Sunday, October 18, 2009
Dark Northern Forests
When rumors about the evil in the fundament of a Finnish freak thinker began to circulate in early October, few could guess just how on the mark the suspicions were. Sources have since confirmed the actuality of the allegations, fueled by a surprise discovery of incriminating photographic evidence on a perfectly peaceful Sunday afternoon. In the shocking photo below, he is seen measuring the sum total of the fibers of his being.
This shocking photo was taken by an unsuspecting amateur photographer,
who was studying the life of frog philosophers at the local village pond.
According to a U.S. based team of professional psychopathologists and forensic experts, this unsettling photo is undeniable proof of the presence of evil in his fundament. Suspicions of evil first began to rise with his obstinate unwillingness to accept any one point of view as absolute or clearly eminent, and the subsequent refusal to conduct himself according to rules and rituals derived thereof. His sympathy for Pyrrhonism, an early Greek cult of Satanistic thought, has since been confirmed.who was studying the life of frog philosophers at the local village pond.
Dubbed a cancer to be denounced vehemently by ideological professionals, his brand of thought advocates an ideology where nothing is certain, and everything is perpetually open to question. According to a spokesman of the Church of Absolute Truth, "The very thought of having no absolutes to comfort ourselves with is abhorrent, and a direct slap in the face of all organized religion and established ideology."
That notwithstanding, the former Hari Krishna Guru figure has garnered some support from audiences bent on decadence and moral turpitude, eager to legitimize their ambivalent approach to the very foundations of life and human society. According to sources, he is currently in hiding somewhere in the dark forests of the northern hemisphere, developing an underground laboratory with a team of quantum scientists to prove once and for all "that nothing is certain, and everything in a perpetual state of quantum uncertainty." (DP)
"that nothing is certain, and everything in a perpetual state of quantum uncertainty."
Including your grammar. But that aside, your ideology is simply another way of saying "If I don't something to be true, than no one knows." Aren't you the proverbial kettle scoffing at the proverbial pot? Isn't belief in there being no certainties or absolutes in reality, a certainty or absolutist conception? That is, other than certainty in your own superior perceptual ability and understanding over those who disagree with you?
Including your grammar. But that aside, your ideology is simply another way of saying "If I don't something to be true, than no one knows."
I see you are far more advanced than I am, for while I'm struggling to get my grammar fluctuating, you're successfully dropping some critical words and mistyping others to convey a different meaning so as to completely obfuscate the meanings of entire sentences.
Aren't you the proverbial kettle scoffing at the proverbial pot? Isn't belief in there being no certainties or absolutes in reality, a certainty or absolutist conception?
Ah, but this is the age-old issue I hinted to with my mention of Pyrrhonism. Suspension of belief and projection to attain as bare and natural an experience of reality as possible is what I'm after.
It doesn't make much of a difference whether, in some hypothetical state of existence, absolute certainty can be attained. As I see it, they aren't here and now, nor within the reach of our current means, and are as such essentially quests for a presumed pie in the sky.
I don't see a point in doggedly insisting on a particular point of view, whether it be a position of certainty or uncertainty. With this, I obviously share a trait with the GV god, who seems to be bent on escaping from his state of absolute and omniscient certainty.
Perhaps there are factual means for attain absolute certainty over the fundamentals of existence, but that's yet to come across my horizon, so I tend to look at the world as a pool of fundamental uncertainties.
Actually both of us left out a word, but I was just kidding you maharaja.
You said
Suspension of belief and projection to attain as bare and natural an experience of reality as possible is what I'm after.
I think that is really not the way to go if you want to understand reality -- in truth. Reality is not understandable through any way other than through the mind. I think we can agree on that. To suspend belief is to suspend what? Everything you consider to be true or false is based upon your belief about the nature of reality, e.g. is the person whose words you are reading right now caused by their own causality or by some other force? If you have no belief in an omnipresent power which controls all actions in this world, you will not see the truth, your disbelief of such a truism will cause you to see the jiva typing these words to be the cause of what you are reading. Since the truth is that everything you will ever experience will be a manifestation of the causality of an omnipresent omniscient omnipotent entity, unless you believe that to be true you will not see that entity -- even as it attempts to reveal itself to you.
I am with you on the Quantum uncertainty. Now that science has finally found Brahman in Quantum theory, it will be a valuable enlightenment to the scientists and people of the world.
Stereotyped Hare Krishna people like Shiva, stuck in the past, can't appreciate the gains made in Quantum theory, even though such breakthroughs in Quantum Physics will certainly help to elevate mankind to a higher understanding, higher intelligence and higher consciousness.
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