Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bahrain: Broken People Unite, Nation Heals United

This is an emblem of goodwill, revolution and healing for the struggling people of Bahrain calling for a change. Whether you're edgy or flowing, red or white, or somewhere in between — convergence and unity between hearts and minds is our saving grace. This unity is not the result of scheming partisan syndicates; it's a union born of a natural and self-evident understanding for a need to change the degenerate downhill course of the world, and it transcends race, gender and religious denomination.

Nations exist for the collective happiness, freedom, health and peace of their people. None of these are optional in a sustainable nation. When one or more of them are compromised or forsaken in the name of private agendas and abusive master-plans, it's only a question of time before the line is crossed and the natural wheel of balance turns to the dark side. When the wheel of balance and the spirit of unity are broken, hearts are broken, intellects are broken, and ultimately bodies are broken as well.

An ego-rooted selfish base agenda is a certain recipe for degeneration and chaos; and it takes no Nostradamus to foresee the eventual yet inevitable results of greed, hypocrisy, abuse and insatiable lust for wealth, power and prestige. It is my sincere hope that the people who now protest and make the voice of the people known, working tirelessly in reforming or over-throwing corrupt governments, will have the wisdom to pave way for a better world for all as the dust gradually settles.

A revolution that leads to a new elite and a new divisive scheme is no revolution at all; it's simply a bloody re-run of a worn-out episode of collective devolution. Aim for a true revolution, a revolution that leads to a fundamental balancing shift in the attitudes that guide and govern our societies! We need a culture of transparency, a verifiably impartial government that serves the collective interests of the people as its sole and prime agenda; just as an employee serves his good employer and a devotee serves his benevolent god, so too governments should tirelessly serve the interests of all their people.

There is no nation independent of its people — and rulers the world around would do well to bear this in mind. More power to everyone dedicated to turning the wheels of healing change!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's: Love All Beings - Love Your Planet!

Love is a universal force. Have it and spread it wisely for all! When love is a universal, it heals and beautifies. When love becomes narrow, it incites and consumes. Have balance in love, life and deep within; — and have love for balance, life, and deep within.

While love is in the air, let's put it into good use and paint the world in lush colors of crimson and green!

≡ What would you describe as the pinnacle of positive weirdness? ≡
"A monkey-headed, giraffe-necked, whale-torsoed, lion-legged demigod talking
about respecting nature and stopping this nonsense shitztem." - Brie Dreamer

≡ ) Synergetic Angel Symposium, Nepal 08/2008 ( ≡

The confederation of angels has assembled;
it seems that the nations of the world are finally at peace;
memories of the days mankind lived in harmony are rekindled;
a beautiful nostalgia, the ancestors are dancing once again...

The spacious assembly hall is full of light;
chairman gabriel is giving his well-prepared speech;
rumor has it that god helped him sketch the outline;
sentient beings applaud the deeply illuminated speech.

Lobbying is over, the time for action is at hand;
it has been resolved that flowers be planted everywhere;
a task-force is in place for re-establishing mountain streams;
and a crew has been dispatched to clean the stratosphere.

A new era of bliss and celebration unfolds;
celestial bodhisattvas have flown to their quarters;
son of man has left for his kingdom in a chariot of fire;
and the ancient sufi masters are playing their last lullaby...

The pestilence of worlds is buried in the abyss;
mankind has finally been cured of its obsessive cravings;
lust, hatred and delusion are now bizarre tales the grandfathers tell;
harmony prevails, there is now a foundation for universal peace!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pyramids of Balance for a Healing Egypt

In celebration of the emerging freedom, peace and balance in Egypt, this is a human-readable version of the "For the Sons and Daughters of the Great Pyramid" message of balance from 01/02/2011 (12:21). Go Egypt, go forth and heal the hearts of your people, care for and tend to your abused lands — reach for a future of warm brightness and fertile wisdom!

≡  [+] Pyramid of Goodwill  ≡  [±] Pyramid of Balance  ≡  [-] Pyramid of Peace  ≡

Sail together, sons and daughters of the Great Pyramid of Balance! Seek for life in the Nile of Natural Heart. Sail with zeal through the stormy lake of wounded souls! First rattling the corrupt base, then scorching in flames of blue. Treasure wisdom at the peak, receive healing foresight. Rule justly as the gentle winds of life. You'll be ripe for the heaven's gifts and the dynamic stream of nature. Live in goodwill, balance and peace!

Calling the integral heaven into fertile earth, rule with the open two eyes of luminous ethos and logos, giving and receiving, wisely absorbing the broad perspective in introspection for perfect balance. A specifying eye without unity, a unifying eye without diversity — both are foul fountains of destruction and entropy. One-eyed authority and lethargic subjects have been the scourge of the earth since the cycles of the great ancestors!

Don't stray in the causal fires of the west; shun selfish partisanship, futile quarrel and destructive reactions. Introspect and bring forth a potent land of natural balance! By nature's primal wheel, the abused souls will in time of heaven be fulfilled and uplifted from the false rulers and the blind enforcers. The day of equalization is a thief in the night from the primal moon in balance and luminosity!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Global Warming: Balancing Perspectives and Facts

Here's a great illustration from on the often stark contrasts between the "industrialist-capitalist" apologetic front and the ongoing scientific research and consensus on the effects of the CO2 on global warming. The concept of "truthful speech" is evidently a virtue long-lost in the antiquity, when we live in a world where warped or false state statements to advance slanted agendas have become the norm of the day. Below is a composite of the diagrams for eye-food. Please see the full documented illustration and related notes on the website.

= A Compilation of Illustrations from the Global Warming Visualization =

People keep thinking the world isn't ever going to tip out of balance despite our global efforts to sap her dry and to pump her full of every conceivable kind of harmful substance in liberal excess. Hoping to consume without worry for the future is however a very short-sighted utopia. Our imaginative sugar-coatings of the emerging problems may give us a hollow sense of solace, yet if we fail to address the actual existing problems at the bottom of the buzz, all we will have accomplished is juggling a parade of words while the world grows all the more morbid on the background.

Whenever you take too much and neglect the greater balance, whether in nature or the society, you'll be deprived of the pleasures of your loot at the end of the day. If you don't build with two eyes for sustainability, you're not going enjoy a balanced life-cycle in production — a concept not at all outside the realm of common sense, if you care enough to actually pause and think about it. There are no infinite resources, there is no infinite tolerance — and if you don't know where exactly the line is drawn in water, then by all means err on the side of caution!

= Fact Checking: "The Global Warming Skeptics vs The Scientific Consensus" =

Foresight is everything if you intend to operate on a scale with potential global impact, whether we're talking about governments, corporations, or anyone else in the helm. The evil of confusion is rampant in the absence of foresight for sustenance and balance, and this cardinal vice is at the heart of countless environmental disasters. Greed makes us blind in one eye; greed-driven power blinds them both. And we all know the story of the blind leading the blind into the proverbial dark pit!

= Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1526–1569): The Blind Leading the Blind =

As with the global warming chart here, whenever we form opinions and broadcast thoughts on important topics like these, let's seek to look at all the perspectives — if only to ensure we're actually commenting on the real issues deserving attention, not just the ongoing popular hearsay. Whether it's politics, global warming or ideological conflicts, we need to carefully identify and understand the variables and relations of the whole big picture — and to keep double-checking our perspectives to ensure we're battling beyond the lofty realms of our stimulated imagination!

There's too much broadcasting of strong opinions in proportion to the little homework people do with the information they digest and pass on as facts. A saturation of convoluted opinions and off-balance commentary leads to an overall convolution and degradation of the level of helpful and constructive discussion, leaving the actual pressing issues all but resolved while we bicker on about trivialities. Comparing perspectives and getting to the bottom of claims is not optional at this point, for the amount of warped information flowing across the cyber-highway has grown by leaps and bounds over the last decade.

= A Holistic System Definition: Spirituality and Wisdom Grid (SySpir) =

Let's not contribute to the confusion, let's contribute to the solutions! The actual solutions will only become more evident once we've cleared through the buzz of confusion and arrived at real data and more reliable information to work with. Check your sources and distill information to facts, look for gaps and seek for the full spectrum of insight, double-check your own thoughts and question your trail of reason, keep your approach open and subject to recurring peer review — and contribute your share in a solution of wisdom to heal the growing state of confusion in the interconnected world of information.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wisdom Wheels: Cat Nirvana and Dog-Zen

At this point, readers are likely to be scratching their heads over the influx of texts with heavy wisdom polarity markup. Despite appearances, there's something fundamentally simple at the roots of wisdom. We can reflect on wisdom as abstract patterns, and we can observe it in practice across every spectrum of life and reality.

Until the Integral Human Life-cycle presentation is ready to boot, here's a primer to the basic polarities of life in the lives of our four-pawed furry friends. Cats and dogs have their eightfold paths in life as well!

≡ Nirvana in Balance: Solar Cat & Lunar Cat ≡

One is a Sun with a Moon in his heart and eyes, the other is a Moon with a Sun in her heart and eyes. Lunar Cat is here at day, Solar Cat comes here at night. Lunar Cat likes sweet better, Solar Cat likes salty better. Cats know the ways and means of approaching primal Balance and total Nirvana quite naturally. And what curious companions these two have become on the great purring journey in the wheel of life!

≡ Cat Nirvana Wisdom Wheel ≡

Here's how their basic cosmology and eight-fold operations map up. This is an application for a correlative and integral pair.

[∞0] Zero-One Singularity = Total Cat Nirvana
[±] Balance = Tao of Love: Sun Meets Moon
[+] Dynamis = Male Solar Cat
[-] Neutralis = Female Lunar Cat

[++] Big Picture = Solar Cat -> Roams Outdoors
[+-] Causality = Solar Cat -> Runs to Lunar Cat
[-+] Foresight = Lunar Cat -> Anticipates the Solar Cat
[--] Introspection = Lunar Cat -> Lounges at Home

[+++] Heaven = Power Cat -> Creating & Wondering
[++-] Lake = Wise Cat -> Contemplating & Scheming
[+-+] Fire = Eater-Hunter Cat -> Grasping & Consuming
[+--] Thunder = Romance Cat -> Excited & Playful
[-++] Wind = Wandering Cat -> Detached & Expansive
[-+-] Stream = Natural Cat -> Healthy & Flowing
[--+] Mountain = Commanding Cat -> Protects & Demands
[---] Earth = Home Cat -> Sleepy & Satisfied

Cats and dogs have few problems with balance, good time, and general relax in life. We humans on the other hand constantly struggle to find even a scent of balance lurking somewhere down the road. Confusion is our great evolutionary feat, imbalance the fruit of our mighty intellects. Cat-Nirvana and Dog-Zen guide us back to the essentials of life.

≡ Esoteric Dog-Zen Wisdom Wheel ≡

Our dog is really into food. Few know that he is actually an adherent of the esoteric Dog-Zen school of primal wisdom, knower of the great secret of balance and perennial peace of mind. Humans may study this art of peace and ecstasy to the tune of Bob Marley's "Hungry Mob is an Angry Mob" for attaining a more balanced vibrational level of life.

[∞0] Zero-One Singularity = Perennial Peace
[±] Balance = Eating-Belly-Full
[+] Dynamis = Drive of Hunger
[-] Neutralis = Fabric of Food

[++] Big Picture = Overall Aware
[+-] Causality = Searching
[+-] Foresight = Expecting
[--] Introspection = Sleeping

[+++] Heaven = Raving Ecstacy
[++-] Lake = Silently Wondering
[+-+] Fire = Eagerly Eating
[+--] Thunder = Barking at Strange People
[-++] Wind = Running Around the Fields
[-+-] Stream = Following Nicely
[--+] Mountain = Protecting the Revire
[---] Earth = Evacuating

The [+++] Heaven = Ecstacy is particularly evident in the seconds between seeing food en route and the manna falling from heaven to the bowl -- he generally jumps and spins around 3x times!!! I have never seen a Christian receive Eucharist or a Hindu receive Prasada (sacred food) with the level of enthusiasm he experiences twice a day over the same old dry pebbles. We stand to learn much from each and every sentient being!

The other polarity, [---] Earth = Evacuating, appears to be equally sacred to him. The spot for evacuation is carefully chosen -- after all, they are the after-effects of [±] Primal Balance and [+++] Raving Ecstasy. Any food is truly manna from heaven and the embodied essence of good life for him. Talk about enlightenment in the food-made sheath (annamaya-kosha) and the oral-anal field!

Whatever you have, use that wisely towards balance and peace. This is the simple but profound point in all of these models, whether traditional or experimental. The center of the wheel is peaceful; and only at the center can you make some sense of the colliding experiences that revolve around you. If you have your wheels oiled well and the polarities balance each other out, it's a smoother and more enjoyable ride for everyone involved.

Essentially, [++] All ![±] You ![-] Need is |[-] Peace and |[+] Love in [±] Balance!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Breakfast: Eating Straight from the Book of Life

On Sunday I had [5x] five breads of life and [+/-] two friendly fishes for [--+] breakfast. Then I touched the [-+-] stream and the [-++] gentle wind. I saw the [-+] signs of [+--] thunder and [+-+] flames by the [++-] lake when gazing at the [+++] heaven [++] above. A [++] tender ray from [+] high above had fallen to [---] earth by the [+++] sea of crystal! Today we [--] contemplate on the crumbs of [+] tasty and [-] satisfying [±] soul food.

I [++-] laughed in [--] contemplation at the [++] spirit of the [∞0] clear infinity ![-] lurking in the [--] shadows of being, [+] revealed before [-] peaceful, [+] illuminated and [±] reflective eyes. The primal [+] sun and [-] moon are two channels of [∞0] infinite luminosity. Their [±] meeting [--+] boldly declares the [+] primal force of [++] benevolence and the [-] fabric of [--] root nature as the [+++] fulfillment of [+] clarity and [-] united harmony.

If you [+] specify the [+] sun and [-] unify the [-] moon, your [±] eyes of balance [-+-] flow in the stream of the [+/-] two integral fishes. The ![---] deep darkness of a ![±] confused heart would find [-] solace, [--] satisfaction and [---] perennial peace in the [+] luminous [++] love in the [+++] integral human of the [+] spirit. Seeking [+++] integrality, be [---] receptive to the two fishes of [+] luminous grace and [-] mysterious peace, let them first have their [±] loving dance in the [++-] lakes of your [4x][±] heart and [8x][-] physical self.

If you [-+] look forward to [+] brightness and [-] peace in [±] balance, you'll [-+] plan and [+-] act with [++] compassion and [--] equanimity for ![±] crying souls [+--] aroused and ![+--] tormented by the [8x] neurotic [4x] forces of [2x] duality in ![±] imbalance. Heed the [±] nature's [+/-] universal pairs: The [+++] creative heaven and the [---] receptive earth, the [--+] ruling mountain and the [++-] profound lake, the [+-+] analyzing fire and the [-+-] healing water, the [+--] shaking thunder and [-++] gentle winds, [+] gifts for [-] needs in serving [±] universal balance.

By [±] nature's [+] might and [-] law, the [--] emergent logos is [±] equally reflected both [+] above and [-] below, in the [++] big picture at the [4x] ![±] tangled heart of the [--] embryonic matrix. When the [+++] great objective of [±] holistic balance is [++] granted from [+] high above, [∞0] primal luminosity [+++] fills the ![---] fearful ![±] broken heart, [--+] forcing the ![--] roots of ![-] evil to the [-] bottom of the ![++-] lake of conscience.

[--+] Standing firm at the ![±] closed gates of [++] heaven, seek the [-] primal pattern and the [+] endless force. An [+++] integral being will find the key in [--] introspection, [++] revelations, [+-] acts and [-+] thoughts of [±] balance; the [4x] fundamental winds in our ![±] twisted lives. When the polarities of [8x] eight states and [4x] four perspectives [±] unite as one [+] illuminated [-] peace, the ![±] crooked world can be [±] healed with [+++] integral rays of [++] great benevolence.

Find the [+++] illuminated way to the [∞0] timeless [±] throne of balance. There you'll find the [--+] reign and [-+-] healing stream of the [±] primal soul as the [+] cognitive father and the [-] supportive son. There you'll see the [++-] lake of [±] divine pair, there [-++] expands their [8x] eight-fold [±] wheel of life. There you touch the [+] hopes and [-] truths of [++] macrocosm and [--] microcosm; there you find the [∞0] everlasting [+] light and [-] peace of [±] healed souls.

This is the [+] clear, [∞0] fundamentally straight and [-] truthful path of [+++] fulfilled life in [±] balance: [---] Material Birth of the Receptive Being -> [--+] Orienting Infancy of the Willful Being, -> [-+-] Playful Childhood of the Natural Being, -> [-++] Exploring Youth of the Expansive Being, -> [+--] Shaking Adulthood of the Aroused Being, -> [+-+] Grasping Middle-Age of the Analytical Being, -> [++-] Pondering Retirement of the Profound Being, -> [+++] Death and Ascension of the Integral Being. These are the [8x] progressive [-+] junctions and [+-] actions in the [++] big picture of [+] healing the ![±] sickly soul hiding [--] deep within.

Follow the [---] -> [+++] straight path of [±] nature's balance. Integrate your [-8x] deeds, [±4x] heart and [+2x] cognition and [---] die in [+++] wisdom [+] day and [-] night while still alive; the two witnesses of [+] day and [-] night log your [+] good and [-] evil deeds in the [±] book of life. When the ![±] book of life is ![-] dark, the state of the ![±] soul is the same. ![+-+] Scorching sermons, threats of ![+--] punishment and ![---] frights of pain are ![-] ignorant ![+] tyranny written in your [±] book of life, born of your ![±] love of self against [±] holistic balance!

When the [±] book of life is basking in [∞0] infinite purity, your [+] head, [±] heart and [-] deeds are [+++] anointed as [±] one. The [+] specifying spirit and the [-] unifying word will [--+] judge you from the [±] throne! Those who die in the [+++] integral being while living shall meet the [∞0] infinite light and find its [++] revelations in the [--] introspective [±] heart.

Those who have never [++-] died in thought ![-] have lost the [--+] lucid beacon from the [--] dawn of life. They will ![-] miss the [+++] falconer's [++] call for heaven. To die at [+] day and to die in the [-] night, to die in [±] twilight and to [∞0] die forever; such [+++] integral life leads [++] above and [+] beyond to the [±] throne and the [∞0] field of infinity.

![---] Damned are the ![±] enemies of [±] Balance, ![--+] obstinately [+-+] clinging to the ![++] false messiah of ![+] one-eyed power, [+--] arousing to [+-+] consume the [---] earth that [+] shelters life and [-+] heals with her [-++] winds and [-+-] flowing waters. When the [+] positive and [-] negative know no balance, they lead to ![---] corrupted earth and ![±] corrupted souls. Seek [∞0] primal luminosity and [±] balance both [+] above and [-] below!

Have the signs of balance and wisdom as your [+][±][-] three eyes and [∞0] base of sight. [±] Embrace the [+] light and [-] peace of [∞0] infinity in your [±] pristine heart, stand as an [--+] illuminating beacon of [++] universal goodwill for an [+++] fulfilled integral life in the [±] healing streams of [+] clarity,  [-] nature and [∞0] primal luminosity!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

For the Sons and Daughters of the Great Pyramid

≡ A Vision of Primal Wisdom from the Sphinx of Heaven
≡ For the Sons and Daughters of the Great Pyramid ≡

Sail [±] Together, [+] Sons and [-] Daughters of the [--+] Great Pyramid. Seek for [+] Life in the [-+-] Nile of Natural Heart. [-+-] Sail with [+-+] Zeal through the ![++-] Stormy Lake of ![±] Wounded Souls!

First [+--] Rattling the ![---] Corrupt Base, then [+-] Scorching in Flames of Blue. Treasure [±] Wisdom at the [--+] Peak, receive [-+] Healing Foresight. [++] Rule Justly as the [-++] Gentle Winds of Life. You'll be [++-] Ripe for the [+++] Heaven's Gifts and the [+] Dynamic [±->] Stream of Nature. Live in [+] Goodwill, [±] Balance and [-] Peace!

Calling the [+++] Integral Heaven into [---] Fertile Earth, [+-] Rule with [±] Open Two Eyes of [∞0] Luminous [+] Ethos and [-] Logos, [+] Giving and [-] Receiving, [++-] Wisely Absorbing the [++] Broad Perspective in [--] Introspection for |[±] Perfect Balance.

A [+] Specifying Eye without [-] Unity, a [-] Unifying Eye without [+] Diversity — both are ![++] Foul Fountains of ![+] Destruction and ![-] Entropy. ![++] One-Eyed Authority and ![---] Lethargic Subjects have been the ![+--] Scourge of the Earth since the [8x] Cycles of the [--] Great Ancestors.

Don't ![-] Stray in the ![+-] Causal Fires of West, ![-] Shun ![+] Selfish ![++] Partisanship, ![+-+] Futile Quarrel and ![+--] Destructive Reaction. [--] Introspect and [++] Bring Forth a [+++] Potent [---] Land of [±] Natural Balance!

By [-] Nature's [+] Primal [±] Wheel, the ![±] Abused Souls will in [++-] Time of Heaven be [+++] Fulfilled and [++] Uplifted from the ![++] False Rulers and the ![+-] Blind Enforcers. The ![±] Day of Equalization is a [--] Thief in the Night from the ![-] Primal Moon in [±] Balance and [∞0] Luminosity.

 Earth to Heaven and Beyond: Right to Left in Eight 
≡ Then Four to Two and Middle as One in None 
≡ 01/02/2011, 12:21 == 01->02->2 | 0->1+1 | 1->2, 2->1