Breakfast Babas at the Punjabi Dhaba...
A man needs to know when it's time for a good salad. Tomato, ladyfingers,
chili, lemon, bellpepper, rock salt, herbs and
super seeds... And a full
export pack of
Parle-G biscuits, the classical accompaniment for a
luminous and
energetic day.
Now available: Breakfast Babas in desktop size!
Your face now looks me like Sri Sri Ravi Shankar-ji! Now u'd like to go & kiss his philosophy, it seems to be in line with yours.
Bye then from ur blog, most probably forever!
baba salade parties rule!
Well, I agree - looks rather tasty.
wow, you look really stoned.
Must be some good shit you been smokin'.
I know you are enjoying all the good sex, drugs and rock salt you can get there.
You are my idol Madhava.
Is anybody seriously gonna put the Breakfast Babas on their desktop? Sorry, Madhava, I don't think you're that famous.
I just hope those kids are being fed as well as these two 'breakfast babas!
Desktop size? LOL
Anonymous said...
"Is anybody seriously gonna put the Breakfast Babas on their desktop"?
Yes, Count me as the first person to put the image of the breakfast babas as the desktop theme for my computer.
Baba Anandaji is the THE SHIT and the sooner you all realize that there sooner you too will all become breakfast babas in Nepal with Madhava the Ananda Baba of breakfast salad and Himalayan rock salt.
Do you get the drift????
Special thanks to Jenna the astrologer who's banner ad is at the bottom of this web page.
Anyone else interested to run ads on this web page should email the publisher of this blog.
This is going to be great entertainment. I feel a cult following rising up from the soil of the great universal consciousness.
Oh yeah..... this is good stuff.
I just want my money back. Does anyone know a good lawyer?
Madhava said he one day and needed money to fed kids, then he got some and said it would not be used until he got 100 euros???
Then we see him eating as a breakfast baba?
what's goin on here?
Anonymous said...
"I just want my money back. Does anyone know a good lawyer"?
Dear sir, feeding hungry kids in Nepal is hard work and requires the mission workers eat good breakfast salad before they perform a hard day's work feeding hungry kids.
You have to feed those who feed hungry kids or otherwise the hungry kids will NOT get food.
So, lighten-up on Ananda Baba and afford the baba at least one meal a day of good Himalayan breakfast salad at an upscale restaurant.
Thank-you kind sir.
Madhava should have shown a photo of the kids being fed rather than himself at a restaurant after raising money!
Curious comments about the children. I delivered them a 10.000 NRS donation the day before yesterday. Aside that, I've put in somewhere in the range of 10.000 from my own pocket, worked with contacts who have contributed, and am actively working on a fund raising program including a charity CD with different Nepali musical groups.
The total budget for the salad at the Punjabi Dhaba (at our guest house rooftop) was about 50 Rs. salad + 30 Rs. biscuits total for three persons, sans the joint that was free.
I also eat. Since I am not an orphan child, but an approximately adult person with some finances independent of what the readers of the blog have sometimes contributed to my projects, I don't feel particularly guilty not eating the same food as the children.
We are working on a website for the orphanage, expect to have it out within the week. There will be plenty of pictures of the children. I will need to collect them from friends' cameras to be able to post them, I have rarely had my camera with me at the orphanage.
While I can try my level best to help others, I don't feel that I need to adopt the exact same lifestyle as the people I help. I don't think this is even a serious line of commenting, I am quite inclined to file some of the comments on this entry under FAP (frivolous and pathetic). I eat my salads with a good conscience.
I'd also like to say that people who just sit with their thumbs up their asses and post smart-ass comments without making a positive contribution on any level can go fuck off and contemplate on getting a life.
I have grown quite weary of these so-called Krishna devotees with their warped psychologies. Just please stay out of here, there's absolutely nothing here for you. The comments some people post I don't bother reading, not deleting. Don't bother imagining my face when I read your comments, I primarily feel sad and sorry for you.
I unfortunately don't have the time of the day playing mental midget with some of you, you know who you are. Move on already.
Indeed, and I forgot about bellpeppers. You need two juicy bellpeppers to add flavor to the salad, blend especially well with olive oil. Chilis are chopped small and blended gently but firmly with the oil to spread the aroma around.
And Vishwajeet, yes, it is better for your spiritual growth and sanity that you keep a bit of distance to me and my writings. I've been trying to explain it to you ever since the day I fell into disagreement with your guruji.
I'd also like to say that people who just sit with their thumbs up their asses and post smart-ass comments without making a positive contribution on any level can go fuck off and contemplate on getting a life.
Really cool, Madhava, gets you conveniently off trivialities such as personal financial accountability, etc.
It's a damn shame that here we have Madhava off the deep end, falling from Vaishnavism, embracing pseudo-buddhism and all some so-called Hare Krishna devotees can do is whine about a little money they gave him when he promoting raganuga bhakti on behalf of the "traditional" Gaudiyas of Vrindavan.
We should be more concerned about Madhava's feelings and why he feels a need to reject Gaudiya Vaishnavism than some money we gave him to support his efforts.
Modern Buddhism is a fraud and so are all the people associated with it.
Madhava will realize that soon enough and come crawling on his knees begging to get back into the devotee community.
Till then, we should all just back-off a little till he has time to get his genitals back under control and give up his folly jolly foray into pseudo-spirituality commonly known as Buddhism.
"Really cool, Madhava, gets you conveniently off trivialities such as personal financial accountability, etc."
People who have ongoing financial dealings with me are free to contact me in person or otherwise identify themselves while posting.
That I did not deliver content and services worth the trivial amount of donations I received over five years is ludicrous. If every working hour for the GV community I put in were valued at $10, I would have made somewhere in the range of $100K. I got perhaps $3K donations total, off which hardware expenses etc. were paid. I didn't even break even with the LakeofFlowers.Com project.
"I have grown quite weary of these so-called Krishna devotees with their warped psychologies."
What is not learnt through good advice is learned through experience. Congratulations! finally you can appreciate the frustration felt by some when dealing with your goodself in the good old days.
Ananda Baba says -
"I have grown quite weary of these so-called Krishna devotees with their warped psychologies."
end quote:
No doubt there are many such examples. I am surely warped in my own way, though not at all in the same way as the many institutional followers.
In time, with age, you will grow think-skinned and callous to such phenomena as to prevent such conditioned souls from creating any ill-feelings within thereby sullying consciousness and the pursuit of suddha-sattva-tattva.
As natural, you will get over it, surmount your obstacles and again find your path to the goal.
Don't have too much fun!
I wish the Gaudiyas here would remember one basic principle, which even Bhaktivedanta Swami enunciated in the early years of his ISKCON mission. When the Bowery youths asked his opinion about various seekers and philosophers, Bhaktivedanta's comment was often, "Their sincerity is their God-consciousness."
His point was simple -- sincerity is the foundation for all other spiritual practice. Whether or not you agree with the rest of Bhaktivedanta's philosophy, that one point is fundamental, and is widely shared by thoughtful people of other faiths.
It is a sad fact that many in the Gaudiya community -- just like many in the Buddhist community, Baha'i community, Scientology community and Flying Spaghetti Monster community -- devote tremendous effort to putting up an artificial show of belief and practice, rather than acknowledging with sincerity their actual belief and true level of advancement.
If Ananda is disappointing some here by displaying his newfound love of maya, I would suggest that he has not actually regressed. Rather, he has cast off the shackles of his former felt need to pose insincerely as something he was not. From his new platform of sincerity, he can now advance with integrity toward whatever destination his nature has in store for him.
I, for one, wish him every success on his journey!
"What is not learnt through good advice is learned through experience. Congratulations! finally you can appreciate the frustration felt by some when dealing with your goodself in the good old days."
I very much sympathize with this now... Sorry folks.
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