A friend spotted me the other day at a wholesale grocery store near the Universal Peace Foundation office — I spent away the last 2500 NRS I had to get the children food for the upcoming days. 30 kilos of rice, 10 kilos of flat rice, 5 kilos of mung dal, sugar and oil respectively, and a kilo of tea and mixed beans each, and at the crux of time — Amrit has a trekking office, but the season is now at rock bottom, owing both to weather and the current political situation in Nepal.

Much is to be done, then! I got a draft of the website today — thanks Manue! — and it should go online momentarily with more specifics on the running expenses and development prospects for the orphanage.
Anyone touched by the prospect is cordially welcome to contribute — in however small and grand way — to the cause. To give an example, 12 kilos of rice costs 850 NRS (8.50e) — here even little goes a long way! I will be posting more details in the days to come. In the meantime, feel free to get in touch with me if the above sparks an interest.
Thanks jij! I was much hoping people will feel the same as I on this. I have personally been very moved by the work we've been doing.
Yea, PayPal will work. Otherwise, Western Union or a transfer to either my Finnish or Indian bank accounts are options -- or otherwise directly to the orphanage's Nepali bank account.
I am adding a donation button to the front page of the blog momentarily. Much appreciated, and much more by these children than by me!
I was so glad to share this experience with you... and with these beautiful children. New colors, new house... hope one day... new life with the work you just started to do (website, donations, cd...)
I will help you by the way to make this children and Amrit's dream comes true!
And petite Juliette (pictured painting in the blog) is the person guilty for bringing me to the orphanage! Thank you {hug} very much, I am in your debt.
And I will of course follow up and give the details of how contributions were used. =)
I was hoping to get some rice and lentils for the kids today, but I'm down to 100 rupees at the moment... Any helps?
That is already wonderful. $10 is 670 NRS, which is almost 25 kilos of rice.
We hope to develop the orphanage fund on two fronts:
1. Micro-streams for steady sustenance (food, water, electricity)
2. Fund-raising efforts for development
The orphanage website should be online within a couple of days, depending on how quick Manue gets to finalize the draft, after which we're set to do a bit more again.
One more friend has actually just promised to send something once she gets home, and my sister is talking about coming over for a few weeks of voluntary work...
I also did some kung fu today to get a few thousand rupees, coming in in a couple of days.
Thank you, confirming receipt! Once the donations add up to > 100 euros, I'll withdraw (without fees) the funds and deliver them onward.
Remember Ananda that I am just waiting that you explain me how the paypal stuff is working :-)
☯ Syndicated Overview of Wisdom Matrix ☯
The essential "☻ Law and ☺ Prophets in ☯ Balance"; as well as "☻ Truth, ☯ Love and ☺ Simplicity"; as well as "☻ Truth, ☯ Way and ☺ Life"; as well as "☻ Self and ☺ God in ☯ Union", for all of humanity is this:
☻☻ 1) Always ☺ give all things selflessly to ☯ All; Equanimity! Uriel.
☻☺ 2) Always be a natural sight of ☺ giving to ☯ All; Sympathy! Raphael.
☺☻ 3) Always make arrangements for ☺ giving to ☯ All; Compassion! Michael.
☺☺ 4) Always be revelation for ☺ giving to ☯ All; Benevolence! Gabriel.
This is the equation of four Immeasurable Virtues (Buddhism: "Brahmavihara"); four Yogic Absorptions (Hinduism: "Samadhi"); four Arch-Angels (Abrahamic: "Dynamis"); and four Brain-Lobes (☻☻ Occipital, ☻☺ Parietal, ☺☻ Frontal, ☺☺ Temporal). Following these four elemental ☻|☺ Static-Dynamic pairs leads to a ☯ Mind-Median that is the ☯ Middle-Way between the ☺|☻ natural extremes.
This ☯ Median-Yoga of ☯ Equal-Love leads to conscious coalescence and ∞☯∞ Natural Unbinding, removing the inner friction born from:
1) Composite darkness of ☻☻ Embryonic Self ("Asmita-Samadhi") and Root Patterns ("Para-Shabda"); extended as
2) Sense-awakening in ☻☺ Blissful Self ("Ananda-Samadhi") and Mind-Seen Concepts ("Pasyanti-Shabda); effected as
3) Interactive fields in ☺☻ Considering Self ("Vicara-Samadhi") and Mind-Said Words ("Madhyama-Shabda"); and fulfilled as
4) Holistic domain in ☺☺ Universal Self ("Vitarka-Samadhi") and Clear-Said-Words ("Vaikhari-Shabda"); that is the revelation.
◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ► ∞ ♥ ∞ ◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ►
When these four fields are reconciled, the rest of the pyramid of inner and outer peace and kindness will fall into a straight balance by natural order. This is the base pattern pyramid of balance:
╔═══► ∞☯∞ -> ☺|☻
1) First the [4x] existential roots and the central nexus of being,
╠══► ☺☺|☺☻|☻☺|☻☻
2) Then the [4x] unifying samadhi-states of withdrawing awareness,
╚═► ☻☻☻|☻☻☺|☻☺☻|☻☺☺||☺☻☻|☺☻☺|☺☺☻|☺☺☺
3) And finally the [8x] phenomenal stations of ascending awareness.
◄ ≡ ☻ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☺ ≡ ► ∞ ♥ ∞ ◄ ≡ ☺ ≡ ☯ ≡ ☻ ≡ ►
☯ Middle-Way is the reason why sages, seers and prophets the world over have embedded primal symbols of reflective balance in all places. All we need to do is open our eyes to the ☯ Golden Median in the midst of all. In that, there is abandonment of preference for ☺ one and ☻ other in a %☺%☻% conflict-calculation. Clinging to the ☻ "costly fruit of knowledge" without embracing the ☺ "free fruit of life" is the cause of the (☯═►☻═►☻☻) "Fall from Eden" that leads to the ☻☻ composite-suffering of the ☻☻ embryonic self.
When the ☯ Middle-Way is established as the ☯ All-Axis-Mundi of ☯ Unified Awareness, inner and outer conflicts are naturally resolved. Then ☻ darkness and ☺ light meet their ☯ balance; ☻ peace and ☺ happiness meet their ☯ balance; ☻ law and ☺ grace meet their ☯ balance; and ☻ human and ☺ divine meet their ☯ balance. The perceptual residue that remains after the ∞ infinite ∞ unbinding is the ☯ "Face of God" with the harmonic eyes of ☺ Warming Sun and ☻ Soothing Moon. No complaints there! Few real takers though...
☯ Syndicated Overview of Wisdom Matrix ☯
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