She's more like, um, super weird! =) There's a different hot mama for smoochy stuff, okay? In case the front page of the blog today escaped your vision, and all that.
She's more like, um, super weird! =) There's a different hot mama for smoochy stuff, okay? In case the front page of the blog today escaped your vision, and all that.
August 4, 2008 8:23 AM
[end quote]
But, is the hottie your wife Malati or is that relationship done for?
I always thought you two were a match made in heaven.
But, I guess being married to a restless Baba like you wouldn't go over good with about any hottie wife.
It's really weird that a deeply intellectual baba like you would build a home in Vrindavan and then turn around and renounce Vaishnavism.
You were a strange breed of Hare Krishna intellectual and now you are just another crazy hippie partying in Nepal.
"But, is the hottie your wife Malati or is that relationship done for?
You must have been totally out of the loop... It's over a year since my divorce with Malati. You can read Vraja Journal archives or this summary entry for an idea of what transpired and led to the divorce.
"You were a strange breed of Hare Krishna intellectual and now you are just another crazy hippie partying in Nepal."
On on side, we have the people who constantly complain about my trying to ascend to the plane of egotic guru-hood.
On the other side, we have the people who complain about my being just another crazy hippie partying in Nepal.
I'm quite good being just another crazy hippie partying in Nepal, to tell you the truth. I really don't need to be or become any sort of standard spiritual super-hero, I'm quite good fiddling with the little things that really have meaning for me personally.
I have seen the writing on the wall. Don't think I need anything at all. All in all it was all just bricks in the wall. All in all you were all just bricks in the wall.
Well done Ananda! But why only buddhism? It is also ism, so as vaisnav-ism. Try newage, like Abraham's and Anthony Robbins messages. In my opinion, newage is beyond any isms, it is a full uptodate freedom to your imagination, creativity and spirituality.
Subatomic transsubjectivist, transparent transmigrator, revolutionary retrofuturist, &c., wading through the paradoxia of existence. Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
— Reboot. So heaps of crazy hubris went into this archived process journal. But why should anyone keep howling in the wilderness forever like that. Wear the hat that wears you without effort. Ship happens when you sail huh. Keep well always; and for something new, please visit At·Matrix for the Abstract Orientation essentials.
I can tell by the brilliant effulgence on your heads that you both must be masters of tantric masturbation.
Or, did you just photoshop shot that in?
Cool.....your trippin' babaji.
Your art is actually cute.
Next think you know, Baba is going to reveal that actually he is gay and that there is a lot more going on at breakfast than two babas eating salad.
Yea, I'm trippin' all right. And a verry good trip it is indeed.
There's actually a breakfast mama in the house as well. But then again, that just gives you more ideas doesn't it...
Blogger Ananda said...
There's actually a breakfast mama in the house as well.
August 3, 2008 8:48 PM
(end quote)
But, is she hot?
I mean, does she really get the 'ol testosterone a pumpin' through the veins?
She's more like, um, super weird! =) There's a different hot mama for smoochy stuff, okay? In case the front page of the blog today escaped your vision, and all that.
Ananda said...
She's more like, um, super weird! =) There's a different hot mama for smoochy stuff, okay? In case the front page of the blog today escaped your vision, and all that.
August 4, 2008 8:23 AM
[end quote]
But, is the hottie your wife Malati or is that relationship done for?
I always thought you two were a match made in heaven.
But, I guess being married to a restless Baba like you wouldn't go over good with about any hottie wife.
It's really weird that a deeply intellectual baba like you would build a home in Vrindavan and then turn around and renounce Vaishnavism.
You were a strange breed of Hare Krishna intellectual and now you are just another crazy hippie partying in Nepal.
My, how people change.
"But, is the hottie your wife Malati or is that relationship done for?
You must have been totally out of the loop... It's over a year since my divorce with Malati. You can read Vraja Journal archives or this summary entry for an idea of what transpired and led to the divorce.
"You were a strange breed of Hare Krishna intellectual and now you are just another crazy hippie partying in Nepal."
On on side, we have the people who constantly complain about my trying to ascend to the plane of egotic guru-hood.
On the other side, we have the people who complain about my being just another crazy hippie partying in Nepal.
I'm quite good being just another crazy hippie partying in Nepal, to tell you the truth. I really don't need to be or become any sort of standard spiritual super-hero, I'm quite good fiddling with the little things that really have meaning for me personally.
I have seen the writing on the wall.
Don't think I need anything at all.
All in all it was all just bricks in the wall.
All in all you were all just bricks in the wall.
And all the Trollsons and Stalkersons who really want to drill into my personal life are free to follow up the evolutions at my facebook place.
Well done Ananda!
But why only buddhism? It is also ism, so as vaisnav-ism. Try newage, like Abraham's and Anthony Robbins messages. In my opinion, newage is beyond any isms, it is a full uptodate freedom to your imagination, creativity and spirituality.
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