either from ISKCON or elsewhere.
One just needs good instruction from the acharya and to follow that.
Giving one's life over to a cult is not the solution.
Besides, you left ISKCON several years ago.
Your burnout on Vaishnavism and the Vaishnavas is due to the fact that your alternative to ISKCON turned out to be a fraud.
Rather than return to the Saraswata Gaudiya camp you have chosen to leave Vaishnavism altogether.
Yeah, you are a real genius - a virtual spiritual rocket scientist.
As long as you keep blaming someone else for your own failures, you will never make any spiritual progress.
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