Thursday, July 3, 2008
And still more food...
As per the plan yesterday, Kiran brought the children at Angel's Heaven orphanage 100+ kilos of raw ingredients to ensure their most essential necessity — food — at a time of financial crisis. Hopefully this is the first in a series of recurring support from the UPF. I can't see why that wouldn't be possible.
There are also plans in the UPF to generate financial support for the remaining children of the orphanage who are yet to be admitted to school. I'm very pleased to see how the hearts of the movers here are touched by the children's needs.

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"yes Ananda this sounds like a lofty thing to do, helping suffering humans and all, but does it really beat selling bad translations of the gita in airports?"
Just saw this post on GR from one of the moderators there named angrezi, please could you address this, sounds very callous.
It no doubt comes across as a bit callous, but I cannot say I wouldn't have sympathy at the same time. Many were deeply traumatized by their cult experiences, and have wounds that will be healing for years more.
I am anonymous, or rather angrezi...but still ambiguous. As often with spiritually or internet-forum minded minded people I must clarify between joke and reality, as there is a tendency to take every minute aspect of life with the utmost seriousness, which is commendable, if one is able to retain sanity. In fact, for the record, I hold the work of Anandaji to be vastly superior to selling BGs in airports, or various other such bizarre activities. Thank you Mr or Mrs. Anonymous, for the opportunity to clarify my ultimate position on this site of my friend Ananda.
There is something kind of weird too about people lifting comments out of context and posting them on various blogs and forums, but thats samsara for you.
Thanks jij, good to make contact again after awhile. I don't spend as much time on line as before due to transcending myself, which makes communication difficult, as apparent with Anonymous' unnamed comment. Obviously they weren't up for a drag out philosophical debate with the 'grez.
You come across as profoundly stoned in the photo, Angrezi.
I wanted edit but it deleted anyway: Profound is primary lakSana Anandaji, stoned is secondary. Believe it or not the pic is over a year old and I now appear even more transcendentally situated than before. Its more my chakras opening into blazing fields of light than the Cannabis, but the Mother helps too.
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