Title: Happy Feet
Year: 2006
Genre: animation, adventure, comedy, family
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0366548/
Narrating the grand adventure of Mumbler, a penguin youngster who becomes a social outcast for not blending in, Happy Feet is a touching and beautiful tale from the Antarctica. I've seen my fair share of computer animated movies, yet few come as close in their depth and relevance to the current global situation as the one at hand.
The Emperor Penguin elders, looking down on Mumbler and his traits, are an excellent caricature of the worlds of classical, stagnant self-serving and conservative religion that abhors issues challenging the accepted system as well as change in general.
The tale doubles as a vivid illustration of the human impact on the environment and habitats of animals, effecting in particular the rarer of the lot, by its persistent habit to ravish and pollute whatever stands in its way. Yes, and of course elements of romance and friendship need to be blended in.
An exceptionally perceptive family animation with a message! Even if it takes a moment for the show to catch on — and I personally don't mind watching cute and goofy penguins doing any damn thing for a good while — the movie provides a very enjoyable watching experience for a serene day.
[ 7.5/10 ]
I haven't seen the animation.
But, I have seen a very amazing documentary titled "March of the Penguins".
The English version is narrated by Morgan Freeman.
It is one of the most amazing documentaries I have ever seen.
I think I have watched it three times.
It is one of the most incredible nature documentaries ever made.
I really recommend this one.
The best movie I have seen lately is "Apocalypto".
It takes place in Central America during the days of the Maya empire.
The movie is directed by Mel Gibson.
I would have to say that it is possibly the most amazing movie I have even seen.
The funny thing is that there is not a word of English spoken in the entire film, but is accompanied by subtitles that are easy to keep up with.
I didn't watch it when it first came out, but recently.
I plan on watching it again.
It was one of the greatest movies I have ever seen.
Sure, I can chant 16 rounds in the morning and watch a movie in the evening.
It's not all or nothing for me.
I do what I can but I am no fanatic of any sort.
Back in the seventies we were treated to an oscar nominated (but not won) cinematic curiosity called "Johnathan Livingston Seagull", film entirely acted by seagulls, real ones. It was based on a roaring popular novella of the same name. But the film itself flopped, don't know why, I thought it was good enough. Like your penguin, Johnathan the seagull gets fed up with the mediocrity of his flock and decides to fly solo, higher and higher in speeds never heard of before. He succeeds, sees the light, and returns to be a guru to the flock despite the oposition of the tradition and the orthodoxy. The sound track, all by Neil Diamond, has lyrics such as "Dear Father we dream.... we dream... we dream..."
I recomend so long you have some good munchies at hand to block out the sound here and there. The dialogs, voiced over because, you know, the seagulls don't really talk, appear in subtitles on the screen all through the feature as well.
as far as animation goes, check out Spirited Away. simply t-h-e b-e-s-t.
In this vein of avian nonconformism, higher states of being, and breaking off of group confinment, another film worth mention is Nacho Libre. Nacho is not a bird but a fat, hard-to-get-off-the-ground fransciscan novice in a Mexican monastery/orphanage who desires nothing more than win wretling matches for God. But the faith prohibits such vanity. By fighting however, Nacho would earn much needed money, improving thus conditions at the orphanage. Assisted by his atheist sidekick Eskeleto, Nacho defyies the law of the monastery and begins to wrestle incognito. But he wants to soar. Literally. Through the assistance of a certain mystic, he seeks to obtain The Power of The Eagle. But the mystic turns out to be a crook. After a series of blows, dejected and wounded, Nacho desperately dennounces, "The Eagle's egg was a lie!!!"
It is the power of love, however, that literally lifts up Nacho and enables him to win the greatest of all matches. Believing mostly in himself this time, Nacho glides across the rink and lands on his mighty opponent, the terrible Ramses, winning thus not only the fight but the trust of his fellow monks, the admiration of the community, a very large sum of money (well, large enough to buy a bus for the orphans recreational trips), and best of it all, the approval of his, ahem, respected godsister, Sister Incarnacion, with whom there is a mutual cooperation of maitainging their vows of celibacy together. Unless they decide no to, then, reminds us Nacho, they will break their vows "together".
Worth watching, especially with that atheist friend or relative.
I don't watch much in the way of animations, but during the Christmas season of 2007 I did watch "Polar Express".
It was a magical experience for me.
Towards the end I was falling asleep on the couch until this song sung by Josh Groban came on.
The song was entitled "Believe".
Of course for me I was thinking about what I believe in - Krishna during the song.
I just played the song again on the YouTube clip and it gave me goose bumps and I teared up.
It's a really beautiful melody and song. Josh Groban is one of the best singers in the world.
Watch the clip.
Let me know if it gives anyone else goose bumps......(teehee)
(copy and paste the web address in the URL of your browser)
It's a Christmas animation.
It's a lot more magic to watch the animation during the Christmas season.
It's a message about the strength of just believing.
You can make dreams a reality if you just BELIEVE.
I supppose as far as Christmas themed animation goes, The Polar Express indeed delivered heaps of glitter.
Another animation that alone would be just your average commercial animation of the year but, because of one song on its sound track, gets worth mentioning here in this very serious list of Animated Depth we carefully craft, is Shrek (2, I think). The song featured in the film is Hallelujah, by Leonard Cohen. The images, which clearly would have remaining just as ordinary and predictable as any in the genre, are trasnformed and completely elevated by the accompanying song. Actually, the sound itself becomes the sequence, while the images, these accompany the song well enough to become meaningful beyond what was there in the plot and in the art until this point in the film. It is what its called a turning point. From that the film becomes reasonably beautiful.
Have you ever heard of the REAL Supreme God, Krushna? He lives on the planet Ki-Bong and drinks trancendental vodka. So, the REAL god is far, far away and thus well hidden from our eyes. He doesn't feel like entering any laboratories for empirical studies. THAT'S why you can't see him. See! Ha! Touche, atheist-agnostic bastards.
There is a way to reach him: we all must chant KURU-KURU-BORO-GONG a thousand billion times a year. I know, it's tough, but this is ancient knowledge. Therefore it must be true.
I dont watch karmi movies. All I watch is Indian devotional films and Prabhupad videos. They are terribly boring, but if the Sweet Lord Krishna expects us to watch this, who are we to refuse?
Please all know that Krushna is not the real God, I am the one and only, so if any of you chant Krushna's mantra and give your money to his priests instead of chanting the ever blissful nectarean supreme holy names of ME, and donating to MY church, you will go to HELLL!
Some butthead is way off topic.
Such a cute topic has been brutally assaulted in such a cruel way.
The guy sounds like a pedophile.
Maybe you should clean up the turds he dropped on the topic?
It is like this... Said Iam Thatiam Once for All!
╠══════► ∞ ♥ ∞ [ONE-LOVE]
╠═════► ∞ ☯ ∞ — ☺|☻ ═► [Quantum-Bipolar-Bliss]
╠════► ☺☺|☺☻|☻☺|☻☻ ═► [Solar-Lunar-Binary]
╠═══► ☺☺☺|☺☺☻|☺☻☺|☺☻☻ [Solar-Ternary]
╠══► ☻☺☺|☻☺☻|☻☻☺|☻☻☻ ═► [Lunar-Ternary]
╠═ ◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ► ═╣ [ Mirror World = Above & Outside ]
╠═══ ∞ ♥ ∞ ☯ ∞ ♥ ∞ ═══╣ ALL-AS-ONE: ONE-LOVE-AXIS!
╠═ ◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ► ═╣ [ Mirror Brain = Below & Inside ]
╠══► ☺☻☻|☺☻☺|☺☺☻|☺☺☺ ═► [Solar-Ternary]
╠═══► ☻☻☻|☻☻☺|☻☺☻|☻☺☺ [Lunar-Ternary]
╠════► ☻☻|☻☺|☺☻|☺☺ ═► [Lunar-Solar-Binary]
╠═════► ∞ ☯ ∞ — ☻|☺ ═► [Bipolar-Quantum-Bliss]
╠══════► ∞ ♥ ∞ [ONE-LOVE]
@@@ IN-YOUR-TUBES: Wisdom Matrix ≡ Sahasrara Celestial Lifecycle Harvester
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