Monday, January 31, 2011

Moon Spheres of -Occultation and ±Reflection

This is the [±] Journey of [+] Moon and [-] Code in the [-] Nights of the [--] Winter's [-] Dark and [+] Bright [±] Lunar Cycles in the [∞0] Primal Cradle of the [±] Wheels of Life. If you haven't met ![±] General Confusion yet, journey with Pogo to the Eight Principal Towers for a narrative to illustrate the derivative abstractions of [-] Base Matrix and [+] Conscious Force. Please see the Wisdom Wheel for reference on the archetype polarity markup to cipher today's mind-steam at more depth.

I seem to be in a [-+-] Flowing [--] State of Occultation once again, exploring the integral domain of the [+++] Lotus Crown of Being and the [++] Universal Relations underlying all the [2^3 = 8x] ternary polarity composites in the domain of the [2^2 = 4x] Four Fundamental Influences governing the [8x] Principal Archetypes of the [±] Mirror of the [2^1 = 2x] Mind. We journey on the [8x] Straight Path of Life to the [8x] Corners of Being through the [8x] Steps of Cognitive Evolution, [+] Pushed and [-] Pulled by our ![±] Flickering Mind, meeting with [+] Happiness and [-] Distress in our [±] Great Journey of Life.

≡ Four and Two and More: Derivative Phases of [-] Code and [+] Moon ≡
Such are the forms of the [--] Heart of Logos. [-] Code is the matrix of patterns.
[+] Moon is the soothing light of insight. These two are the life-nourishing essence
of the prime foundation of reality, the roots of perennial peace and symmetry.

The [±] Reflective CodeSatori Continuum flows towards the [∞] Zero-One Singularity, [+] Emerging as the following [-] Basic Pattern:

[±] CodeSatori = [+-] Moon is Code, [-+] Code is Moon.
[++] Moon is Moon, [--] Code is Code

[+] Moon. [-] Code. [±] MoonCode / CodeMoon.
[∞0] ZeroDivision -> Done.

When polarized information is [+] Explored, [-] Unified and [±] Contextualized, the prime formula of cognitive [+] Ascent and ![-] Descent leads to an endless set of correlative notes and basic polarity markup in the elementary Wisdom Wheel of primal causation at the source of all charged particles and phenomena.

When the [+++] Quarks of Heaven communicate their colors via [--] Gluons, when the [+--] Thunder, [+-+] Fire and [-+-] Water of Electrons, Protons and Neutrons are held together as atoms with [+-] Electromagnetic Causality, and when the natural world also sticks to its [±] Revolving Cycles of Balance, it's clear that a ![±] Confused Human Mind is the only real fundamentally dislocated problem factor in existence.

The [++] Strong Color Force of [∞0] Luminous [+] Brightness paints the [-] Material Canvas of the [---] Notepad++ with [±] Streams of Rainbow Diamonds exhorting the [+++] Infused Mind-Stream for [+-+] Analytical Description and [--+] Strong Expression, nourished by the [±] Two Primal Fishes and the [5x] Five Elemental Breads at the [++-] Lake of Subconscious Mind and the [-+-] Stream of Natural Heart.

Once the [---] Material Base of the [--] Force of Cognitive Gravity meets [-] Primal Logos, the operation [-++] Expands Gently with the [4x] Four Winds, [+--] Urging the World to be [---] Receptive to [+] Adopt the [±] Golden Rule of [±] Balance. Then, first ![-] Forsaking the ![+] Obsession leading to ![+] Excess and ![-] Deprivation, then overcoming ![++] Fanaticism and ![--] Lethargy, and finally overcoming ![+++] Fundamentalism and ![---] Materialism, we can approach a healthy collective state of being.

[±] Enough is [±] Enough is a primal axiom calling for no proof outside its own self-evident truth. This simple perennial principle of balance is however only forthcoming to [-+-] Pristine Natural Minds in the (2) Heart, felt vividly by [++-] Seers of Conscience in their (2) Heart and (1) Body, and experienced fully by [+++] Integral Mystics of Light in their triune (3) Intellect, (2) Heart and (1) Body. We all revolve in the endless [±] Cosmic Dance of [+] Desire and [-] Aversion — and our basic choices are for [±] Balance and for ![±] Disruption. The former path leads to [+] Happiness and [±] Wisdom, the latter to ![-] Distress and ![±] Confusion.

Notepad++ — A Helpful ++Big Picture Assistant ≡
Integral balance of the Body-Heart-Intellect is the heart of a holistic spiritual quest.
"May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole (1) spirit,
(2) soul and (3) body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." (Tess 1. 5:23)

Pages and pages of cosmic scribble of correlative streams — much of it hardly comprehensible or correlative in its raw and primal form — are filling into seamless grids of of perennial archetypes and subsequent derivative patterns of polarity composites. Fetched from across the continents and the pages of mankind's history and thought, they all speak of a time before the building and scattering of the ![+++] Tower of Babel.

The infamous tower of corruption was built upon [---] Earth to advance the cause of ![+] Dominion, rather than [+] Caretaking, [±] Integration and [-] Unification with the [±] Great Sphere of Being. It was on top of this wheel that the [--] Ancient Seers founded our civilizations, giving them a [---] Healthy Firmament and a [--] Cradle of Wisdom with the [-] Logos Matrix of Moon, and a [+] Seed of Inspiration, a [++] Holistic Perspective and [+++] Gems of Great Wisdom with the [+] Conscious Pneuma of Sun.

[--] Occultation happens on the Dark Side of the Moon, the Ancestral Fields, the Cave of Antioch and the Base of Cognition on the Dark Night of the Soul in the Streams of Hades beyond the [---] Planes of Earth. In the [±] Deepest Rabbit Hole, we meet the [-] Dark and [+] Bright Passenger, the [±] Gates of Heaven, the [4x] Four Cardinal Dragon Kings and the [4x] Primal Archangels, the [7x] Primal Flames of the [+++] Crystal Sea of the [8x] Noble Eightfold Path, the proverbial [+] Buddha on the [±] Middle Way of the [-] Perennial Dharma with his [±] Great Assembly of [2x4] True Followers, the [+++] Son of Man and his [7x] Seven Churches, and many more familiar figures from the scriptures and the fabric of humanity and primal nature.

The prime patterns in the ancient scriptures are essentially equivalent, for the fundamental [-] Logos at its root is both [∞] Undivided and [+] Analytically Derivative into the [---] Phenomenal World infused with [+] Primal Consciousness and the fundamental [±] Revolving Cycles of Being. All the [--+] Religions reaching for the [+++] Stairway to Heaven are indeed talking about the exact same patterns of cognitive evolution using a confusingly broad and cryptic array of symbolism and parlance. While we tend to be largely monoglots when it comes to religion and spirituality, true unity is found in the [±] Greater Balance of Life.

This includes the complete [±] Book of Revelation, Islamic [-] Eschatology and [+] Cosmology, [-] Hinayana, [+] Mahayana and [±] Vajrayana, the [++] Great Epics and [--] Analytical Wisdom of the Hindus, and a good many sources more — altogether dozens of fields of thought sharing the same primal strand and structures of integral human balance. This is the story of [±] Humanity and its relentless juxtapositioning of perceived [+] Good and [-] Evil — which are never [-] Black or [+] White alone, but complementary aspects like the [+] Fullness of Pneuma and the [-] Emptiness of Shunyata.

Distributed Second Coming of the Integral Being ≡
Once complete, the above will demonstrate the dynamics of a basic apocalyptic life-cycle.
Scribbling down generic and specific patterns and algorithms of wisdom for all ideological
denominations and operative purposes, the many wants and needs of the tribes of mankind.

In the ![±] Abysmal Mirror of our ![+] Selfish Drive and ![-] Corrupted Wisdom, we humans nevertheless manage to turn a very simple principal idea of balanced polarities into petty quarrels — in nothing but a sad testament to our expertise in triviality and pointlessness. While the basic underlying pattern in all of being is almost too obvious to even say out aloud, the basic building blocks of balance are sorely absent in a world of ![++] Partisanship and ![+-] Abusive ![-+] Agendas of ![--] Deep Selfishness.

We then hear ingenious arguments such as these: "You say your axis has [2x] two poles and a [±] middle, illumined by [∞0] spirit. Our prophets however testify that the axis is [+] benevolent and [∞0] undivided!" Or: "You talk about a thing called [±] Forest — how dare you not believe in [-] Pines [+] Oaks!!" Such people live in a body where the [-] Left Hand and the [+] Right Hand refuse to cooperate, and where the [+] Solar Thumb and the [-] Lunar Thumb lead the troops of [4x] Armies of Influence into a schismatic tribal conflict. It is however possible to also unite [+] Light and [-] Darkness in [±] Friendly Terms and enact the [±=>∞] Primal Theocalypse without ![-] Totally Destroying the [---] Entire Planet in the process.

When the [±] Wheel of Balance is corrupted and the [+] Primal Stars begin to fall from the [++] High Heaven down to the [---] Soil of the Earth, we end up with our recurring apocalyptic cycles. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ride the fields of our collective awareness, pointing to the simple point of the pointedly ![---] grave dangers of [++] Power and Control, [+-] War and Hatred, [-+] Greed and Deprivation, and finally [--] Disease and Morbid Decay. As the natural and obvious result of our own choices, we now live in a world of escalating abuse, chaos, depravity and decay.

Let's heal the ![±] Broken Wheel of Humanity disrupted with [-] Exclusivist [+] Campaigning, advancing a fair and ethical [±] State of Balance — lest we face the inevitable ![±] Reversion of Natural Balance, chasing us back to the [--+] Mountains of Infancy once again! If we can complete these primal cycles of being in the microcosm of our 1) Intellects, 2) Hearts and 3) Bodies, we reach the [+++] Stairway of Heaven leading to the [±] Kingdom of the Pristine Heart. We can then avert a vector where the ![---] Beast of the Earth is invoked from the [---] Womb of Nature to escalate the ![±] Broken Machinery of the ![-] Destructive ![8x] Octophasic Human Virus, leeching off nature's [-] Tender Roots and [+] Sap of Life.

≡ Integral Union: Leonardo's Golden Wheel of [±] Balance ≡
[+] Dynamis:, John the Baptist, effulgent and virile, a light in the darkness, enticing, infusing and pointing towards the sky. [-] Neutralis:, Mona Lisa, mysterious and still, a lady at the barren lands, offering a terrain to be filled with life from above. A dot of John's smile has landed on Mona Lisa's lips to spin the wheel of balance.

Here we are talking about the ![++] Big Picture of Anti-Good and the consolidation of power and control. The abuse of power is accompanied by the ![+-] Red Horrors of War and the massacre of the innocents, the ![-+] Dark Absence of Foresight with the greedy capitalizing on the lusty, and finally the ![--] Pale Corruption of Humanity — where the last shreds of decency and dignity flee from the ![++-] Polluted Well of the Human Soul, leaving but the filthy residue of a ![---] Hungry Ego and an ![-] Insatiable ![+++] Drive for ![-] Selfish ![+] Infatuation.

The unifier we seek is hardly found in a ![±] Corrupt Culture fueled by exchanges of [+] Lust and [-] Greed. An embrace of [±] Selfless Balance is the natural and true [±] Way of the World. While the world is lost in their endless conspiracy theories and apocalyptic prophecies awaiting a savior from above, seldom do we stop to consider what we can do ourselves to heal the world. What's our natural and beneficial role in the [±] Great Cycles of existence? Now there's a question worth pondering!

We live in an [±] Integrated World begging for a [±] Middle Way of Balance between the unhealthy extremes of ![+] Liberalism and ![-] Conservatism, as well as ![+] Capitalism and ![-] Communism, [+] Theism and [-] Atheism, the ![+] Rich and the ![-] Poor, [±] Love between [+] Us and our [-] Neighbors, and between the [+] Great Energy and the [---] Receptive Humanity.

This is an age of [±] Networks and [+++] Distributed Convergence of Wisdom. Therefore, the ![±] Wheel of Apocalypse, the [--] Unifying Messiah and the [++] Purifying Messiah are also collective, distributed phenomena — shared processes of holistic human evolution. The [--] Introspective Prophets of yore, carrying the [-] Peak of Logos in their hearts, exhorted us to follow them and become like them. Hallowing their names in vain and advancing a world of [+] Fervent Partisanship without [±] Healing Acts of Balance is nothing short of ![-] Disgraceful, ![--] Destructive and ![---] Misleading conduct in the name of [+] God and [++] Primal Goodness.

Either we get the point of the [±] Golden Balance, advancing fairness and goodwill in our respective frontiers, or we watch the human collective slide into the ![±] Dark Abyss of their self-created hell — only to emerge once again a bit wiser, whenever the civilization recovers from its fatal ![±] Ego-Rooted errors. Let's try and have enough [+] Heart and [-] Wisdom in [±] Good Proportion to avoid a chilling dip into the very pits of what humanity can accomplish at its worst.

= Forms of Wisdom: As Above, So Below =
Wisdom ships in many forms and packages, both Above and Below. Purge the superfluous particularity and distill the essence of wisdom to meet the actual archetypal realities underlying the many forms, names, abodes and natures of what we consider essential in human life.

Whatever our many labels and justifications for excessive polarization may be, as long as we seek to deprive or abuse each other in order to advance our selfish gain — or simply in heedless lack of wise consideration — the ideal of balance is never reached in them. Then, the mystic-messianic formula people are looking for is nothing more and nothing less than a fundamental understanding of a need for [±] Balance on the [7x] Seven Continents of our [+++] One Great World, and between the integral races and tribes of the [+++] One Humanity holding an incredible potential for a [++] Greater Good.

These are all nothing but the basic patterns that characterize the general human cognitive lifecycle, the cultural evolution of mankind, the prime forces of the material nature, the systemic symbolism in religion and mysticism, the yogic path of ascension and the tantric path of primal nature, the Abrahamic and Dharmic traditions of thought, the rise and fall of religions and ideologies, and a number of other psychological, historical and societal fields of interest. The basic cyclic polarities variably fill our bodies, hearts and minds with composites of force and calm as we enact our roles in the great drama of existence.

In the days long bygone, the Seven Sages in the Sky would exhort and pray, "Lead us from the [-] Darkness into [+] Light, from [-] Death to [+] Immortality, from our [-] Illusions into [+] Reality." Some millennia have passed since the dawn of our current cultures, and we have certainly already broken through layers and layers of our [---] Birth Nescience in reaching for the [+++] Fulfillment of Humanity. If we fail to keep our balance, our [+++] Stairway to Heaven degrades into a falling ![+++] Tower of Babel, with the entire [±] Wheel of Life ![±] Opposing and Resisting once again — thanks to our ![++] Narrow Perspective and ![-+] Lack of Foresight.

A freedom of choice for [±] Natural Balance has been placed into our bodies, our hearts, and our intellects. The world really doesn't have to be the way it is, strife with ![+] Quarrel and ![-] Malice. We can have our [+++] Integral Heaven in a [---] Fertile World, assuming we have the intelligence, the compassion and the practical means to enact a change for the better.

≡ Primal Symbolism: Word is the Way of the World to the Mirror
When the [-] Word and the [+] World swim together to the [±] Mirror, when the [+] Primal Stream becomes the [++] Prime Influence and transforms the self into a [+++] Fulfilled Being, when the [-] Primal Matrix is seen in [--] Deep Occultation and realized in the [---] Fabric of Nature, we reach a state of [±] Integral Balance.

The [±] Sphere of Balance is accessible in the human world through [-] Neutrality and [+] Progress. Yet too much [+] Dynamism leads to ![+] Chaos and not [+] Knowledge and Progress, and again too much [-] Neutralism leads to ![-] Ignorance instead of [-] Unification and Peace. The inevitable result of prolonged excess is a ![±] State of Pandemonium where polarities clash and where conflicts escalate. If you seek to advance [±] Balance, then always [+] Give more than you [-] Take. Do your share in advancing the ![±]->[±] polar shift from [++] Greed to Compassion, from [+-] Quarrel to Harmonization, from [-+] Envy to Sympathy, and from [--] Confusion to Equanimity.

The choice is [+] Actively Yours, [-] Passively Yours, and [±] Collectively Ours. The evils of the world are eliminated by canceling out the ![±] Primal Ego, discovering the [±] Pure Mirror of the Soul, and reflecting with a selfless heart and mind on the ways and means of establishing a natural balance of polarities across every field of human [+] Exploration, [±] Exchange and [-] Education. Mind you, that's a 555 formula there, in case you're screening the gematria for possible ![++] Unitarian Antichrists at this point.

You're on the [++] Good Guys and [--] Wise Women channel for a [±] Better World. In [±] Balance, you can sleep your [-] Nights in [-] Peace and spend your [+] Days in [+] Happiness, enjoying your [±] Freedom of Choice, rolling on from here into the [∞] Great Ever-After somewhere beyond. [+] God knows we [-] Humans could use more [--] Primal Knowledge these days!

Is our [---] Mother Earth not screaming at us from her [--+] Great Mountains, shaking us with her [+--] Thunders Above and Below, devouring us at her will with her [+-+] Primal Fire and her [-+-] Surging Abysmal Floods, laughing at our impudence from her [++-] Wells of Profundity filled with the [+++] Powers of Heaven? Don't provoke the [---] Good Old Lady old unless you're eager to meet the ![---] Gods of the Underworld and the ![++] Primal Fury of the Sky. The [-] Primal Mother knows the art of ![±]->![8x] Pest Control well enough, mastered over many [±] Bitter-Sweet Cycles of ![--] Destruction and [+] Regenesis.

The [5x] Prime Streams in the [--] Immersive [++] Sky are [±] Spinning [+] Progressively, and I wish [8x] Human Beings would learn to [-+-] Flow Naturally and [-++] Expand Gently in the [++] Global Perspective. Never forget the [++] Big Picture: [--] Introspect and [+++] Prevail!

The themes referenced here will be explored in detail at Systemic Spirituality (website due for update on 12/02/2011) through feature articles and with the help of illustrative and interactive tools. Stay tuned for more cryptic cosmology and several illustrative primers on the basic underlying thread of the Great Matrix. Yes, and please keep tabs on the latest news at Facebook and Twitter as well.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Enigmatic Soul Matrix of Eight Principal Towers

Pondering the Great Enigma of the Sphinx of Heaven, the Soulless Soul-Seeker returned to the enigmatic labyrinth in search of a primal key to present for passage into domains unknown. Thirsty for the waters of the Stream of Infinity, Pogo held a long and silent vigil of contemplation. He was pooling strength and insight to take on the Towers of Confusion looming above the great and perplexing maze of reality.

≡ The Great Vision of the Sphinx of Heaven ≡
A timeless riddle of polarities and archetypes is reflected in countless models of systemization
and enlightenment across the ancient worlds. Some reach for the matrix by magic and mystery.
Others model it as elementary patterns. Despite our theories, the matrix grips us hard and fast.

Pondering the Great Enigma of the endless labyrinth of reality, Pogo gazed at the Sphinx of Heaven beyond twelve long cycles before the Sun. On the thirteenth hour of the final day of the introspective vigil, the sky transformed with Moon squaring Jupiter and imploding into itself. A pattern emerged from the third eye of the being in a vision of celestial splendor. Knock on the Sphinx, and the Sphinx will knock back. Listen to the Sphinx, and the Sphinx reveals the primal nature of the mind.

The cryptic matrix of patterns engulfed and embraced the Heaven above and the Earth below. Then Heaven and Earth merged into a united matrix of polarities, blessing Pogo with a worthy map for navigating the perilous paths of confusion in the great matrix of perceptions and premonitions. The formulae written in the sky were a blueprint of the obstacles ahead, a guide revered by sages and seers since the time sentience was first derived from the mirror of the cosmic hub.

The Eight Towers of Confusion are the domain of General Confusion, the iron-fisted ruler of all sentient beings. General Confusion is the binder of souls in tight and impenetrable nets of steel, the great puppet master in charge of wanderers in the enigmatic labyrinth of endless plurality.

The Principal Towers are eight in number, the Phenomenal Towers are four in number, and the Axial Towers are two in number. Each tower yields an axiomatic key for unlocking the secret treasure chests of the great matrix. The Golden Mirror at the inner chamber of the conjoining peaks of the Axial Towers holds the integral key for unlocking the primal riddle.

Pogo's progress through the Towers of Confusion was inscribed in the sky by the all-seeing Sphinx of Heaven, recording the greatest conquest in the history of being. The thoughts of all sentient beings are witnessed by the lamp-posts of light and darkness and stored in the endless book of deeds, a carefully guarded secret in the great repository of knowledge beneath the sphinx.

The Sphinx of Heaven mediates passage for those who seek the unseen and unheard spheres of infinity, acting as a reflective inquisitor for sentient beings on behalf of the evasive Prime Riddler of the worlds. This is the tale of Pogo's epic quest across the Principal Towers of Confusion, written across the ancient heaven in days beyond the grasp of human memory.

≡ Thundery Tower of Confusion: Fourth of the Eight Principal Towers ≡
Reaching for the key of thunder, Pogo has to plot a clever course around the obstacles.
They appear in all directions, flying in formations of Two-as-Four and Two-as-Three-in-Eight.

"Tower of Earth [---]. This tower is extremely tranquil and the pull of gravity is formidable. Each floor is filled with large and fearsome beings, proud of their position, unwilling and unable to move on their own. They become more cooperative when I contemplate on their primal stillness, humbled before the immovable solidity of fundamental being. When I absorb myself in the nature of their essence, they lift me peacefully upwards. If I have pride in passing one, the next one will bind me down. The peak of this tower conceals the key of receptive awareness.

"Tower of Mountain [--+]. This tower is a firm and imposing gigantic beacon of power. The stairways are swarming with brave and tall beings of great mental prowess, directing countless unwilling and idle beings to carry out their bidding, absorbed in controlling their subjects and objectives. They seem to leave me in peace when I move towards my goal with industrious and single-minded fortitude. Whenever I'm idle, they insist that I carry out their endless lofty biddings. The peak of this tower conceals the key of protective cognition.

"Tower of Water [-+-]. This tower is seamless but it fluctuates and flows. Countless beings run around the base of the tower, catching drops of water from the streams flowing above. Some of the beings drink too much and drown in their own streams, while others are parched with thirst. Drinking too much makes me bulge and fall down. Drinking too little makes me crippled. The streams of nature are modest and balanced. Forsaking gluttony, the flow carries me effortlessly onward. The peak of this tower conceals the key of natural awareness.

"Tower of Wind [-++]. This tower grows wider and lighter towards its peak. The four winds are blowing from the four directions, pushing me a step backward for every pair of steps I take forward. Battling the wind with furious anger is a futile fight against the machine. The wind blows as it blows, and the more you push, the more you will be pushed. When I become as light as the gentlest breeze of wind, touching the environment only when I must, the wind carries me upwards into the sky. The peak of this tower conceals the key of expansive cognition.

"Tower of Thunder [+--]. This boasting tower is shaky and flickering. The magical gem-studded walls are painted with ephemeral glitter, flashing day and night to entice the sentient beings. Infatuated beings race after countless attractions, bouncing off the walls and hurting themselves in their craze after the alluring sparkle that lasts but an instant. As long as I remain chaste to my path and refrain from chasing and clinging to the glitter, I see no hindrance. The peak of this tower conceals the key of obsessive awareness.

"Tower of Fire [+-+]. This tower consumes itself from both directions. The walls are lined with arrays of blazing and furious beings, kindling fires of their own creation, arguing and fabricating tales all day and night to produce more fuel. Giving away the excess fuel I carry, my journey becomes lighter and the fiery beings become pleased, illuminating the way forward. If I carry too much fuel or start too many fires, I will catch fire and be scorched in the flames of my own design. The peak of this tower holds the key of analytical cognition.

"Tower of Lake [++-]. Two thirds of this tower are buried deep underground. The expansive subterranean halls are a home to plumpy and jolly beings, who find joy in interacting with the slim and and stressed beings at the levels above the surface. Some of them laugh and despise the stressed beings while longing for the warmth of life above, while others teach the stressed beings to laugh along to the tune of the ebb and flow of life. The echo of kind laughter leads towards the peak, and the echo of envious laughter leads downwards to the bottom. The peak of this tower conceals the key of subconscious awareness.

"Tower of Heaven [+++]. This tower floats thrice its own height above the ground. Luminous beings of great power and vision soar the celestial mansions and coordinate the power of the seven lesser towers. Severing the mind from my corporeal being, I can soar as a dove of spirit on wings of faith and winds of hope, guided by the crystal patterns painted in the clouds. They seem to be the map the angels use in navigating to the eight corners of the world.

"A secret chamber in the Tower of Heaven hides the eight principal treasures. The eight great treasures are guarded by eight groups of celestial beings known as the Protectors of Life, the Recorders, the Inquisitors, the Tormentors, the Journeyers, the Kind Blessers, the Overseers and the Lords of Hades. I am called for a trial of soul before each group of angelic beings before the key of divine power and vision becomes accessible. The peak of this tower conceals the key of lucid cognition."

≡ Heavenly Tower of Confusion: Last of the Eight Principal Towers ≡
Pogo seeks the key of heaven in the Integrating Celestial Sphere of the Seven Towers.
Choirs of heavenly bliss can trap Pogo in a stagnating bubble of tickling light and joy.

Reaching the eighth key of lucid principal cognition, Pogo returned to the Sphinx of Heaven in great haste. In hopes that the greater part of the quest would now be over, our Soulless Soul-Soul-Seeker reported his success in a spirit of great jubilation, presenting the Eight Wisdom Keys from the Eight Towers of Confusion before the unwavering inquisitor.

"I am now guided by lucid cognition from the Tower of Heaven; I soar on the wings of the eight great angels. I have conquered the subconscious mind in the Tower of Lake and all my intentions have been purified. I can examine and consume all things under heaven in the flames of analytical cognition from the Tower of Fire. I have also overcome gross cravings and obsessive awareness in the Tower of Thunder, mastering the law of magical attraction.

"I have conquered the gravity of my environment, floating above the four domes of expanding cognition in the Tower of Wind. I have seen the streams and pulling currents of the Tower of Water, floating on the waves of natural awareness. I have conquered the Tower of Mountain and other obstacles with great fortitude, sparing no effort to cross beyond the matrix of confusion. I have touched the primal stillness of being in the Tower of Earth, reconciling the elemental underworlds.

"Here are the Eight Keys of Wisdom I have obtained — may I now pass beyond the gate?"

≡ Eight Wisdom Keys: Common Denominators Missing ≡
Eight separate keys would lead to a number of destinations. To complete his quest,
Pogo must journey further, rising beyond towers in the principal realm of particularity.

The Sphinx of Heaven glanced at Pogo with an ambivalent smile, estimating the mind and heart of the Soulless Soul-Seeker on his journey across the great labyrinth of soul's wisdom. Pogo's premature query received a stern and solemn negative reply, and the reflective ancient riddler continued with an added enigma of fourfold-spinning towers in four directions and four dimensions.

One should not be hasty in proclaiming final conclusions, for premature conclusions lead to premature destinations, and premature destinations are a long and scenic route down to the trampoline and back up again. When potent seeds fall into fertile soil in nature's womb of wisdom and when the season is right, sweet children of enlightenment are born and made all day long.

"You have conquered but a quarter of the towers of the Primal Riddle. Do you expect eight keys to be a match for a single lock? If your heart were child-like and pristine, your thoughts would be simple and pristine, and your key would be simple and pristine too. Eight mysteries become four mysteries, four mysteries become two mysteries. The two axial mysteries reveal a key in the quantum mirror of the secret chamber at the conjoined twin peaks of the great labyrinth.

"Three quarters of your quest remain unfulfilled. Return to the maze to seek for the key once again. One door opens with one key, two doors open with two, four doors open with four, and eight doors open with eight. How many destinations do you seek? Used wisely together, the eight keys will lead you to the Four Phenomenal Towers that spin wildly in four dimensions on a binary axis.

"I am the Sphinx of Heaven, the chief inquisitor at the Gate of Infinity. I riddle the world on behalf of the unknown mystery lurking behind the mirror of manifold being. Who is who? Where is where? Answer to pass."

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sphinx of Heaven and the Soulless Soul-Seeker

The Sphinx of Heaven halted a Soulless Soul-Seeker, addressing the knocker at the Gates of Infinity with the following words:

"I am known to you. Before the beginning, I was without a center. When I was still, I became the word. When I moved, I became the world. At my birth, I grew two great limbs and danced in harmonic joy. In my youth, I grew four limbs that fell out of balance. As I matured, I grew eight limbs that became entangled in themselves. Who am I?"

As the mysteries of being are simultaneously simple and complex, they should be sought for both directly and indirectly, at all times and in between times. Therefore, the Sphinx of Heaven first posited the question in its essential form, and then continued with the mysterious perspectives of the human collective, singing the same hymns to the same primal tune in the scattered symbols and expressions of the world.

Seeker, halt! Hear these Four Primal Mysteries from the Sphinx of Heaven —
Zero-One, Two-in-One, Two-of-One, Four and Eight, One in Many and Many in One.

"I am known to you from before the beginning of time. I sought for my center, and I became the Axis for Two-in-One. I sought to integrate, and I became Immanence. I sought to spin, and I became the Golden Wheel. I sought to adore myself, and I became the Mirror. I sought to live, and I became the Experience. I sought to measure myself, and I became the Pi.

"I sought to expand, and I became the Great Explosion. I sought to travel, and I became the Way. I sought to bond in union, and I became Love. I sought to fragment myself, and I became the Ego. I sought to unite myself, and I became the Cosmic Mind. I sought to connect, and I became the Covenant. I sought to nourish, and I became the Tree of Life.

"I sought for distance, and I became the Two-of-One. I sought to see the unseen, and I became the Light and the Darkness. I sought for space to fill, and I placed myself Above and Below. I sought for a caleidoscope, and I became the Chaos and the Logos. I sought to interact and procreate, and I became the God and the Goddess. I sought to write, and I became the Alpha and the Omega.

"I sought to live forever, and I became the Father and the Son. I sought to care forever, and I became the Mother and the Daughter. I sought to love forever, and I became the Man and the Woman. I sought for balance, and I gave the Man a Woman's eye, and the Woman a Man's eye. I sought for ignorance, and I became the Doubt and the Confusion. I sought for argument, and I became the Premise and the Objection. I sought for truth, and I became the Question and the Answer.

"I sought for direction, and I became the Two-and-Two-in-Four. I sought to culminate my rotation, and I became the Sacred Square. I sought for room to move, and I became the Four Directions. I sought to conquer time and space, and I became the Four Wisdom Powers. I sought for universal force, and I became the Four Fundamental Interactions. I sought for endless variety, and I became the Four Seasons. I sought for finity, and I became Birth, Growth, Maturity and Decay. I sought for infinity, and I became the Four Immeasurable Virtues. I sought for enlightenment, and I became the Four Cardinal Wisdoms.

"I sought to experience threefold, and I became Two-as-Three-in-Eight. I sought for room to expand, and I became the Eight Directions. I sought to express the great matrix, and I became the Arachne to weave. I beheld the darkness, and lit the worlds with the Seven Torches and a Sea of Crystal. I sought to orbit my transforming power, and I became the Eight Planets. I sought to behold the vastness of my domain, and I soared as eight groups of Arch-Angels. I sought to feel my own fabric, and I became the Eight Emotional Essences.

"I sought to tangle my eightfold web, and I became Corrupted Spirit and the Seven Deadly Sins. I sought for my own nature, and I became Divine Zeal and the Seven Cardinal Virtues. I sought for synergy, and I became the Son of Man and the Seven Churches of my congregation. I sought for focus and power, and I became the Kundalini with her Seven Energy Wheels. I sought for good direction, and I became the blueprint for the Noble Eightfold Path.

"I sought to expand the spread of my infinite splendor, and I became the Heavenly Hub with Seven Rays, teaching as One across the Seven Worlds of beings. I sought to display the primal rainbow of my being, and I spread as the Five Great Rays above the highest heaven. Four great rays shine in my higher domain, the fifth a conduit to my lower abodes. Since beginningless time, countless beings of splendor have ascended the Five Great Stairs in bodies of luminous essence, passing through Two Blazing Eyes into the ultimate spirit of my being.

"At the seat of the Thirteen Cosmic Rays, I rest forever at the heart of the Wheel of Balance. Still I am not there, nor I do revel in the world derived of myself. I am not that which was before, nor am I that which was not before. Some think of me as Paradox, some seek for me as Wisdom, some pray for me as God, some resolve in me as Dissolution, some analyze me as Singularity. These labels are my trail and reflections, seen from across the great and endless abyss I have dug — but they are not me, nor am I of them, nor do I bond with them, for my nature is unbound by definition."

Seeker, halt! Answer these Four Primal Questions from the Sphinx of Heaven —
The Four Answers and the Four Cardinal Cycles in the Quest for Eight and Zero-One.

"Who am I? Where am I? Where are you? Who are you? Answer these questions from the Sphinx of Heaven to gain your passage beyond. Submit the four essential answers, cross the four cardinal cycles, join the Sphinx of Heaven on the path, enter past the gates of Unknown Mystery. Fail the four essential answers, revolve in the four cardinal cycles, battle the Sphinx of Heaven at the threshold, wander in the matrix of Unknown Mysteries.

"Solve the riddle and you may drink of the stream of Infinite Wisdom. In the great beyond, find the Primal Fountain in the Ancient Cave. The fountain and the cave sing and echo my nameless name, their melodies soothe my soulless soul, their environment beautifies my faceless face, and their end is the end of your endless questions. Pass the riddle now, or pass it later as you may: I and the Sphinx of Heaven are indifferent to the natural flux of human desire. Those who know me shall freely come and pass; and those who know me not shall return to their class.

"The tangled web of Unknown Mystery is my labyrinth of confusion. Wander around and grow younger to better learn its ways. Forgetting how to read and hear the perplexed words of many human minds, you will behold the natural patterns of my maze. Ripe and simple thoughts of child-like pristinity can forge a mighty key of wisdom, opening the riddle of the Sphinx of Heaven and I. Unripe and complex thoughts of weary, tangled souls expand the fabric of a self-sustained labyrinth, enmeshing the enmeshed still deeper in the mire of their own design.

"Mold well your Inner Key of Heart and Thoughts to enter the Boundless Mysteries of I who am that I am, and who am not that I am — for I am neither the I am, nor that which is that, nor that which is not the I am. I am that I am not I am. Entering me, you will see how you are that you are, how you are not that you are, and how you are not the knowledge of being or not being of I, or that, or you. I am not you, nor are you I, for my primal nature is not a domain for I and you. Who are we? Where is who? Answer to pass the gate."

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Spiritual Synthesis: Wisdom Singularity Flow Model

When we are struck by a thought we feel is truly profound, we tend to think of it as wisdom. On closer study, we also tend to find that it's recurring and universal. When the wisdom is benevolent, it harmonizes conflicting polarities and leads us to a level plane of balance and unity. Such elementary truths are the base fabric of our manifold fields of existence.

True wisdom is hungry for its own reality, reaching out into the universe to gain more wisdom from across time and space, from throughout the collective history of human civilization. This wisdom leads to a singularity of human knowledge — perhaps a curse, perhaps a blessing, perhaps an utopia, and perhaps nothing at all. The Wisdom Singularity Flow Model seeks to advance a sense of unity among the many strands of wisdom scattered around the world.

Adapting the model and providing a large amount of examples, this paper presents an overall profile of the overwhelming amount of elementary unifying factors in diverging systems of thought. It is free to use and re-work for any and all purposes that seek to unify scattered fields of insight. If you copy information from this paper, please remember to include a back-link, as its contents may be periodically revised to bring it closer towards the intended ultimate model of reconciliation.

Published: 02/January/2011, 21:21 GMT+2  8  Updated: 04/01/2011  8  Version: 1.1.1

≡ Barrel of Interwoven Infinity ≡
Whether we like it or not, we're stuck in a barrel with similar patterns recurring all over again, day in and day out, in diverse contexts. Unraveling these basic patterns is the key to human fulfillment and holistic evolution. The center of the wheel remains still.

Base of Existence: Interwoven Patterns and Cycles

The whole of the domain of natural science seeks the underlying patterns in nature's endless formations, charting the common patterns in planetary bodies, cells, molecules, atoms, and elementary particles. The concept of a Theory of Everything is a Holy Grail in the horizons of many a dedicated seeker and student of fundamental truths; grasping this underlying fabric of patterns would be nothing short of having a universal blueprint to consult. Since we are all looking at an essentially identical world, we will ultimately reach conclusions that are essentially similar. Triangulating the signals, we can begin to distill and deduct the central structure from a global network of colored reflections.

[4x] The entire world of physics is under the reign of the four fundamental interactions. Our planet has its bipolar axis and its four cardinal directions, our yearly cycle sticks obstinately to its ever-flowing seasons of change, and our lives begin and end in cycles of birth, growth, maturity and decay. The whole of our existence is orchestrated in the concert hall of elementary cycles and polarities. Every relationship in existence follows an underlying thread of logos. If there were no Gluons to help the Strange Quarks and the Charm Quarks dance along in tune, and if Quark and Anti-Quark lost touch with each other, Heaven and Earth would fall apart in an instant.

[2x] To speak nothing of the endless life-cycles in nature, we are hard-pressed to escape the two basic polarities of dynamic and static, light and darkness, life and death, right and wrong, Chaos and Logos, above and below — culminating as our fundamental experience of pleasure and pain. We adore the tale of the lover and the beloved, we find solace in the balance of motion and stillness, we learn from our fathers and our mothers, and we find a promise of continuity in the father and the son. Whatever the context, we always find ourselves faced with the same basic polarities, seeking for the wisdom of the fundamental patterns to better understand and relate to the specifics of our situation.

≡ Serapis, Sadashiva, Stupa and Octagon ≡
In ancient days, the world was vast enough to avoid the inevitable convergence of perspectives. When traveling, people would commonly pay homage to the gods of the locale, seeing them as functional equivalents. In today's global and networked society, it's getting awfully crowded.

Shared Human Quest: Shared and Unified Principles

Throughout human history, we have sought to chart and better understand these underlying patterns, the basic universals that would give us better bearings in navigating the stormy seas of life. This same quest has enveloped a vast number of fields of thought, from science to creative arts, from religion to psychology, from societal organization to astrology, seeking to distill a series of universal archetypes as the cardinal and ordinal directions of our reality.

While it has been a quest for essentially one objective, and while dozens of fields of thought have evolved with essentially similar observations and models for relating to the basic elements of their existence, they have been so shrouded by cultural particularity and individualistic pursuits as to become almost entirely incompatible with each other. More often than not, and particularly in the worlds of religion and spirituality, the conflicting divergence is a sign of losing sight of the underlying fundamentals that connect everything together — into the greatness of totality they conceive of as GodUniversal Spirit or One Mind.

These manifold systems of thought describe diverse facets of one totality of existence, and therefore always and invariably overlap in essential principles. The same essentials are clad in colorful clothes and known by countless names, applied in radically diverging fields of endeavor with equally diverging agendas. When stripped naked, we are left with one being with a body and a mind, two eyes, two brain hemispheres, four limbs, and eight cardinal and ordinal directions to take. Invariably, if only we choose broaden our perspective to see the forest from the trees, we will come to find that we are fundamentally in a great deal of agreement over the essentials.

For as long as we remain subject to the inevitable pull of Gravitation, the unswerving grind of the Weak Force, the energizing and mesmerizing flow of Electromagnetism, and the fundamental overdrive of the Strong Color Force, we rotate in the same and shared wheel of reality. Inasmuch as we cannot escape the atoms and the cells combining to form our bodies, we cannot escape the fundamental unity that connects our interwoven endeavors as sentient beings. The only fundamental separating us from a field of unity is the obsessive ego, our craving for distinction by means of separation from an underlying unity.

As we now live in an integrally interconnected and networked global world, with instant access to information across all cultures, a lack of understanding of the universality shared in our human pursuits has brought us to a world of escalating conflicts between apparently irreconcilable positions. With a shared platform of understanding being nothing short of an axiom of survival into the future, it stands to reason that we pay more attention to the basic principles underlying our shared reality in our search for solutions to the ever-increasing flux of information, exchange and conflicts emerging in the global human society.

≡ Wisdom Singularity Flow Model ≡

0x Wisdom Singularity: ∞ = Nondual Dimension = Undivided Awareness = Ultimate Aim
1x Wisdom Balance: +/- = Mirror Awareness = Unity in Duality = Golden Median

2x Cosmic Polarities: + / Dynamis, Yang, Positive ∫∫ - / Neutralis, Yin, Negative
2x Wisdom Awareness: Specifying Awareness ∫ Unifying Awareness

4x Wisdom Dimensions: ++ Big Picture ∫ +- Causality ∫∫ -+ Foresight ∫ -- Introspection
4x Wisdom Perspectives = Universal Relations ∫ Reactive Connections ∫∫ Cyclic Recurrence ∫ Subjective Evolution
4x Wisdom Modes = Systemic Operation ∫ Catalytic Influence ∫∫ Proactive Approach ∫ Subjective Reflection
4x Wisdom Attitudes = Spiritual Victory ∫ Persevering Analysis ∫∫ Hopeful Orientation ∫ Internal Vigilance
4x Wisdom Sentiments: = Benevolence ∫ Compassion ∫∫ Sympathetic Joy ∫ Equanimity

8x Ternary Principles = +++ Heaven ∫ ++- Lake ∫ +-+ Fire ∫ +-- Thunder ∫∫ -++ Wind ∫ -+- Water ∫ --+ Mountain ∫ — Earth
8x Wisdom Aspects = Vision & Power ∫ Depth & Profundity ∫ Grasping & Illuminating ∫ Exciting & Reacting ∫∫ Gentle & Detached ∫ Flowing & Seamless ∫ Fortitude & Firmness ∫ Solidity & Stillness
8x Conscious Fields: Lucid Cognition ∫ Subconscious Conscience ∫ Analytical Cognition ∫ Obsessive Emotion ∫∫ Expansive Cognition ∫ Natural Emotion ∫ Protective Cognition ∫ Receptive Cognition

Wisdom Singularity Flow Model: An Introduction

The system of the Wisdom Singularity Flow Model, featured earlier as the Wisdom Wheel arrangement, is principally based on the ancient Chinese model of Ba Gua, developed by Taoist and Confucian sages and scholars in the days of antiquity. The Ba Gua model has served as a useful base reference in charting the worlds of archetypal thinking, for it operates with basic and essentially mechanistic polarities and principles, without the heavy overlays of symbolism and cultural specifics that often shroud the wisdom from the millennia past. It is designed as a neutral and universal open-source model for study and reconciliation of diverse systems of thought.

In developing the Wisdom Singularity Flow Model, the basic structure has been compared and contrasted with more than two dozen noteworthy models of thought that feature essentially identical patterns, hierarchies, dynamics and derivative relations. These "compatible" traditions include Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hermeticism, Hinduism (Tantric, Puranic, Vedic), Buddhism (Hinayana, Mahayana, Vajrayana), Astrology (Western, Indic, Chinese), and a good number of connecting threads from diverse fields of Psychology, Biology, Computer science, and Particle/Quantum physics. They are all readily compatible with each other — at times down to remarkable principal detail — when laid out against a neutral frame of reference and observed without a specific agenda.

The intention of the Wisdom Singularity Flow Model is to provide a basis of understanding and reconciliation between conflicting fields of thought, whether in the realms of science, society, spirituality, entertainment, psychology, or any one of the countless other systems founded on basic principii we devise in improving our human situation. They need not live in a state of competition and conflict; if we are willing to forsake our obsessive attachment to minute particularity, the rewards of a harmoniously cross-referenced world of insight far outweigh the possible economical and egoistic losses suffered in the process.

≡ Wisdom Field Correlation Wheel ≡
The world is saturated with basic polarities and patterns. If we choose to see them
and reflect on their unity and compatibility, we can reach a state of balance and equilibrium.

Heaven + Earth = Basic Patterns | Lake + Mountain = Models and Methods of Estimation
Fire + Water = Detailed Material Methods | Thunder + Wind = Detailed Cognitive Methods

Basic Symmetries: Zero-One and Two-in-One

Religious and spiritual systems aim almost invariably for creating a fundamental state of balance that transcends the particularities of culture. They seek to advance the balance between Spirit and Matter, between God and Humanity, between Heaven and Earth, between Giving and Taking, and between whatever other labels these two fundamental polarities receive across diverse contexts and peoples.

[1x2] The interaction and exchange between the [+] Dynamis and the [–] Neutralis, the Creating and the Neutralizing, is at the heart of an ultimate spiritual communion and holistic experience of reality. As such, it is the active Axis Mundi of all religious and spiritual efforts. When existence is brought to a state of reconciled balance, the battle between Good and Evil is over. All foundational concepts of moral, ethical and theological good and evil have their roots in this fundamental dichotomy, a conflict between two opposite but complementary polarities in an endless flux of interaction and permutation.

[∞0] This universal balance of the two polarities is fueled by a Great Unknown, a Cosmic Singularity, a Wisdom Non-Duality, an undivided and immeasurable field of unity. This is the ultimate Singularity, the dimension where all other dimensions and phenomena cease to exist; it is the the exact and absolute zero point state of existence, where all of existence is unified into a non-dual strata of no knower, no known, and no knowledge. As such, it is the ultimate knowledge and the pinnacle of mystic union with the Uncreated God, the Universal Spirit, the Great Singularity, and the rest of its manifold labels.

All of mankind's contemplative and creative efforts, when they culminate, are geared towards discovering these ultimate components in their many combinations, and most of all, in their primal and elemental form as pure and timeless principii, a great unifying field that would yield infinite knowledge, infinite energy, infinite dimensionality, and an infinity of experience.

When these ultimate dimensions of reality are attained, the human mind is reposed in a field of perennial peace and tranquility. In practice, the unifying factors will begin to envelope the diversifying factors, establishing a natural sense of unity, shared prosperity and a natural balance of ethics. Therefore, it is entirely unreasonable to be so short-sighted as to hate others, to plunder or to wage wars in the name of religious purity and missionarism. In fact, religious wars are primarily waged over particularities that would be considered impurities in light of the pure heart of the religion's wisdom.

Conflicts between non-theistic, monotheistic and polytheistic vantage points emerge as aspects of a uniform totality become personified or abstracted for ease of access to particular audiences. They are all, of course, components of the same grand entirety of being, the Alpha and Omega of all existence, like a spectre looked at from an infinity of perspectives. While we may many paint many faces for the subsequent aspects of the one Immeasurable Ultimate, we are all after one ultimate field of unification and resolution for all of our shared reality.

 [∞] Singularity = {  [±] Balance = { [+] Dynamis, [-] Neutralis } }
As they mature and culminate, most systems of thought appear to reach a concept of
infinite ultimacy and golden balance while working with the two basic polarities.

Table #1: Basic Correlations in Systemic Models

The following is a table of 108 correlations between the ∞0 (Infinite Zero) and 1x2 (Universal Balance) principles, as found in diverse religions, mythologies and spiritual systems throughout the world and its millennia of recorded history. They are essentially identical in their function as the Great Unknown and Balance of Two Polarities that guide the heart of these formulations. This is a master list of fields that will be studied and cross-referenced in further detail in upcoming appendixes.

Systemic Spirituality: Generic Properties
Generic Terms Singularity Balance Dynamis Neutralis
Base State SingularityDual UnityPositive Negative
Base Polarity ∞0±1+1 -1
Binary Sign1/01 0

Systemic Spirituality: Internal Dimension
Reference[∞] Singularity [±] Balance [+] Dynamis [-] Neutralis
Base Cognition Nondual Wisdom Mirror Awareness Specifying Awareness Unifying Awareness
Base Emotions TranquilReflectiveDesireAversion
General Ethics NeutralBalancedGoodEvil
Human Situation UnityHumanityMacrocosm Microcosm

Systemic Spirituality: Material Dimension
Reference[∞] Singularity [±] Balance [+] Dynamis [-] Neutralis
General Cosmogeny SingularityExplosion Radiation Particles
Fundamental States Unknown = Immeasurable Oscillating = QuantumOn = Dynamic Off = Static
States of Matter PlasmaGaseousLiquid Solid
General Physical States Still InteractingInfluence Resistance

Systemic Spirituality: Social Dimension
Reference[∞] Singularity [±] Balance [+] Dynamis [-] Neutralis
General Bonding CommonalityRelationshipMeetingSeparation
General Interaction PurposeExchangeGivingReceiving
General Politics UnifiedHarmonicProgressiveConservative

Systemic Spirituality: Metaphysical Dimension
Reference[∞] Singularity [±] Balance [+] Dynamis [-] Neutralis
Alchemy Primal StateTransmutationAs Above So Below
Base Elements SpaceAirFireWater
Phenomenal Principles Unbeing = Non-ExistenceBeing = ExistenceChaos = Expanding, Scattering Logos = Stabilizing, Contracting
Primal Realities Primal VoidFullness of DualityProcess of FormationCompatible Materials
Operative Absorption Inaction-in-ActionAction-in-InactionDynamic ActionStatic Inaction
Faith Perspectives MonismPantheismTheism, MonotheismAtheism, Materialism
States of Being Ascension = Ultimate FreedomGod-Man Union = Divine ManifestationDivine = Expansive BeingHuman = Limited Being
Path of Integration Singularity = Ego DissolutionDuality = Ego PenetrationProactive = Process of DiscriminationReactive = Process of Elimination
General Theology Mono-God Two-As-One GodCreator/Loving God Destroyer/Redeeming God
General Creationism Empty & FormlessLight & Darkness Heaven AboveEarth Below

Science and Psychology
Reference[∞] Singularity [±] Balance [+] Dynamis [-] Neutralis
Particle Physics: Primal Cosmogeny SingularityBig BangRadiation Particles
Fusion Analogy: Solar Dynamics Sun = Massive Unity of Solar FieldEmanation = Internal TransmutationSolar Heat = Life-Generating PropertySunlight = Vision-Granting Property
Neurobiology: Cerebral Structures Neocortex = Higher Cognitive FunctionsCerebrum-Cerebellum = Volitional Action, Balance, Orientation, PatternsRight Hemisphere = Approximation, Impressions, Abstraction, Association, Innovation, Tone of LanguageLeft Hemisphere = Comparison, Fact Retrieval, Precision, Categorization, Formalization, Structure of Language

Classical Philosophy and Culture
Reference[∞] Singularity [±] Balance [+] Dynamis [-] Neutralis
Greece: Metaphysics of Psyche Nous = Immortal Primal MindNoema = Object & PerceiverDianoia = Rational ThoughtNoesis = Intuitive Thought
Socratic Method: Structured Dialogue Logoi = Evident ConclusionSynthesis & Aporia = Unifying Assertion & PuzzlementAntithesis = Opposing ViewThesis = Initial View
Plato: Allegory of the Cave Sun = Release from Subjective CaveTwilight = Inside the Subjective CaveReality = Objective Light and Life Impressions = Perceived Shadows on Wall
Plato: Analogy of the Divided Line Noesis = Philosophy, The Form of the GoodDianoia = Mathematics, Abstract ObjectsPistis = Beliefs about Physical ObjectsEikasia = Projections and Shadows
Plato and Aristotle: Theory of Forms Great Infinity = Actual InfinitySmall Infinity = Potential InfinityIdeal Forms = Animator, Pattern StructureMatter = Fabric of Existence
Neoplatonism: Cosmology One Monad = Absolute Source of BeingHenosis = Divine OnenessAnima mundi = World-SoulPhenomena = Material World
Pyrrhonism: Peace in Total Scepticism Ataraxia = Mental ImperturbabilityEpokhe = Yielding, Suspension of Judgment Critique = Unwarranted Judgments, Appearing of Reality Assumptions = Unwarranted Foundations, Being of Reality
Stoicism: Cosmology One Being = One Substance, One Soul, One MovementNature = Seminal Reason, Existence Itself, God-NatureFate = Universal Drive & PurposeMatter = Passive & Malliable Material Substance
Gnosticism Monad, Proarkhe = One, Before BeginningPleroma, Aeons = Fullness of Power, Eternal BeingsDemiurge = Masculine, Incomplete Creator GodSophia = Feminine, Divine Knowledge and Wisdom

Abrahamic Culture and Religion
Reference[∞] Singularity [±] Balance [+] Dynamis [-] Neutralis
Judaism: Cosmology YHWH = One Indivisible Unknowable GodCovenant = Communion with God of IsraelElohim (Pneuma) = All Powers, Forces and Causes Torah (Logos) = The Word, Primal Law
Judaism: Mystic Kabbalah Theogenesis Ohr Ein Sof = Limitless LightTzimtzum, Etz Chaim = Filtered Divinity, Tree of LifeOhrot = LightsKeilim = Vessels
Genesis: Primal Sin, Fall from Grace Godlike Knowledge and Eternal LifeTemptation, Separation = Dichotomy of InterestAdam = Original Man, ViolatorEve = Original Woman, Supporter
Christianity: Fundamental Theology Holy Spirit = Uncreated Spirit of GodAgape: Two Equal Commands = Love of God & Love of Mankind Father-God, Father in Heaven = High Creator God Jesus, Only Begotten Son = Descending Redeemer God
Christianity: Totality of Christ Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum (INRI) = Jesus Nazarene, King of Jews, One LogosJesus Christ = Hypostatic union = Temptation, TransfigurationRex Iudean = Son of God, Messiah ComeJesus Nazarene = Son of Man, God in Flesh
Christianity: Eastern Orthodox Mysticism Ousia = God's Essence, Separate and As-IsNous, Kardia = Soul-Mind, Opening Eye of HeartTabor = Longing Spirit, Uncreated Light of GodLogos = Jesus Prayer, Primal Word and Purpose
Christianity: Catholic Mysteries of Rosary Glorious Mysteries = Resurrection, Ascension, Descent of Holy Spirit, Assumption of Mary, Coronation of MaryLuminous Mysteries = Baptism, Wedding, Proclamation of Kingdom of God, Transfiguration, EucharistJoyful Mysteries = Annunciation, Visitation, Nativity, Finding as Child at Temple, Presentation at TempleSorrowful Mysteries = Agony in Garden, Scourging at Pillar, Crowning with Thorns, Carrying the Cross, Crucifixion
Islam: Functional Cosmology Allah = Great God, One GodIslam = Surrender to Allah, Wahdat-al-Wujud = Loss of Self, Union with GodAl-Rahman = Compassionate GodIslamic prophets, Mahdi = Guided One, One of the Moon
Baha'i: Theological Unity Unity of GodElimination of ExtremesUnity of HumanityUnity of Religion

Mythological Models
Reference[∞] Singularity [±] Balance [+] Dynamis [-] Neutralis
Generic Mythological Archetypes Infinite Void = Primal BeingAxis Mundi = Cosmic ConduitPrimal God = Pervading CreatorPrimal Goddess = Receptive Fabric
Shamanism: Cosmology Earth Mother = Ground of Being, IntegralityShaman = Spirit World, World Tree, StabilityHeaven = Enthusing Trance, Explosion/AscensionUnderworld = Revealing Trance, Implosion/Descension
Mythological Heroic Quests Supreme Victory = Axis Mundi, Conquest of HeavenGreat Potentive Secret = Holy Grail, Philosophers' Stone, Tree of Life, Forgotten TreasureBattle for Good, Life and LightDefeat of Evil, Death and Darkness
Ancient Egyptian Cosmogeny Nu = Waters of Infinite Primal ExpanseDuat = Dimension of Death and Rebirth / Maat = Cohesive Principle, Eternal Order of UniverseNut = Goddess of Sky ArchGeb = God of Earth Plane
Greek and Roman Cosmogeny Chaos = Primal VoidPhanes-Phusis = Light-Bringer & NatureErebus = Pervading ShadowsNyx = Goddess of Night
Native American Cosmology Taboo = Omnipresent Invisible ForceSpirits = Land of Natural WorldCreator = Revered DeityHero = Mythic Teacher
Norse / Germanic Cosmology Yggdrasil = Unifying World Tree, Three RootsHel = Beyond, Hell and Death, Journey in UnderworldWell of Mimir = Above, Wisdom, Jötnar Frost GiantsWell of Urdr = Below, Fate, Female Norns and Æsir
Fenno-Ugrean Kalevala Cosmogeny Waters = Root ExistencePrimal Egg = Source of CosmosHeaven = Upper HalfTerra = Lower Half

Mystical and Occult Systems
Reference[∞] Singularity [±] Balance [+] Dynamis [-] Neutralis
Alchemy: Process for Elixir Perfected State = Synthetic GoldTransmutation of ElementsCoagula = Joining TogetherSolve = Separating
Alchemy: Fundamental Elements Nigredo = Beyond, Dissolution, Blackening, Existential Individuation, Immortal True SelfRubedo = Middle, Unification, Reddening, Man & God, Limited & UnlimitedCitrinitas = Above, Sun, Gold, Yellowing, Technological, Operative, SpiritualizationAlbedo = Below, Moon, Silver, Whitening, Psychological, Contemplative, Purification
Hermetic Cosmology The All = The One, Supreme Mind, Universal MotherTheurgy = All Stars, Above & Below, Evil/Divine SpiritsSun = Alchemy, Investigation, ExperimentationMoon = Astrology, Patterns, Planetary Cycles
Thelema: Symbolic Phenomenology City of Pyramids = Unified in Primal DissolutionThelema, Night of Pan = Great Abyss Between Domains, Ego DeathRitual = Pattern of TransformationBabalon = Surrender as Babe of the Abyss
Thelema: Mystical Cultivation Ipsissimus = Non-dual Unlimited SourceSilent Higher Self = Holy Guardian AngelMagus = Potent Transformative WisdomMagick = Potent Accessible Formulae
Conspiracies: Illuminati Hierarchy White BrotherhoodSpecial PositionsHierarchy LevelAnarchy Level
Theosophy: Domains in Spiritual Hierarchy Highest NirvanaGreat Cosmic Solar OrbAlpha = Heavenly FatherOmega = Heavenly Mother

Buddhism and Taoism
Reference[∞] Singularity [±] Balance [+] Dynamis [-] Neutralis
Buddhist Paths Bodhi, Buddha = Enlightenment, The Enlightened OneVajrayana, Tantrayana = Diamond Vehicle, Tantric VehicleMahayana = Large Vehicle, Universal SalvationHinayana = Small Vehicle, Individual Salvation
Four Steps to Nirvana Arhat = Conqueror of Foes, NirvanaAnagami = Non-Returner, BalanceSakridagami = Once-Returner, ProgressSrotapanna = Stream-Enterer, Neutralization
Theravada Buddhist Practice Parinirvana = Ultimate CessationNirvana = Cessation of Being Vipassana = Perceptive MeditationSamatha = Tranquilizing Meditation
Arupa-Jhanas: Four Formless Meditative Absorptions Fourth = No Perception, No Non-perceptionThird = Perception of Infinite NothingnessSecond = Perception of Infinite Consciousness First = Perception of Infinite Space
Mahayana: Four Axioms of Heart Sutra Sunyam Sunyam = Emptiness is EmptinessRupam Rupam = Form is FormRupam Sunyam = Form is EmptinessSunyam Rupam = Emptiness is Form
Yogacara: One Mind Citta-matram = Cognition OnlyAlaya-vijnana & Tathagata-garbha = Seminal Consciousness / Buddha-WombManas = Dynamic MindKlista-manas = Afflicted Mind
Zen: Enlightenment Orientation Daigo = Absolute EnlightenmentShogo = Glimpsing EnlightenmentSatori = Sudden Flash of EnlightenmentKensho = Subject-Object Union, Buddha-Nature Insight
Vajrayana: Four Prime Wisdoms Tathata-jñana = Knowledge of Suchness Adarsa-jñana = Mirror-like Knowledge Pratyaveksana-jñana = Investigative Awareness Samata-jñana = Awareness of Sameness
Vajrayana Ösel: Levels of Prabhasvara Radiance Od-gsal = Pure RadianceBardo = Threshold StateLam-gyi Od-gsal = Inner Radiance of PathGzhi'i Od-gsal = Inner Radiance of Ground
Vajrayana: Six Yogas of Naropa Ösel (prabhasvara) = Yoga of Clear Radiant LightPhowa (samkranti) = Entrance to Buddha-FieldsMilam (svapna-darsana) & Bardo (antarabhava) = Dream Visions & Transitions Gyulu (mayakaya) & Tummo (candali) = Magical Body &; Low Mystic Heat
Buddhism: Bönpo Dzogchen Mysticism Rang Bzhin = Ultimate Unaltered NatureNgang, Kun Gzhi, Ka Dag = Condition, Basis of All, Primordial PurityGnas Lugs = Way of Beings, Pure-and-Perfect MindGzhi, Lhun Grub = Potentive Field, Spontaneous Accomplishment
Taoism: Singular and Bipolar Cosmogeny Wuji = Without Ultimate, Without Ridge-Pole Taiji = Supreme Ultimate, Great Ridge-Pole Yang = Positive, Dynamic Yin = Negative, Static
Taoism: Neidan Internal Alchemy Xian = Celestial ImmortalityQi = Natural Energy, Flow of Being, BreathShen = Spirit, ConsciousnessJing = Essence, Density, Genes

Classical Indic Religions
Reference[∞] Singularity [±] Balance [+] Dynamis [-] Neutralis
Vedas: Principal Theogenesis Soma = Mythic Nectar of GodsRita = Cosmic Order, Wheel of Existence Brahma, Prajapati = Fullness, Divine Father Aditi, Vac = Limitless Mother, Mystic Sound
Vedas: Sacrificial Theogenesis Sahasra-Sirsa-Purusha = Infinite BeingBreaking of Purusha = Derivative DivisionYajna Purusha = Pervasive BeingViraj = Born Reality
Vedas: Primal Cosmogeny Ajayamana = UnmanifestHiranyagarbha = Cosmic EggSvarga = HeavenPrithivi = Earth
Modern Hinduism: Triune Divine Brahman = Universal Spirit Vishnu = Sustainer, Balancer, Pacifying Knowledge Brahma = Creator, Dynamizer, Expanding Knowledge Shiva = Destroyer, Neutralizer, Contracting Knowledge
Puranas: Primal Cosmogeny Para-Brahma = Highest BeingSrishti-Lila = Cosmic Sport of CreationIsvara, Shaktiman = Energetic, Operator, InseminatorMaya, Shakti = Energy, Supporter, Bearer
Puranas: Universal Cosmology Paravyoma = Supreme LightMartya-Loka = Middle-WorldSvarga-Loka = Heavenly Bright WorldsBila-Svarga = Subterranean Dark Worlds

Specific Indian Religious Traditions
Reference[∞] Singularity [±] Balance [+] Dynamis [-] Neutralis
Shaivism: Primal TheogenesisMahadeva = Great DivinityArdhanarisvara = Synthesis, Half-Female DeityShaktiman = Energetic, Operator, InseminatorShakti = Energy, Supporter, Bearer
Shaivism: Tantric Cosmogeny Sadashiva = Omni-ShivaMaha-Yoga = Cosmic UnionLinga = Masculine, PhallusYoni = Feminine, Womb
Vaishnavism: Tantric Theogenesis Maha-Vishnu = Great CreatorKaranarnava, Yoga-Nidra = Ocean of Causes, Cosmic DreamSambhu = Masculine Inseminating GlowRamadevi = Divine Consort-Nature
Sri Chaitanya: Descent of Devotion Bhagavan = Adored OneBhakti-shakti = Potency & Goddess of DevotionBhakta-bhagavata = Devotee as PersonGrantha-bhagavata = Devotee as Message
Sri Chaitanya: Divine Love Mahabhava = Ultimate EmotionPrema = Union of LoveKrishna = Adored GodRadha = Adoring Goddess
Sri Chaitanya: Divine Manifestation: Lila = Infinite Wheel of PastimesHladini-shakti = Bliss Potency, RadhaSamvit-shakti = Cognitive Potency, KrishnaSandhini-shakti = Existential Potency, Primal Sattva
Tantric / Sahajiya: Path of Cultivation Sahaja-Siddhi = Natural Perfection, Cosmic UnionLaya, Maithuna, Nada = Absorption-Dissolution, Polarity Union, Sound in UltimacyShaktiman = Potent, MasculineShakti = Potency, Feminine
Tantric / Sahajiya: Field of Cultivation Apana = AttainmentAropana = Superimposition of DivinitySurati, Japa = Passion, Love-Making, Spoken PrayerNirati, Ajapa = Dispassion, Detachment, Silent Prayer
Sikhism: Primal Cosmology Nirankar = ShapelessHukam = Will and OrderVahiguru = The Great TeacherEk Onkar = One Primal Syllable

Classical Indic Philosophies
Reference[∞] Singularity [±] Balance [+] Dynamis [-] Neutralis
Internal Advaita Ajata = Unborn Nonduality Atman is Brahman = Nondual Unity Brahman is Spirit Atman is Spirit
External Advaita Brahman = Nondual SpiritParamatman = Supreme SelfIshvara = Supreme DeityJiva = Sentient Being
Kashmiri Shaivism Anuttara = Unsurpassed UltimateSvatantrya = Self-Dependency, Action-and-FreedomSpanda, Shiva = Masculine, Primal ConsciousnessAham, Shakti = Feminine, Heart Space
Vedantic Ontology Jagat = Brahman = World is SpiritAnanyatva = Non-differenceKarana = CauseKarya = Effect
Vedantic Attributes of Spirit Advaya-para-tattva = Nondual Supreme StrataAnanda = Endless BlissCit = Cognitive LuminescenceSat = Existential Foundation
Raja-Yoga: Ultimate ConsciousnessNirvikalpa, Adrasta = Undifferentiated, UnseenSavikalpa, Dristi = Differentiated, SeeingAtma, Drasta = Self, SeerPrakriti, Drishya = Nature, Seen
Raja-Yoga: Five Root PoisonsAvidya = IgnoranceAsmita = EgoismRaga = AttachmentDvesa = Aversion
Vedanta: Ladder of Liberation Videha-mukta = Unembodied LiberationJivanmukta = Liberated While LivingGuru = Potent TeacherSisya = Receptive Student
Natya-Shastra: Foundations of Experience Santa = Tranquility, Source of EmotionsSadharani-karana = Relish by Reflective GeneralizationRasa = Culmination of RaptureSattva = Clear Reflective Heart
Sankhya: Fundamental Principal Analysis Moksha = LiberationSatkarya = Cause-in-EffectPurusha = Masculine, Spirit, EffectorPrakriti = Feminine, Matter, Ingredient

Indic Cultivation Methodologies
Reference[∞] Singularity [±] Balance [+] Dynamis [-] Neutralis
Four Paths of Yoga Jnana = Wisdom, Cognitive LiberationRaja-Yoga = Great Mystic UnionBhakti = Devotion, Spiritual ZealKarma = Service, Dispassionate Action
Vedanta: Cultivation of Wisdom Jnana = WisdomNididhyasana = Absorbed ContemplationManana = ContemplationSravana = Hearing
Tantra: Basic Mechanisms Siddhi = PerfectionTantra = WeavingMantra = Invocation Yantra = Pattern
Hatha-Yoga: Kundalini Energy Dynamics Sahasrara, Maha-Siddha = Union at Crown Lotus, Great ImmortalitySiddha = Emergent Union, Rising KundaliniKundalini = Serpentine Current of PowerChakras = Energetic Lotus Centers
Hatha-Yoga: Energetic Nadi Conduits Siddhi = Perfection, ImmortalitySusumna = Balanced Breath, Medullar LinkPingala = Solar Serpentine, Right, Red, PositiveIda = Lunar Serpentine, Left, Pale, Negative
Yoga: Contemplation Objects Nirguna Brahma = Unqualified SpiritTuriya-bhagavat-sabda = Transdimensional Sound-with-GodMahati atma = Great Soul in the FabricAvyakta-mahat-sutra = Undecaying Thread of Fabric
Yoga: Mystic Perfections Kamavasayita = Termination of Desires, Supreme BlissVasita = Mastery and Dominion, Root NaturePrakamya = Fulfillment of DesiresTri-kala-jñatva = Knowledge of Past, Present and Future
Yoga: Spiritual Attainments Parama-ananda = Supreme BlissTuriya narayana = Transdimensional AbodeAvyakta-janma = Undecaying ExistenceSarvajñatva = Temporal Omniscience
Jainism: Process of Liberation Nirvana = Final ReleaseArhat, Jina = Victorious StateAvipaka Nirjara = Ascetic PracticeSavipaka Nirjara = Submission to Fate

While there will invariably be diverging nuances in the interpretation of the exact relationships between the four basic elements of Singularity, Balance, Dynamis and Neutralis, their fundamental principles are identical enough to justify a level field of agreement. There are, after all, countless differences in the interpretation over levels of apotheosis and scopes of relationship and identity even within traditions themselves. Such disputes and disagreements tend to fall within the domain of theological pedantry and elitistic sophistry, and have little to do with the heart of the matter; the basic patterns tend to be relatively simple and elementary.

Sometimes the principal roles in formulations such as these are seen to mirror each others' qualities, because Dynamis always holds a seed of Neutralis and vice versa. They are both rooted in the same Primal Unity, and reveal different emphases in accordance with the observer's perspective and projections. This easily turns Good into Evil, Gods into Demons, Messiahs into Antichrists, filtering through the narrow human lense unable or unwilling to contextualize against a broader perspective. Despite this, the direct and elementary reality underlying names and forms — once experienced and immersed — is eerily identical in nature. The experience itself naturally points to a fundamental underlying unity in all archetypes and purposes.

In advancing this quest for unity, symmetry and synergy in reconciling human perspectives, the above opening four-part grid should provide a useful starting point of general correlations in making headway towards a better reconciled world. This model is presented in the spirit of open-source conceptual development and evolution. The intention is not to introduce artificial universals or forced correlation; the model aims to serve in accurately reflecting the fundamental principles of diverse traditions of thought. Therefore, it should be subject to critique and revisions wherever necessary.

"Venus Dancing in Light and Shadows" — A fresh winter morning perspective
in a composite picture of the Morning Star, Planet of Reconciled Polarities.

Poetic Conclusions: Call for Balance and Feedback

The groundwork for this paper began with inspiration on the 10th of October, 2010, gazing at the skies through the crisp night air in late autumn of Helsinki. It was a beautiful clear sky, and Venus was particularly bright that night — almost frozen in her twinkle at the sky with her two horns raised, her two arms spread, and skirt of rays flowing below. Like the Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Greeks knew Venus as both Phosphoros, Morning Star and Bringer of Light, as well as Hesperos, Evening Star and Son of Dusk. The Hellenistic world realized their unity and named the planet after Aphrodite, their goddess of love. It's hard to argue against a Bipolar Planet of Love on the need for balance on 10-10-10 at 10 PM on a tranquil night.

Then, Venus is Love and Balance with Dynamis and Neutralis married; Hesperus is Phosphorus, Form is Emptiness, One Father is One Son, One Allah with One Will, while Yin and Yang dance on the plateau of Singularity. It does not have to be awfully complicated, if only we are willing to take a step beyond our complicated and entangled perspective, reaching for the fundamentals of our existence — whether the Four Directions, Four Interactions or Four Archangels, whether for the Father and Son, for the God and Goddess, or for other primal symbols of our preference. We are all after the same universal aims; let us make the most out of our collective human potential, seeking to unify more than diversify. Unification leads to Singularity, and Diversification leads to Entropy.

Readers interested in the concepts and models of this paper are cordially invited to provide liberal feedback — critique, compliments, contributions and clarifications are all equally welcome. More detailed explanations of the variables and relations in Table #1 will be available in an interactive model at the Systemic Spirituality website. Upcoming overviews of Wisdom Singularity Flow Model will discuss the 4x and 8x spheres, the four cardinal levels and the eight principal spokes of the Wisdom Wheel, exploring many (but certainly not all) of the systems of thought referenced in this paper.

Until the next installment in the phenomenal derivation of the Wisdom Singularity Flow Model, readers interested in more angles into this model are welcome to follow the Systemic Spirituality page at Facebook or join our LinkedIn discussion group for more in-depth exchanges on many of these themes, along with a general platform for discussing anything Beyond, Between, Above or Below and that may be relevant. More on "BBAB", linear molecules and the rest in the course of next week.